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Code Monkey

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Posts posted by Code Monkey

  1. 9 hours ago, Nesmaster said:

    I got them about a week ago. My thoughts:

    - The GB ones are fine

    - The NES ones suck. Vertically they're roughly 1/4" too big. The width is too tight for my comfort. Horizontal is cello dependent. I bought them for sealed games and am not comfortable even trying to get them in due to the width. For CIBs they are a hard MAYBE, but forget games with too many inserts/maps/bag.

    Regarding the cases themselves, they are pretty amateur in the finished product:

    - The sliding bottom is about 50/50 for being a good fit vs. sliding right out. Some are the wrong length and extend from the end of the case, albeit not a lot. But still.

    - Visible cut marks in the acrylic 

    - Most of the corners are ridged and ugly

    - The one rounded end on the top has minor heat bulge

    The PET cases on the other hand, might be my favorite kind I've tried out of 4-5 kinds. Very happy with those. I would not buy acrylic there again.


    a) I ordered 21 of these the same day as you and they haven't even shown up in Canada Post's tracking system yet.

    b) I ordered 21 of these and I feel like I won't even want them now.

    • Sad 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, Nes Freak said:

    The first deal was done on ebay for the first load so no terms were violated.  you only violate their terms if you go outside of ebay before the purchace is made. afterward you can pass emails numbers street addresses and they dont care.      he sent a second load outside of ebay cause i wanted him to have a better deal on repairs.  so instead of paying 600 plus shipping for 24 displays repaired he only payed 450 plus shipping.

    i dont know what your reading but i did what i could. first i told him to file the fedex claim.  i had my sister check my work space  just for the benefit of the doubt that they some how fell out of the box wile packing them.  which they didnt.

    He knew it was insured i told him up front before he mailed them out that it will include 1200 total insurance which he paid for extra.  that was a fat lie on his part.


    yeah if i didnt insure them then that understandable but in this case they were insured fully  i always insure for protection.  and i expect him to not be an arse wipe scammer thats what i expect.

    It's painful trying to decipher the plethora of spelling and grammar mistakes. Do you see all those red lines under the words you type? Try making them go away, they represent spelling mistakes.

    Unless they changed it recently, the seller has to make the claim, not the buyer, FedEx will only deal with the shipper for insurance so you asked him to do something you should have done.

    And I guess you saying you would insure the package is enough that he should have believed you. You're right, next time I do a $500 deal with someone across the country whom I've never met, I'll believe everything they tell me. It must be true.

    Stepping back into reality, if I did such a large deal with a stranger, I don't care what they told me. I would file a claim with PayPal until they do the work to figure it out. Make the claim, send me the claim release, do whatever it is you have to do to get yourself out of this mess. As long as I'm covered either way, I'm not concerned about it. Now if there's some way I, as the buyer, can help you, let me know but if FedEx won't deal with me then I don't have a lot of options. You have to see the logic in his actions that he didn't want to allow the possibility of missing the opportunity for a PayPal claim and also being stuck with you lying about the insurance. I'm not mad at you, it's just irresponsible for you to expect him to believe a stranger.

    I don't understand why you can't call up FedEx and get the money from the insurance, it's not like you're out anything. That's what insurance is for.

  3. I want to make sure I understand this correctly.

    1. You solicit this guy to do a deal outside of eBay which is against eBay's terms of service and user agreement, effectively giving them reason to close your account and ban you from future deals.

    2. The guy contacts you to do something about his problem and you don't do anything because you're on vacation. If you're running a business,  you need to make sure someone is able to handle it while you're away. You should have had someone else contacting FedEx and working on it.

    3. The guy files a PayPal claim to make sure he gets covered because he doesn't know for sure if FedEx insured the package or not and you refuse to send him the claim release until he drops the claim. But if he drops the claim, he has no proof  you'll send the release.


    I have to say I would have done exactly what he did, make sure I was covered, either by FedEx or by PayPal. And if you refuse to help me get the money back from FedEx, well you can pay for it then. I really don't understand what it is you expected him to do differently.

    • Wow! 1
  4. Be careful, a lot of cats wander around all day but are owned by someone. My neighbour lets his cat out every morning and calls it back in every night, even through Canadian winters like today. It followed me to my door a few times and looked like it wanted to come in but I knew he'd be looking for it soon.

  5. 5 hours ago, m308gunner said:

    Well now I'm not sure what NTSC really means. My assumption was that games released in the USA were NTSC. 

    I'm mainly looking to see what games that were not released in North America are worth seeking out. Getting alot of good ideas so far. Next step after this is to find carts 😛

    Well there were 1500 games released for the Famicom and 700 for the NES. That leaves you with about 800 games to find gems.

  6. 1 hour ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    If you know what area you want to focus on, make sure you come out of college with a certification or two in it.   That will make your resume stick out a bit to potential employers.

    I disagree. I'm hiring a few developers for my team now and I just skip over certifications. People tell me they're A+ Microsoft certified........so? Does that mean you can install printer drivers better than the next guy? Who cares? My team is a complete Microsoft free zone, I don't allow Windows on any of our machines. We do all of our development and run all of our servers in Linux.

  7. I have a bachelor's degree in computer science and have been working in the field for 15 years. I'm glad I didn't specialize in something just because it was popular 15 years ago, who knows if it would still be popular today. At least with the general degree, I have the option to specialize in whatever I want to learn.

    • Like 1
  8. On 11/19/2019 at 9:34 PM, 0xDEAFC0DE said:

    How do you handle games that come from the same series but are adjacent alphabetically (e.g. Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link), or even adjacent but in the wrong order chronologically (e.g. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword).

    Still alphabetically.

    I have lots of split series:

    • The Legend Of Zelda
    • Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link


    • Wizards & Warriors
    • Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II
    • Wizards & Warriors III


    There's one that's really weird, I think it's Bases Loaded 1-4:

    • Bases Loaded
    • Bases Loaded 3
    • Bases Loaded 4
    • Bases Loaded II: The Second Season

    .....because the letter I is alphabetically after 3.

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