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The final matchup



I had a nice birthday. I had cake and pizza, we played Scattergories, I opened one present (nothing much, just a Carl's Jr. gift card and a $20 bill.) from my sister. If you remember, Mom got me my new office chair for my office room.

I also took some time to work on Stupidman. I went to sleep at about 7 p.m., way past my bedtime. And I woke up at 5 a.m. My stomach is acting up. It doesn't hurt, but I've been farting up a storm recently. So I finished the final match between Stupidman and Mr. Germ. I also made some new sound effects for it, and put in a sound effect for bumping into walls. I also redid the museum yesterday so it looks better.

So now here's what I have to do left:

  • compose and put in a new end match song
  • programming the ending
    • compose and put in and ending song
    • program the rest of the ending.
  • look for bugs

So that's what I did on my birthday and the morning after it (It's now abour 8 a.m., so there's still some morning left on November 3.)


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