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Posts posted by MrWunderful

  1. 6 hours ago, G-type said:

    Too many, the very existence of billionaires represent something that’s wrong with the world, so it’s hard to restrain that pent up resentment when they die in an accident that could only exist because of their incredible wealth and privilege, which is then compounded by the disproportionate amount of media coverage and resources expended for search and rescue relative to that of other incidents.

    Agree 100%, couldnt have said it better. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Some of the FAQs are unreal.

    Is there a toilet in the Titan submersible?  

    Yes. Titan is the only deep diving sub with a toilet. It is a custom-built unit similar to a camping toilet that is mounted in the forward dome and offers the best seat in the house. When we need to use the “potty” we hang a privacy curtain and turn up the music. It’s a great system but we do recommend a low residue diet the day before going on a dive.  

    Theres no fart fan either. Just basting in the hot smell

    • Haha 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

    Feel bad for the kid (19). Not so much for the other folks.

    I thought so too until a co-worker said “as the son of a billionaire, he probably lived a much more privileged and experienced life than other 19 yr olds”


    which is probably right. 

    And the waiver said “death” 3 times on the first page or something, so like its not like they weren’t warned. 

  4. The biggest tragedy is how much US taxpayer money was spent by the Coast Guard over this debacle.


    Let those rich idiots rot at the bottom of the ocean as far as I’m concerned. If you want to fuck around and find out over nonsense, be my guest, but just know that nobody is going to come rescue you.

    • Like 2
  5. 28 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

    “The Roman Coliseum was NOT destroyed because Christians were killed there”. I mean one is the architectural icon of a civilization that was used for centuries and the other is a piece of shipwreck from a short lived dictatorship. There’s enough nazi shit to melt one random hate symbol down as a publicity stunt.

    I see your point and agree to some extent. 

    The other side of me says, Burn some nazi flags next time facists show up at a PTA meeting then. 

    Leave the symbol of industrialized hatred, that required thousands of peoples’ and an entire cultures worth of infrastructure to commit genocide for the history books. 

  6. I say keep it. Destroying every piece of Nazi memorabilia would only be erasing what they did. 

    I personally don’t know what to do with it as I have only learned about the holocaust from an amazing seventh grade teacher, who happened to be a jewish lesbian. So grateful for her lesson plan. 

    maybe ask the holocaust museum what their idea might be? 

    private nazi collections= weird racist crap

    public nazi collections by people who have an emotional/personal/familial connection= history and education

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tabonga said:

    For what it is worth you still won't see many Sherman Streets or Lincoln Boulevards in the south.

    Since this thread seems to be pretty derailed you will still see these down there occasionally:


    Or Lee middle school out west 😉

    Is that some sort of confederate or slavery historical Marker? It looks like the international “ribbon” symbol to support a cause. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Mods - I think I’ve done a good job of abstaining from these types of heated threads lately but I’m sorry for contributing to this one.

    Dont apologize my guy, you did nothing wrong.  Calling out terrible takes is what the internet is for!


    Plus a little engagement is good for the site, we had 14 posts in the last 7 hours


    Just now, Strange said:

    The absolute best progressive+left wing organizing and community engagement I’ve ever seen were in southern states. 🙂 I’m not defending Florida though.

    I don’t doubt it. Thank you Stacey Abrahms! 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    I dunno how someone posting a meme asking what people are gonna do on a holiday turns into this. 

    Might be on the first page, where a post starts with “I know someone will get sore, but….” Things were peachy prior to that.


    Which is hilariously like starting off a chat with “No offense, but…..” . You 100% know its going to be offensive.


    PS. I know you knew that 😝


    Anyways Juneteenth isnt a holiday to be “celebrated” unless you feel a deep attachment to it- just remembered.


    so if a young child asks  “Why do we have it off?”

    You can tell him “I don’t know but it might have to do with a plunger or donut

    ”it was the day the good guy government freed the slaves from the southern states who committed treason by taking up arms against the united states, in the name of owning black people like cattle.  Those states have been mad at the gov’t for years now”

    • Agree 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, a3quit4s said:

    I think he is saying that because he is an outsider in Taiwan which is discrimination. So with more clarification that makes more sense.

    But there is no backstory that allows you to compare Juneteenth to National Donut Day that doesn’t make you look bad.  Probably just say you support the holiday, because if you don’t, the generalizations about you are 100% correct. There is exactly no gray area here. 

    I see your point, but dont even remotely care about his context. Been there, done that.

    Mods are cool with it, so am I.   

    This is a fucking thread about Juneteenth, and we have tanooki racist and insultingly comparing it to a wacky marketing based holiday like “donut day”. What a disgrace. 



    When people talk about casual racism and white privilege around here, lets remember that post. werent We were supposed to call it out?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

    Well it sure felt like discrimination last week when my white friend and I got yelled at in a coffee shop for talking, yet the guy talking on his phone, the older couple loudly chatting in the corner, gamer guy singing with his headphones, etc all didn't get told off. Odd thing was they were all local people, and we were the two outsiders. Oh well.

    Getting things back on topic, I never heard of this holiday until this post. I do think I'd have preferred another name though; Emancipation Day, for example, was mentioned and it just sounds a lot nicer to my ears anyways, whereas Juneteenth just sounds made up, even though it isn't. Even Jubilee Day has a nicer ring to it, again in my opinion.

    On a different note, the amount of generalizations being made in this thread is frightening. I think it's safe to say that no one here knows anyone else's backstory, so there's just no need for it. 

    Called it!




    • Haha 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Tanooki said:

    I don't want to feed into some back and forward so this is it.

    If you don't want history to repeat, then teach it in a history course, history videos and texts on and offline, and so on.  Keep it in perspective, fresh, and educated upon from school forward.

    I'm equating many days or stretches of days as unnecessarily put up as a holiday or moment because it bucks equality with isolating a person place or group as the thing of the period.  If you want equality (how stuff is now, it's fantasy I know it) then everyone should just be treated equally no matter if they're on whatever color spectrum, sex, interest, and so on.  Just be you.

    I don't care if it looks bad, I wasn't trying to score some popularity or anti-popularity points.  I'm just putting it out there equality is being pooped on in the face of breeding more inequality.

    If someone wants more detail, to drag this out or whatever, fine... send it to message.  I really don't want to take this thread over for more laughable hooded imagery and assumptions.


    Sounds like texas is off to a great start!

  13. 8 hours ago, Scrobins said:

    Are you seriously equating a holiday commemorating the announcement of the end of slavery to slaves in the Confederacy to cheeseburger day? What the hell is wrong with you?

    Its okay, he got one post in before saying something repulsive. 

    Literally compared the end of slavery to donut day lol

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