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Everything posted by NESfiend

  1. NES Open is done. Been a fun few evenings. Highlights included an albatross where I holed it out from 250, a hole in one, and 3 scores of 59. My last 59 wasnt good enough for first place though. CPU scores get stupid when you get to 800k or so, but -15 is the craziest Ive seen.
  2. I started on NES Open. Dont plan to go crazy, so it may take some time.
  3. Bases loaded 3 is easily the fastest of the bunch. Its the only one that doesn't require a full season. I can usually get it done in a few games, but dont hold yourself to that standard. I grew up with 3. The report card thing at the end of the game tells you where points are awarded and deducted. The big things are no errors, dont get picked off or double played on a fly ball. Striking out may be another. You will hear a little beeping sound when you make one of these mistakes. One isnt necessarily enough to bury you because points can be made up with some positive feats, probably homers or strikeouts thrown. You first have to win a few games to get the opponents level up to max. That will allow you to learn the mechanics and how to avoid mistakes at the same time. Then you have to "play the perfect game" which really just means score 100 on the report card. Then you have beat the game. BL 4 is just like 1 and 2 but prettier. Just have to slog through a long season and win the world series.
  4. Beating it in 2 hours is definitely an accomplishment if you had not played it before. It isn't real difficult, but there are frustrating spots like the bats on mission 6. And mostly the last level - its a long and tough run to sinclair without a lot of power ups unless you map out where to go for them, which I didnt and doubt you did. It isnt a leave it on over night type game generally though. I just didnt get to it until late night with finishing off side pocket and then getting on my work pc. Probably 11 or close to it before I started, so it was ambitious to try to complete it and make bed at midnight. I would have stayed up later and polished it off if I thought there was any chance in hell it would get knocked out while I was at work. Ah well. Glad to hear there is another human being that enjoys it. The flying aspect is awesome! Takes a run and gun sidescroller and really spices it up
  5. You got this in the nick of time. After polishing off side pocket last night, I took a break to do some work, then played through all but the last portion of the last mission of rocketeer. Got to sinclair, but with little health, and I didnt get his pattern right away. Came close, but died. NES is still on and paused at that last section to finish off after work today. Would have been done in a few hours lol. Hope you enjoyed it. I have always loved that game despite the AVGN hate and general bad reputation
  6. Sadly, I dont have a copy. But I think I will remedy that and try and find one on ebay. The only other pool game I own is breathru and I couldn't stand that when I bought it.
  7. Side Pocket is done. Not a first time clear, but I tried to beat it last year and failed, so it sort of has the feel of one. Took 3 or 4 nights playing on and off to get it back and reremember all the strategy. Almost sad I got it done that quick. I was content to play pool for a couple weeks.
  8. I didn't discover the game until I was an adult, so nostalgia is not a factor. I think its easily the best. The characters different abilities vary so much more than other baseball games, and you have to discover them on your own. Not to mention the different stadiums and flawless gameplay and monster homeruns. Its a masterpiece. My rushmore: Dusty Bases Loaded 2 or 3 (tough call there) Little league baseball Legends of the diamond
  9. Dusty Diamond's All Star Softball is done. Easily the best baseball game on the NES. Almost shut out the amazons. One hit them through 6 and my pitcher gave out in the 7th. Quick change, 2 quick outs, sent those Bs packing
  10. Once again, I find myself at the top of the readerboard. GOLF GRAND SLAM is done.
  11. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 3 is done. Best of the series imo
  12. I failed at eliminator boat duel today if it makes you feel any better. I got super c and contra around the same time. Always preferred super c. I have one deathed it, but this year I needed a continue to beat it. Moreso than contra, you have to remember a lot of split second stuff or it can lead to a quick death. Which can lead to several depending on where you are with weapons downgrade. You could def beat that game with some practice. You beat way harder ones this year
  13. Super C is done. Cant believe that one was still around. One of the best on the system
  14. Lee trevinos fighting golf is done. Took some time to get my sea legs back, but this is one of my more definitive victories.
  15. Goal 2 is done. Goal 2 is great! Goal 1 is hot garbage if memory serves, but I could be wrong on that
  16. Heavy Shreddin. Definitely one of my favorite playthroughs each year
  17. CAPTAIN SKYHAWK is now done, again. No freeze up this time, but I missed the short window for a good picture.
  18. I thought captain skyhawk was done, but the last boss turned blue instead of blowing up. I am still alive amd can fly around, but shooting isnt doing anything. Weird.
  19. Marble madness. Disappointing score with an embarassing 7 deaths.
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