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Posts posted by ErickRPG

  1. 1 minute ago, TDIRunner said:

    The TMNT cabs were $299 on Black Friday, but I never go shopping on those days.  Even though they were announced at $399 at launch, I always see them for $350.  Even though it seems like a fair deal, I still don't want to pay that much right now.  

    Me either for that cab even though I love the game.  After seeing Golden Axe and the built in scanlines.  Looks so much better.

  2. 1 hour ago, arch_8ngel said:

    The device is running Zen pinball, right?

    Presumably it would only be directly capable of supporting tables that are programmed into that software.

    I'm sure the modding community will get it supporting other virtual pinball software, though, fairly quickly.

    Yeah I'm going to be keeping an eye on that VERY closely.  The thing for me is just get that machine that has the art I like the most.  And use that as my mod unit.

  3. 1 hour ago, G-type said:

    I don't think it will include Monster Bash, as I believe they are doing a separate machine for Universal licenses. 

    Some of my other favorite Williams machines are Theatre of Magic, Funhouse, and Medieval Madness (even though its somewhat of a pallete swap for Attack from Mars)

    I do like Funhouse and Taxi quite a bit.  I guess I'll have to see overall what tables come with that cab.  If they announce a Universal Cab with Monster Bash as the hero game and cabinet art, then I will 100% wait to get that one.

  4. 15 hours ago, Nintegageo said:

    Watching a YT video and it's like a copy/paste script at this point to say WW has aged better. No it hasn't! I enjoy the game but visually, Twilight Princess looks nicer. Obviously this is an opinion thing, but it's annoying that no one seems to want to state otherwise publicly lest they be shunned by the gaming community.

    Just a rant :), darn Youtube.

    I think because WW uses a simpler cell shaded style it's easier to update to HD and look just like a beautiful unique art style.  Having aid that, I would buy WWHD and TPHD on Switch and love both of them.

  5. 9 hours ago, G-type said:

    Attack from Mars is one of my favorite pins, but I wouldn't never be able to afford or fit the real thing in my house... I want this bad!

    If Attack from Mars (they said they want at least 10 tables) has Monster Bash and  Cirqus Voltaire I think I'd buy it day one.  Those are 2 of my absolute favorite Williams games.  I played them so much on pinball arcade.  Would be awesome to own them as a virtual pinball machine.  If they are doing only Midway then I either hope they let you buy tables for any machine you own or just hope for a Williams announce at E3.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Sumez said:

    I'd say repairing a real arcade cabinet is always gonna be a lot easier than repairing an arcade1up 😛
    But in this context I guess the point is that they're essentially disposable and easy to replace completely.

    That said, if they're truly gonna retail for $400, that price ruins the primary argument going for them. Waiting for a clearance sale/price drop must be the way to go. 🙂 I've seen the older ones sold for absurdly cheap.

    I think it's more of a hassle.  But if you can be patient and buy last years version sure that could save you some dough.  Arcade1up has the ease of moving size and weight advantage, and easy of entry for casuals.  I'm not gonna compare myself to a pinball or arcade fanatic that is willing to put in the time researching, chatting, and tracking down specific things you need.  Arcade1up has the casual plug and play element too.  I truly believe these are marketed to people like me unwilling to go the extra mile to build or buy a heavy arcade or pinball cab.

  7. I'm way too hyped for this things.  I already am intent on getting a golden tee + ssb and Attack from Mars pinball.  Understand I don't have any of these yet so I'm salivating to get one into my home.  Those 2 games both have unique controls (they aren't standard button arcade games) So I'm even more hyped to get into it.

  8. these new cabs will be $400 day one prob eventually discounted to $250 - $300 but I gotta say the quality seems to be going up.  Better screens, better sticks and buttons.  Look at the build in scanlines on goldenaxe for example, and now virtual pinball.  They are upping there game for sure.

    And I gotta say, while I do like the idea of modding with like 300+ arcade games.  They seem to be raising the amount of games in each cab.  Look at the old pacman with 2 games.  The new one looks better, and has like 6 pacman games and galaga.  I think they are going the right route with trying to increase the number of built in options for each cab.  Heck even golden tee is going to include a bowling game now.  Sweet.

  9. i mean you simply just google the name of a genesis game with rom at the end and the first few recommended sites are usually big rom sites.  I was able to get even obscure games like the english version of Star Odyssey that way.  Just don't download anything that isn't a zip file.  No .exe or .bat you know those are immediate virus.

  10. yeah size is a big deal.  Compared with the fact that arcades use CRT and there is additional worry of repair or hassle tracking down replacements.  These are small, light weight, quick to build.  AND modable if you wish.  It will be much cheaper to get an arcade1up pinball and mod it to a visual pinball machine than buying all of the parts to build your own full size visual pinball machine.

  11. not interested in that company, on top of that fact that I will never ever "blow up" a portable game to a screen.  I'm more than happy playing them on my actual portables.

  12. 1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

    Why not?  They did it for the 3DS, barely for DSi, and a lot for the GB Color.  There's no reason not to because you can make hybrids that'll cross over but perform better, and then you really tap that processor/memory setup and you can go nuts on a new tier of quality.  Given it is a handheld and their history shows they do this with handhelds, I would find it more unbelievable if they didn't do it.  This isn't just a console where you squeak out something a bit nicer in quality but keep it going anyway on the old like PS4 vs Pro, it's not even in the realm of that things price either.

    I mean it is possible.  I guess I should elaborate what I'm feeling.  I mean I don't think they will make any of their major exclusives like BOTW 2 as Pro only.  Another thing to remember, The New 3DS was still underpowered compared to their consoles.  So even the port of Xenoblade Chronicles had to be downgraded.  With a possible Switch Pro it's different.  There is nothing they can port from their past catalogue that the Standard switch itself can't handle.  So they would have to develop a brand new game for Pro only.  And think about it.  Are they really doing to develop a 1st party game that only 15% of their install base can play?  It's just not gonna happen.

  13. So bump to add a question.

    Some of my roms won't load.  I know they are working elsewhere.  like Buck Rogers and Legend of Wukong.  I know on SNES Classic there is a way to add more compatibility.  On project Lunar there is an option to add more retroarch cores.  What I want to do is add more compatibility but I don't want to have to enter into the retroarch section of the main menu.  What is the proper way to do that?  See in the SNES the main menu stays the same.  On Genesis Mini you can go into a completely different retroarch section so I'm worried retroarch cores will force mt to not use that spiffy default menu with box arts.

  14. space is one of them for sure.  Probably the biggest one.  I mean I can fit 3-4 of these against my wall and they won't protrude out enough to really crowd the room.   Ease of access.  Not having to track down people/parts/shipping.  Just simply purchase online and get a brand new item delivered to your door.

  15. The taller you all the more it will suck.  I'm 5'9" so I hope with the risers it will be a comfortable play.  I plan to get a couple of these.  This new 2020 batch is looking super cool.  Those built in scanlines in Golden Axe looks awesome.  The new pacman cab looks awesome.  And a bowling game with the golden tee cab?  Damn I'm excited.

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