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Posts posted by ninjistar

  1. 13 hours ago, jonebone said:

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but as I'm finally trying to knock out the NES licensed set, I want to make sure that my checklist is 100% accurate.  I don't even know where I got it from but I know some people on here have iron clad lists?

    Ideally I'd like to do Licensed + Tengen so I'd be curious if anyone has a Licensed vs. Unlicensed list?

    Also, is there any general rule about duplicate games?  Examples:

    Pac-man Namco vs. Licensed (And then Tengen Pac-Man)
    Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt (as Separate Games) vs. SM / DH on a cart


    Appreciate any insight, thanks!

    It seems as though you've already received the answers to your questions here. I love talking about the NES set!  Here are a few of my experiences...

    I started my full set pursuit around 2012. When I found NA, I used the full set list from the games database. I recently put my set together again (I had moved and not unboxed it all). I have a loose licensed set. There were a few things in the NA list that bugged me. Alphabetization was the biggest one. Tulpa's list above looks exactly like what I ended up with (after reading my old NA spreadsheet AND the list on Wikipedia). As already mentioned by others, 677 carts is the most common agreed-upon number that I have seen over time. Then there's Tengen. Once you get into Color Dreams, American Video Entertainment, Camerica, and Wisdom Tree, you add a lot to your list. Some folks also count homebrew, though I don't think that makes a lot of sense. But again, it's all about what you want to do. I think both the licensed and unlicensed stuff that was originally released for the NES during it's production days is awesome. If you want any of these sub-lists, let me know and I'll PM them to you. 

  2. It seems as though everyone is put off by the lack-luster deals at GameStop going forward. I'm with you. Here's another thought... who will fill their gap if they go under? Buying new games there has never been something I like. This is mostly due to their 'open box / I gave it a sticker so it's still new' crap. But when it comes to being able to get access to inventory on a national level (store X has that game you want, we can ship it here for you), this will be a real loss for the game hunter.  I also feel that GameStop is a bit more loose in their policies, allowing us access to things that will certainly be harder to get at elsewhere (kiosks, NFR items, and posters are just a few examples). It will be interesting to see how this plays out...

  3. Hey Jimbo, it's your former lover, Ninji. I say "lover" in the most platonic sense possible. Anyway, it has been a long time since you walked out on me and left me in the cold. Since it's your birthday (and/or the Royal Rumble), I think it's only fair that you share with me some pictures of Kickle. How I miss that sweet, sweet Kickle. Please return Kickle to me else I may have to come eat all of your pizza, drink your beer, and shave @Murray's head.

    With all of my love. Your biggest fan,

    - ninji


    • Haha 3
  4. 36 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    Nice! How many carts does it hold?

    It will hold up to 864 carts. The depth is perfect for NES carts as well. There will be a slight gap at the top of each row, but since it's consistent across the shelf, it still looks decent. I don't think I'll be storing carts on the bottom row, but I haven't fully decided what I'll use that row for yet. I may display some figures or other decorative items. I'm happy to put my NES set on display again!

  5. 19 hours ago, DorkOverlord said:

    After listening to the latest Collector's Quest podcast, I decided to go back and track all the games I bought last year...


    Shit...I thought it was far less...I think that's the most I've ever bought in a year. I mean, my shelves are full and happy, but my wallet is not. And I've already bought 12 games so far this year, which is almost one per day. I really feel like I need to slow down. So, I ask....am I alone, or am I just being hard on myself? What do your spending habits look like? 

    My advice: if your gut says slow down, then you should listen. I can assure you that there are people buying both more and less than you did last year. But it doesn't matter what others are doing. Some of the best advice I've heard about how to keep track of / keep your collecting in check goes back to financial planning (if you haven't already done this). Your gaming budget should come out as play money and after absolutely everything else has been met (even, say, saving for vacation). If you do this, you will likely worry less about what you've spent on games because you will have (hopefully!) met all of your other financial obligations _before_ you bought something!  It's a win-win, if you ask me. I hope this is helpful and doesn't come off badly! I wish you the best in your collecting journey. 

    For the record, until recently, I hadn't been collecting games for about 2 years. I probably picked up 10 - 20 games each year during that time. These are things that were released I wanted or hoped to play for modern consoles. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, guillavoie said:

    On more materialistic matter, we've been talking here and there about a possible return of the trophy made carts. Is that something you guys would like to see for 2020?

    Yes. Very yes. This is actually what got me to join the contests in 2015. I had hoped this would be a thing again!  I'm willing to help contribute in some way as well to make this happen. 

    As for games.... [ redacted rant, nearly unintelligible due to staring at screens all day ]. List below:

    Felix the Cat



    Contra Force

    Kickle Cubicle


    Whatever gets picked, perhaps we can include a game or two that hasn't been played in the contests before?

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, guillavoie said:

    Just saw your post! I haven't had the time to work on this yet, but I'm still considering making putting forward this project at some point, so any help would be appreciated.

    I have all the NA threads backed up in Firefox Saved web page format (100 posts - or less - per page). My goal would be to host these somewhere where you can easily navigate from folders organized in years and weeks, and then you'd have the threads page in order for said week. If you have any idea to give on how to host this, I'd be all hear.

    Otherwise, another simple option would be to simply setup a cloud hosting of it all organized in folders (I have them organized on my computer) and share the whole thing in download. Anyone who would want it could simply download it and then use it with a proper version of Firefox.


    I will PM you 😛 

  8. Hey all!

    NOTE:  I assume NA selling rules apply, so these items are all for offer until I post some prices! Time to sell some extra stuff! Want in? Check it all out below!  Pics upon request. This list will be in constant edit mode while I add things and cross off items that have been sold. If you have any questions, let me know.  Below is a link to my NA feedback thread via archive.org. 


    UPDATE: I now have VGS feedback as well!

    Prices do not include shipping.  

    Misc items

    Street Fighter 30th anniversary funko pop box (GameStop exclusive, brand new) Pic #1 ]   [ Pic #2 ]   [ Pic #3 ]

    Misc sealed Star Wars figures (recent years, brand new)

    K'nex Mario Kart Wii / Mario Kart 7 series racecars (brand new, sealed) 

    Mario Kart Wii tote bag (new with tag) Pic #5 ]

    Misc sealed Transformer figures (recent years, brand new)

    Misc World of Nintendo figures (all brand new, sealed) Pic #4 ]

    Disney Infinity Yoda figure (v3.0) (brand new, sealed) Pic #4 ]

    Logictech Prodigy G233 wired gaming headset (blue; brand new, sealed)

    Skytech gaming mouse (brand new)




    - Puyo Puyo Tetris (brand new, sealed)


    - Dragon Quest Heroes II (brand new, sealed)


    - Digger T Rock (cart only) - $15
    - Spiderman - Return of the Sinister Six (cart only) -  $6
    - Lee Travino's Fighting Golf (cart only, fairly minty) - $5

    (more to come as I comb through my NES carts)



    Silver GameCube SOLD!

    SNES console (original version)


  9. 1 hour ago, 8bitsupremacy said:

    Yes they are exactly those, and when I got mine I had to buy a 5th just to harvest a few extra shelf pieces from to hold an entire loose cart set on four of them (as per the advice of someone on NintendoAge I was messaging at the time)...also when i got mine they were sold out everywhere and the 5th of the 5 I scheduled to pick up was an open box one returned by someone else, and was the very last shelf in stock.  After that I have recommended them to others but it seems they were discontinued, and I may have literally obtained the last ones available in Chicago area as only one location even showed up on my list of available pickup spots.  This was probably two years ago now. 😕

    It seems as though my worst fear for this project has been realized. Dang. I REALLY was excited at how well these fit into my space and displayed NES carts!  I was hoping to not go the custom route again, but I may have to do so. I guess I'll have to shoot for the top now! 😛 

  10. So this was my shelving solution for my NES set back in 2015-2017. A painted, home-made, custom built shelf designed for NES carts


    I was pretty pleased with this. I've since moved and this no longer works in my new house. @8bitsupremacy I noticed in your post above that you mentioned having the Mainstays media shelves from Walmart. Are you sure that's what they are and where they're from?  I have a few of those but hadn't considered using them for NES carts before. I want to use 4 of those now to house my NES set, but I can't seem to find them for sale anywhere. I'm wondering if they're still available. Any help would be appreciated!

    • Like 3
    • Wow! 2
  11. I guess I'm not "in the know" about what's trendy or cool with gaming opinions LOL. I don't think I ever played much Twilight Princess. However, I have played a fair bit of WW over the years (including as recently as last month). I was a bit put off by the fuzziness in WW, but still was happy to play it. I settled on buying a GameCube HD adapter and using a DOL-001 model cube (and enabling progressive scan mode, of course). This is a MUCH more enjoyable experience! It almost gives new life to the game graphically. There are YouTube videos out there comparing with and without such adapters, but here are some shots that I took and shared with friends:








    • Like 2
    • Wow! 1
  12. ninji@pwn$ mysql -u root --host db.videogamesage.com
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    Just kiddin' Kyle. But I didn't actually try it, so I hope you have a password set 😄


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