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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. @zxdplayI wish you luck in doing what you want and what you think is best. I disagree with your plan, but respect your right to do with your IP as you please.

    That said, if you change your mind, I and the staff here at VGS would be happy to create a private discord room where maybe we could find a way to rerelease your game, make alterations to the rom to distinguish it from the original release, and find a way to work with the hardware that isn’t overly burdensome. You would retain ownership of the IP, and would get our help with advertising and additional art in exchange for a share of the profits. Our offer is always open. 

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  2. 10 hours ago, zxdplay said:

    I didn't dodge verifying my real identity, I just don't know how to verify it.

    I don’t think the pictures are sufficient for me, there are plenty of photos of the box and manual out there that one could easily just print those photos. Why do you have so many more copies of those if you didn’t make more copies?

    Anyway, John Riggs gave me the email address from which the developer conversed with him. It is not the same email you used to register here. That alone isn’t an issue, but worth making sure. I sent an email to the email account Riggs gave me yesterday. Your identity would be confirmed in my eyes if you responded to my email.

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  3. I agree with the sentiment that the NFTs are not geared toward us, but there is value as members of the homebrew community in pointing out that the dev scene is more active than it was when Star Keeper came out and from what I’ve seen, are good indications that the NFTs won’t work with the target audience.

    Devs are most excited about their own projects and many of them are too slammed to take on other projects, even at the prospect of direct payment or a share of future profits. Therefore I believe that the idea of devs buying an NFT dubiously connected to a very one-sided contract to make a hack of a game that they wouldn’t even the get the source code to play with would appeal to them. Why pay money to get so little when they can do their own Star Keeper-inspired game without paying a dime? Look at Matt Hughson’s latest project, which is his style and skill applied to a SMB1 type of game. Or Gradual Games’ Trophy, his love letter to Mega Man.

    I’m sorry but no one is going to enrich you for what amounts to little more than permission to do something they can already do for free.

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  4. You suggest all things carry risks, so why aren’t the risks with NFTs acceptable? It’s because, as has been stated here, most of the people interested in your game are here, and most of those have made it clear they have no interest in an NFT. We are literally telling you that we aren’t buying what you’re selling.

    An alternative to Kickstarter would be Indiegogo. But I repeat my offer to get your game published through the VGS/Mega Cat Studios partnership. Yes it would require additional work on your part, but that’s the nature of being able to do anything with your source code and it’s custom mapper and moving it something more scalable.

    One final point that hasn’t been raised publicly: for all these NFTs, licensing, and the money surrounding it, you need to confirm your identity to us in some meaningful way. 87arts on NintendoAge rarely posted, and disappeared as quickly as he appeared on the site. Your Twitter consists of 13 tweets, all except one were made in the last month or so. You are placing a strong emphasis on options that get you money upfront and give little to the people who pay you. And anyone can make an NFT. I hope you can understand my feeling suspicious. How do we know you are the bonafide developer of Star Keeper?

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  5. 1 hour ago, a3quit4s said:

    @Scrobins oh I’ve been looking at some of his homebrews but his prices are asinine. I looked through sold listings for nes homebrews and he hasn’t sold one thing. I sent him an offer for something for what I thought was a fair price and he sent back a counteroffer that was like $30 bucks of his like $1,000 BIN. He has a copy of KYFF that you are looking for as well for I think like $4k lol

    Try just under 23k lol

    • Wow! 1
  6. I updated my post to include the Famicom edition of Haratyler MP, as well as the Gold edition of Copper Jacket, which according to the dev has an incorrectly configured region chip (that maybe someone savvy can fix into working)

  7. I’ve done some IP sale contract work and collaboration agreements for a couple of devs in the community. I genuinely want to do more in this area to bring my skills to bear for my friends here. But as has already been mentioned, I wouldn’t work for free. And frankly I, nor any other attorney worth their salt, would touch a contract that you’ve already put out there that is entangled with pseudo smart financial tech that you clearly do not understand. That is a malpractice mess waiting to happen.

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  8. My attitude is this: I like your game, I have your game, I am pro-other people being able to play, but this NFT idea sounds like you want to collect money without doing anything.

    Your game is popular because it is well-executed and the story behind why it is rare is interesting. The story within the game however is not particularly innovative and the only reason anyone would license it would be to capitalize on the mystique behind your development and the game’s rarity, and that doesn’t interest me at all.

    I am pro homebrew games, anti NFT, and anti opportunism because I would not be interested in other people effectively hacking the game to make their own Star Keeper clone. And as an attorney, nothing about your approach to NFTs or the contract sounds like something that would be appealing to a licensee.

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