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Everything posted by retro.magnus

  1. Yeah the shrink feels exactly the same as all my other sealed DC games. I had just never seen wear like this copy has on the manual before!
  2. So I took a look at other sealed DC games I have and there seems to be 2 diff types of seals. One has the Y folds on the left & right sides of the case & the other has the Y fold on the top of the sides then on the bottom. This lines up with a few Jet Grind Radio's listed on eBay right now. AFAIK WATA only notes DC seals as First Party Y seam (at least that's all I've seen on heritage). Added 3 pics showing the 2 diff types
  3. Same shit happened on my orders when they changed the Select price from $35 to $45. I panicked and had to email them asking why I was being charged an extra $10 per game after they had had them for months. I wasn't actually charged any extra, just their shoddy website. The price was probably just updated on the back end and as long as nothing broke they shipped the code. Hell, they may not have even tested it before they changed
  4. How long did what part take? I submitted 2 Select orders in June of last year. Got one back in Sept and part of the second order back yesterday. DVD sized games are still with WATA. The order that fully shipped went into Grading on 7/12 & was shipped the next day. The order that I only have part of went into Grading on 6/23 and moved to Post Grading sometime the week of 7/19.
  5. Hey all, I'm not super knowledgeable on Dreamcast. Just got this in and there is some wear on manual (top corner of spine & front where the plastic bumper that hold the manual in is). Anyone have an idea if this has been resealed or not? https://imgur.com/a/hSdiCAG
  6. You should be fine then, I had SNES, PS1, & GB games that shipped. It was the Wii & Gamecube that are still with WATA.
  7. Sorry for the double quote. I just checked my order and all the DVD sized games did not ship, so only part of my order is coming back. Hopefully your game isn't DVD sized, if so it will probably be backed up even further
  8. I finally got my second order from June 2020 shipped today, fwiw. Also used Select.
  9. Haven't they said they're redoing their site & ordering process?
  10. I totally disagree with the hair bit. I have only received one order back from them after submitting 1.5yr ago. I do not have any humans or animals in my house that have the hair that is in a few of my games. On top of that, before I pack anything to be sent off for grading, I check them all for any dust, sticky residue, hair, etc. While what you explained may be true for others, it is not at all true in my experience.
  11. Yep the grade will show then! Waiting is unfortunately the only thing we can do these days haha.
  12. Like others have said. WATA doesn't show the grades when they are in post-grading anymore. You will have to wait for the shipping email until the grades show on their site. Next step is to sit back & twiddle your thumbs forever
  13. back on topic here... Oof. I guess mine from June is still months out. I've emailed them twice about it and have not received any reply smh. Did that order have any DVD sized games? My order has 4 and wondering if that's holding things up. I had another Select order that I got last month that was placed/shipped 5 days after the one they still have, but it only had 1 DVD sized game. Doesn't seem like there's any reason that I can think of as to why I got that order before the older one.
  14. This is exactly what I struggle with right now haha. I strongly prefer WATA's case/label to the others out there (as long as there are no dog hairs or fruit flies encapsulated lol). But all the shit that's came out about them and their continuing ability to lie to consumers doesn't make me want to spend any more money with them. Holding out until 2022 with hopes that CGC comes out with a good case.
  15. They still have a 12 game order I placed on 6/15/20. Lol. They haven't replied to any of my emails asking for any sort of update in the past 2 weeks.
  16. Lol. I used those when I moved last year for all of my collection. I bought a bunch when they were on sale for $7.98 a piece during Black Friday. I've got those for whenever I move again. But was looking for something a bit smaller that would fit 1 or 2 rows of graded games so they are easier to move/stack in a smaller closet. EDIT: Just saw the 7gal version of those. That might be an option. Would have to put Rectangular games on their side and I think they'd fit.
  17. Hi all. I am looking for any advice on how to store graded games. I don't currently have the room to display more than a few in my game room. I have an Atlantic Media Shelf that is full of my CIB stuff and have a few of my graded games on the top of it that I rotate through every so often. I was planing on storing the rest of them in boxes in my closet for the time being until we move. Has anyone found any properly sizes cardboard boxes or plastic containers that hold graded games well? I was hoping to find a box similar to file boxes that have a lid & handles but can't seem to find something that would be a good fit. I tried searching here as I thought I saw a similar topic at some point but couldn't find it anywhere.
  18. Awesome thanks. I was afraid it wasn't legit, but couldn't find any past listings that clearly showed the shrink enough. Will be returning.
  19. I've never seen the shrink wrap on PS1 games like this has. Closes I've seen is some Working Designs games. Anyone know if this is legit or not? https://imgur.com/a/2pqU8Py
  20. The healthiest thing I can suggest to you, again, is to stop checking consistently if your order has been updated and just give it time. I had 2 orders take over a year (they still have 1). If you forget about it, you can be surprised when the shipping email finally drops in your inbox. For something I had no control over whatsoever, it felt right to not spent any mental capacity on it. Just my 2 cents
  21. This is one of the reasons I shared this post. I would like WATA to be experts & be consistent with their grades.. There will always be some errors, it's just human nature. I have not found any sort of "Grading Guide" for games from different consoles. What is a 9.6 for GBA? GBC? SNES? GC? PS1? etc. Because of the lack of transparency I asked more knowledgable members here if some of my grades were off. Some were, some were not. If 1/20 of the games I submitted is wrong, that's still a % that I am willing to live with. Some may not feel the same. This first order is very valuable to me as I contemplate getting more games graded. I'm trying to share as much of this information that I have found out myself, to help other members in a similar place make more informed decisions. EDIT: I'm sounding like a broken record replying to y'all lol. Hopefully you get why I sent my games to get graded & understand why I posted my thoughts & feedback.
  22. I eyeball because every sealed post that is posted, you comment on it saying you don't get it. I get that you don't get it. That's fine. I am not telling you to grade your games... +1 to everything Jone posted above What I am trying to do is provide information & clarity to many members who are new to graded games or are thinking about submitted their games to be graded. Like I've said before, I didn't feel super informed when I submitted over a year ago. I'm trying to help that problem. Not tell people whether they should grade their games or not. That's each of our own choice to make.
  23. I seriously contemplated doing it twice with this very order I posted about. I didn’t end up doing it and I’m glad. Part of it was none of us knew it would take almost a year & half to get them.. but when I almost did, I kept telling myself what a royal waste of my time & money for them to just ship them back raw. My two cents
  24. Exactly this. I understand you don’t collect sealed/graded games, Cody. I usually agree with everything you post here (I reacted to a bunch of your posts on the HA thread). But I’m not really sure what you’re trying to get at with your question/statement. This was my first order I sent them. I purposely sent games in various different conditions so I could have an idea myself, with my own games, what constitutes certain grades. The purpose of this was to test the waters before I spent more money with them. Especially because WATA is not transparent with their grading process and I haven’t found much information via the community on how different consoles are graded (please direct me to this if there is some documentation somewhere). As far as me “testing the waters”, I’d imagine you do the same thing with most high dollar products/services, right? Before dumping a shit ton of money into something, try whatever it is out.. If you are not pleased with what you received, the decision to dump thousands of dollars into something is now more informed. As someone who has a sealed collection, but hasn’t had much of it graded. I posted this trying to bring transparency into Graded Collecting and inform others. When I submitted over a year ago, I went out on a limb and just went for it with little to no information.
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