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Posts posted by Tanooki

  1. I have and it stands well alone for dozens of solid games but no it wasn’t number one due to quantity. Quantity of storage, total releases and quality due to so much saturation the odds alone allow for lots to like. 

    I don’t think though that nutty price is that nutty. It’s a good tactic to either keep it or get it to a likely entity that’ll make a display of it and not in the hands of some frothing loon golem wannabe that’ll hide their precious away. 

  2. Well if my local one has them still I go there usually once a week on Monday before my girls gymnastics class for dinner due to the time of it and I"ll see if they have one still.


    The nuggets have always been average at best, nothing remarkable and bland on their own.  For me, it was always always about the sweet and sour sauce as I couldn't get enough and now most those places limit the packets so much it's hard to get good coverage. 😞

  3. 1 hour ago, arnpoly said:

    Virtual Boy.  Yeah I know there are headaches, alignment problems, etc.  The library on there, while small, is really quite good.

    You'll get no argument out of me, I've got the whole thing.  The system was never given a chance, and the whole rot your eyes and headche thing was wholly overblown by people who didn't bother to set it up right combined with some people who just can't handle 3D  (such as those who get queazy and eye pain playing even a game like DOOM(1993) and their type.

    • Like 1
  4. It's not politics you're baiting, it is about accusing a business of something it never did.  Sure the owner Cathy did, but you're laying blame down on tens of thousands of employees that have lives, jobs, and opinions of their own that rely on that place to get by.  'They' didn't make that public, the owner did, on his own, in his own time in his own life, but people who hated hearing such things just rolled up the business into it as one giant hate factory which is laughable.  You're skirting over what I said about the general manager locally here which seems to spit in the face of the 'hate group' tag the restaurant gets.  It makes no sense if the company on the whole was anti gay, anti gay marriage, that they'd keep someone like that around and not just that but treat the guy with respect and care like anyone else on the payroll.

    I'm saying there should be a public response, but bashing the company because of one idiot is the wrong message and wrong thing to do.  Hey if you want to be full of that self righteous cancel culture type of people, have at it, but it's not going to win you any head way with more people than not which is evidenced in CFAs case by the business they do despite the petty attacks.  When CFA decides to cross the line and make that their corporate policy written or otherwise to shame out people from working there and dissuade them from even patronizing their business then I'd have a problem with the business and want nothing to do with it.

    • Sad 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Br81zad said:

    3 mil?!

    I played SF2 on that very machine a few years ago at the Louisville Arcade Expo. I had no idea at the time that I was handling a multi million dollar piece of tech. Lol

    Same here, same year I remember that. They were nice to talk with for a bit while playing that game.


    3 hours ago, ookii_risu said:

    $3 million... think of all the hookers and blow you could have for that instead.



    • Haha 1
  6. Hmm here's how I've got it setup, be amazed, bored or annoyed depending on your levels of OCD. 🙂  What isn't seen, below the PCE stuff are 2 correct height to stand sideways MVS carts and one where 6 can lay 2x3 flat, and under switch is a space for just a few PSP and PS3 cases, and under there a few PS1 double cases or specials like Lunar, and under that a couple very low space N64 lines.  All stand up cases and MVS stickers run the same direction so really just the NES is reversed with the grip up top.

    Everything else has toys, you can see some of them in that as it is.  I wasn't kidding when I said I don't have what i used to.


  7. 2 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    Are they worth anything? I had the entire set which also might be at my dad's house. 

    The cheapest ones (Ninja Gaiden and Blaster Master) are worth around $10 shipped or local to save shipping.  The others seem to get like $15-25 for the next few.  Shadowgate unless you get lucky seems to get a little bit higher than the others of the original set of 8.  Then there were two junior readers bigger in dimensions and larger print for Mega Man 2 which is cheap, but the (like shadowgate) lower run last book Bases Loaded can get really expensive as it turns up not much at all (currently not even a sold or ignored one on ebay.)


    Back in the day I got them at those old scholastic book fairs as a kid.  I know I had MM2 of the larger print even if it was easy just because it was Mega Man 2.  The standard books I know I had Castlevania II, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear, Blaster Master, and I think I had Wizards and Warriors.  I never did get Bionic Commando, Infiltrator, or Shadowgate so that one is a new read for me for casual fun.  They're all around 110-130pages each about so it's an easy hour read for light fun.

  8. Agreed, a truly terribly designed system Nintendo fouled up and third parties made them pay over given the library.  And due to the sad sales of the thing, they take most of the single party greats and stuff them on Switch, a couple on 3DS, and then the titles get the sales, profit, and respect they had been lacking and deserved.  It really does say a lot.  I still wouldn't call anything else about the WiiU good as it's a dumpster fire in design, but the games, you can't argue Nintendo had some great stuff thankfully spared the indignity of bottom dwelling due to the ports.

  9. I need an I'm on the fence option with this as I really feel that way, and still do about 2018's ATGames Sega Genesis too considering the last one they did was the only one that was done so well it even topped Sega's Mini out now (which is kind of sad.)

    I've got a Core Grafx2 with an everdrive along with  two dozen legit games for the system as well.  The thing that keeps me on the fence are the CD titles because I love Ys1+2 and Dracula X as I use to own those 15 years ago.  I know it sounds maybe terrible, but if that thing can be easily cracked open as the NES and SNES systems were I'd probably go from fence sitter to committed buyer.  I wouldn't remove the existing at all, but I'd love to add the other CDs I used to own, not much beyond that, I'm not greedy, just want a trip down memory road with Cotton, Godzilla, Panic Bomber, RayXanber2 and 3, Gate of Thunder/3in1, and a few others.

    • Like 1
  10. Well I don't about it being a misstep.  Maybe an oversight at best not letting the public know that in time there would be too many to fit into one game storage device.  It's pretty insufferable and immature for people to get so pissed off and nasty about it really flaunting that negative stigma of the whole entitlement culture going on.  To think that when it hit 500 they kept them all was pretty generous, but now that we're teetering near a 1000 of them it's asinine and delusional to think they'd keep placing everything in every game.

    Stepping back to think about it you'd need all the end user statistical data, goofy texture descriptions, the sound effects, the bodies from all angles and every single animation of them, their attacks, their defenses, and other odd animations too.  That stuff really begins to add up.  And despite the obvious giant amount of space to hold all that data, you have to figure the dedicated members of the team that would solely be stuck on just working this junk into each game every year or two.  And that would be a job in itself on top of designing a whole new set of characters, worlds, stories, and the new batch of critters and all their requirements to work too.  At some point enough is enough, grow up and respect the developers and understand you can't expect to get 15, 20, 25 year old creatures in each new game.

    • Like 2
  11. I forgot that Darkwing was 1992 out like almost a year after the SNES.  A very good game using the mega man engine on that one and earlier this year I bit for the GB version of it too and due to that fairly recently I decided to grab the two Duck Tales handheld releases as well.  I like the little differences so they're not just straight cheap ports exactly.  Looking back, unlike the over inflated orgy that Taito stuff gets I felt the Capcom games were more impressive 1992 and after, and I have owned all of them but Gold Medal Challenge and Rescu Rangers 2 and currently I don't have GiJoe either.  They really did ahead of expectation quality stuff right along side of their workers doing that amazing SNES stuff in those days.

  12. Thanks, and no problem?  I never really imagined why someone would do it the other way but I've seen it brought up.  I mean sure if you're so neck deep you can immediately recall who the publisher was on some obscure game then great, have at it.  But for the majority, nothing is faster than A-Z.

    I've got these large pro-pak shelves years ago when I was on NA and back west I could have filled and stacked on top with games, and as they're for media they're only CD/DVD deep wood shelves so I like that picture do them that way.   But as I'm kind of OCD nutty about lame stickers (new, rental, etc) junk on carts my N64 games are un-viewable as they're standing sideways like the rest so A-Z is the only way to find what I need.  I just leave a tiny gap so I can crack it slightly to get a finger in there and see and it works, same with SNES too as there's little height clearance there as well (famicom too now that I look.)  I probably could take a pic but I doubt anyone would care in the end.

  13. I've got Crisis Force and it's manual I can currently barely read, mind blowing they pulled off a PCE level shooter on the NES.  You probably could easily fake an US game from that given I don't think it has any Japanese in tehre unless it's hiding in the finish somewhere.


    I had no idea MM2 30th was made by their creators, I thought it was licensed knockoff modern release from iam8bit.  It also seems unlike previous collector magnets, that one isn't selling well because they still have stock for sale on their site for $100 which surprised me when I searched it a moment ago.

  14. Had I time for collecting for real still I'd probably be sitting at more than around a dozen DS and 3DS games respectively but I like to play things.  3DS has a fairly incredible library of stuff.  I've only bought to keep like 2 games over this year and last (Metroid, Luigis Mansion 1), though I did try that Mario & Luigi remake but it bored me as GBA was good enough.  The last unique one I got maybe in that time early on was Hatsune Miku as that's just fun.

  15. So is the issue here being not on A-Z but A-Z within an A-Z in publishers? I never understood the insanity in making things out of order in another order to create disorder.  A-Z is just the way to go if you want to find it fast as it's kind of crazy trying to recall which publisher had what and when to then find that, then go looking more so for the right title.

  16. Well I could see being upset about the pokedex and if i were like hardcore into it, I definitely would, but I will say it bothers me.  I mean with like what 900 of them now storage at a premium that is getting a bit insane so if that was the rationalization about it I get that.

    But that said the complaints about the changes in US/UM/Sun/Moon most of them I found an insanely welcome change.  I liked that the tired boring ass played out rerun of 20 years was removed, wash, rinse repeat a gym...YAWN.  The islands, the lack of a gym, the wider exploration, the story that was progressively moving along and changing like a normal JRPG blew me away.  This made me enjoy pokemon more than I have since the GBA era.

    • Like 1
  17. Well I can think of three immediately that come to mind for the US market.

    1) Neo Geo AES - It was doomed from the start considering they inflated the price of the games due to them being re-pinned arcade boards so only the truly rich or thrifty who would buy nothing else and save for ONE game could afford it.

    2) Master System - Nintendo hosed Sega/Tonka with the contracts of the 80s and kept them out. The system was lacking in a few subtle ways, especially as it couldn't take a beefier game beyond memory limits (no NES like memory mapper/expansions) but it had a great library of choices no one had including the best of their 8bit arcade conversions.

    3) TG16(PCE) - The system had NEC not been completely incompetent self destructive fools in the NA market could have done great. You have this system that could keep pace and even exceed commonly the quality output of what the Genesis could do, yet the Japanese overlords refused to port 2/3 of the HuCard(Turbo Chip) library and equally as bad over CD/SCDs (and no ACDs) too.  Mostly what we did get were the B C and under tier mediocrity and garbage with a sprinkling of a good game for every 5-10 bad ones, and given we got around 100 on card, that's a death blow.

    • Like 2
  18. It has been years since I've seen one locally, and it was a truly battered Blaster Master I couldn't pay up for.  Today did the 1/2 off coupon at a half price books, they had Before Shadowgate on the shelf in really nice shape for the age as it's intact and not ripped/written in.  It's #8 in the series and back in the 80s/90s I used to have most of them including the larger Mega Man 2 book too.  I've thought about getting them again through ebay or whatever but never had the luck.

    I think I did well, pretty sure it's one of the rarer ones people pay up for so I'm very well keeping it and the cover art is borrowed from the NES game so I like that gargoyle on there.

  19. 13 hours ago, SasoriVader said:

    Very true, the Haggar Thunder Tackle loop infinite is a lot more satisfying to pull off than any of the punch infinites from Final Fight arcade. You feel so strong playing Mighty Final Fight. Oh, also the weapons are great, how each character has a unique weapon to themselves. Versus Final Fight arcade where weapons are only decent if you're Cody and the weapon is a knife.

    Also to confirm, back in the day did you find Guy's flying kick special? I pulled it off for the first time a few months back and was stunned, at first I couldn't figure out how to replicate it since the input is so obscure, but doing it consistently now, Guy is actually my favorite character to use. He's so much fun. 

    I never really had a back in the day.  I can't recall exactly the year I joined NA but it was around 2009/2010 and I had been for a few years stuck back out in So. Cal. and hit a flea market there every sunday and one weekend I got a stack of NES games for a few bucks each, the most I paid was $7 and it was MFF and I've kept it all this time because it's a go-to for relaxing awesome stress relieving fun beating on dumb grunts.  So if that counts as back in the day, yeah, and while I don't recall it this moment I could figure it out again as I just prefer using Guy, did in the arcade, saddened me it was never in the SNES game without a rental (or a well timed buy of a sold rental.)



    M308: The answer is easy about GQ2, it's what you said, under-utilized, but in a way it's for the better perhaps.  The GB game had very pickily fired off random encounters which ranged from aggravating in frequency to/and/or annoying in what it did pop up to deal with as some were short and some were almost like a take a hit to win setup between any stage spots on the map.  The complaining about it internally/externally in those pre-internet days had that removed to an empty walkable map on the NES.  So I'm conflicted as the was nice, but so badly done on GB as far as FUN goes I was happy it was removed.

  20. 6 hours ago, BreaKBeatZ said:

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I might have to go with the video route. I'm surprised that USPS, UPS and FedEx don't offer a service where they verify the contents of the box for an extra fee. That would be really helpful.

    Yeah that would be worth paying on stuff that's worth at least a $100 or higher.  They already record all transactions and counter behavior anyway for thieves and scumbags, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to position it to digitally record these things and make a sample in some server.  You'd easily expect a $10-20 fee on it, but hell that would so be worth it for easily theft worthy items.

  21. 3 hours ago, CT said:

    yep there are some other options out there, especially things like Retrotink. Not sure route I will go,   Thanks for the suggestion!

    Well while I know there are surely videos and pictures online.  I can't say enough nice things about the kit that has that lovely FPGA in there from Kevin Horton enough.  If you want to see or know more, anyone for that matter, I'm cool doing some kind of a post about it whatever that may entail.


    KHAN: In my hiatus from this pack of people I couldn't say then, but I now.  OUT-f'ing-standing job on that Leisure Suit Larry game as that blew me away how that one was done on the NES.  You're one of those rarities who do these after market games, as i'd rather call it that than homebrew given little gems like that are on another level between your common learning/fun to do homebrew and something retail.

    • Like 3
  22. 39 minutes ago, SasoriVader said:

    Yes Mighty Final Fight is definitely in my top 20 for the NES, such a great game. I've been playing it for years and yet only a couple months ago I figured out Guy's secret attack. Every character has at least one secret move. A lot more than meets the eye to this one, though I do wish it had an option for a hard mode.

    I'd agree with that.  I knew of the moves, figured it out some years back shortly after getting it, it's like a mini SF2 like dial a move bit and it's not unique, as they later re-used it again on the fun Final Fight 3 two years later.  I'm with you, the game isn't terribly hard so a difficulty option would have been nice.  But also because it's easier than the SNES(ports) and arcade it's more fun and relaxing just to push through it.

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