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Everything posted by Nugfish

  1. Bomberman on any console has never meshed with me. I even hate him in Super Smash Bros
  2. Nobody has mentioned any of the bombermans!
  3. Dedinitely up to you, but Pokemon Stadium 2 is a VERY long game and I think Kokirichild is past the half-way point
  4. This was the first game I ever bought brand new with my own money. I read about it in Nintendo Power and Episode 1 was the first Star Wars movie I ever saw so I was really into it. I remember being so pumped to get to the mall - walked to the back of electronic boutique, grabbed the game, and went to the register. When it rang up all I remember is thinking "$60 freaking bucks!? This better be good." I loved it until maybe the 4th stage where I got stuck and never played it again. I still think of this one whenever I ponder buying a new game. Lol
  5. I have played Fight Night Round 2 and Fight Night 2004 on XBOX, but I dont think I have tried any of the newer ones. Really like both of those though. My brother & I rented this one when it first came out and loved it. I remember it being a big deal that we could be Ali. Also, my dad used to box so he was a little interested in this one as well which probably played into the hype.
  6. NHL Blades of Steel is down I'm also halfish-way through Knockout Kings
  7. Haha, that's crazy! I've lived in C.B./Omaha all my life and I've been in Clarinda before. Villisca is closer, but all I know about it is the Axe Murder House. Lol...
  8. Goodnight lamb. Glad to have you as regular in our quest!
  9. I had no idea Battletanx had a supernatural plotline
  10. No problems there. I'll be jumping into some racing games soon. I think Top Gear Overdrive will be the first.
  11. I like the sound of that! If you get tired of them, just let me know. I'd be happy to do Wrestlemania 2000.
  12. I know in Lego Racers you progress through the levels/worlds without placing, but only unlock each world's boss (I forget the game's terminology) if you place first in that world. I assume you dont have to place to get credits NASCAR just runs the credits at the end of a season regardless of standings.
  13. So I've been watching gameplay footage of racing games and noticed the NASCAR titles roll credits at the end of a season with or without placing 1st on the season. Does this mean you don't have to place 1st to complete the game? It seemed like Lego Racers was the same way. This may possibly be a common theme on many of the racing games. Could I get a little clarity with this @Splain?
  14. I'll have one done tonight and at least one more by the end of the month
  15. 6 days left in the month and we are at 92 games. We can hit 101 in 6 days, right?
  16. Haha, take your time. I'll keep powering through some more sports games. I'm in the middle of Olympic Hockey right now.
  17. Spain updates the list every few days. Haha, just noticed Galdius answered that. My bad...
  18. If nothing else, this was one less that I had to do. Much appreciated!
  19. Finally beat NBA Showtime on NBC! my stats showed 848 dunks...lol...what garbage...
  20. I have never given it a legitimate shot. I used to play pool on PC all the time and this looks very similar. If the physics are solid, I'm sure it would be right down my alley.
  21. I've been trying to get my daughter into this one because she really like Pokemon, but she can't get past the idea that you just take pictures. It is legitimately good though.
  22. Please do! I've been curious if it's any good. Tell me how it is when you finish it
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