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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. I don’t want to lock threads. These are fun topics for sharing perspectives on collecting. There is zero reason for these comparisons equating disagreeing on aspects of games to bigotry. You dilute the significance of that harm where it actually occurs and undermine others’ ability to take your logic seriously.

    C’mon guys, I just became a mod, don’t make me punch the whole bingo card in my first month by giving warning points.

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  2. I think it’s ultimately your store and you have the right to refuse service, especially if you have strong reason to believe they are effectively stealing from you.

    It’s certainly hard to protect against unless you take the added, and often prohibitive cost of making the game undumpable. While I agree that sellers leave potential money on the table by not pursuing all possible revenue streams, it’s their prerogative what they do with their blood, sweat, and tears.

    And while advocating for more digital availability of games is a worthwhile effort, dumping those games to make a little coin yourself does not make you Robin Hood or a “preservationist” (I use quotes because there are actual preservationists out there, and unless you consistently work toward such an archive, you’re just a cheap jerk making excuses because you can’t get what you want by legitimate means). It just makes you a thief with a poor attitude of “who’s going to stop me?”

  3. 54 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

    Plus, we have People like Tanooki who openly advocate for stealing others IP by dumping games and making repros, so everything is fair game nowadays. 

    Let’s please focus 🧘‍♂️ on the merits of the question posed rather than devolve into unprovoked personal invective.

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