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Everything posted by driveshaft

  1. Scramble High Score: 33,300 Made it to the 4th level, but damn it gets challenging!
  2. Nice! I'll definitely check out the music. I haven't gotten around to Estoscerro yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. 34,750 This one was a blast! I had only played it in the context of the Homebrew Championship cart. This game is incredible. Could definitely hear the similarities in the music to other Sly Dog games.
  4. 119 Had fun with this one! Was not anticipating the risk of grinding before the time ran out!
  5. Travel plans for this week got changed due to coronavirus, but at lease that means there's more time for homebrews! (score updated)
  6. Forgot to bump when I updated the score. This game has been a blast. (those bees destroyed me!)
  7. I made it on the board before the last weekend this time! Woohoo! 17,430 27,830 50,530 Loving this game!
  8. Pre-rule change I was close to around 100,000. Limiting to 3 lives makes this hard! 66,550
  9. Late to the party and trying to catch up: 77,487 - Skier 172,117 (Also pictured: candelabra trilogy!)
  10. The HBPC was an absolute blast in 2018 on Nintendoage. I'm very excited to see something similar being revived here. (and I agree with Richardhead. If the previous competition was any indicator, Red is already a heavy favorite haha)
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