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Sign Collector Guy

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Everything posted by Sign Collector Guy

  1. Thanks! I know the vidpro cards is that what you mean?
  2. Vintage Kaybee Jacket and Hat. Loved me some Kaybee growing up. Frequented a store in a mall near me. Recall buying NES items and a Model 1 Sega CD from there. Ran the coat through the dryer on low with a “Moist” towel to dewrinkle. Seller crammed it into a paper mailer. Ugh. Came out looking much better after. lol.
  3. Here is my feedback thread if you have bought some posters. Thanks!
  4. Added a couple edge lit Nintendo DS signs to the collection. I bought them both off Ebay not knowing if they were legit. Found out later they were. I even emailed the maker of the signs and they were helpful in responding. Very heavy duty signs with 3 layers of acrylic and the top part is heavy duty extruded aluminum. I have found it acts as a heat sink as the LED’s insided get super warm. Having each sign represent the release model of the DS and the Lite is cool. I feel like I have seen alot of signs but for some reason these seem to be uncommon. Not sure if they were just made in low numbers or what. The way they layered the images it has a kind of 3D effect.
  5. Added this long awaited want to the collection. World Class Service double sided sign.
  6. Fake. You can tell when you see the top of the play station. Its a printed graphic. I am sure it easily fools some folks though. I have handled and seen the play station in person.
  7. I was pretty sure I heard someone mention on the show that meat may have made it into their Pizza's they were making haha
  8. We watched this all the way through and it was interesting to say the least. I love the quotes from the show. Anyone else watch this?? It may already be tiresome for some but certainly a nice distraction from the current state of the world. Added some pics of the N64 mock up someone did. Actually looks pretty nice. “Ladies and gentlemen, before you hear it on the news I’m gonna tell you myself. Just about an hour ago we had an incident where one of the employees stuck their arm through the cage and the tiger tore her arm off… I can give you your money back or I can give you a rain check…” — Joe Exotic to a crowd of customers moment after an employee had her arm ripped off by a tiger.
  9. Bump. Have shipped to 23 states, Canada and Belgium in the past week. Still have more left. Thank you everyone for your orders!
  10. Was able to add the original box to this sign. Also a neat note is Nintendo used old stock and covered up the WON ones with Nintendo 64 and put them out. You may see N64 ones for much cheaper on Ebay and most sellers have no idea there is a WON sign underneath.
  11. Im with you. Fantastic almost perfect. Maybe perfect. Game.
  12. Finally beat Minish Cap. Now playing Metroid Zero Mission. Had a few pickups I will post here and there as well.
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