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Posts posted by Br81zad

  1. Just now, RegularGuyGamer said:

    I feel the mis step in banjo was the need to get all the puzzle pieces. Banjo is another 10 for me though. 

    I agree. Early game it's not such a big deal, but some of the later pieces require some pretty obscure actions.

    I really do place BK a good margin above M64 though. The levels seemed more interesting and didn't feel as empty. The dialogue was also better. Grunty's lair could get a little disorienting at times and finding the next level became a slight chore. Still, I think the move set and controls were solid, and better than what M64 offered.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, CMR said:

    Yea that's pretty much what I'm talking about.  I've read the book too, and even though Lynch's movie follows the story pretty closely it still makes quite a few creative design choices that are different from the book or left vague in the reading.  It's been a while since I've read it, though, so I can't give a list of things that are different off hand.

    It's entirely too premature to say that it borrows more from Lynch's film than the source material. You're basing that assumption on shot for shot comparisons to the trailers?


    The voice weapons, the crazy mutated guild navigators, the weird boils and puss on Vlad, the unnecessary heart valve thing with the servant, Sting, etc don't appear to be present in the new trailer. So what exactly are you seeing that strays from the book?


    I read the book a few months ago, and I'm also cautiously optimistic about this one. (Or 2, because I heard rumor that it was actually going to be broken into 2 films)


    If they do indeed split it into 2, I wonder where the split would be made. Perhaps somewhere around Paul and Jessica's escape or the point where they meet up with the Fremen?

  3. Honestly, I really like her voice and I think she's genuinely talented.

    That said, the music she puts out is pretty much garbage, as is the "mature" image she tried to cultivate to separate herself from the Hannah Montana years.


    If you get a chance to listen to her do covers of actual music (not the bullshit found on her own records), then you'll see what I mean. She can sing.

    • Like 2
  4. I just beat Zoids: Legacy for GBA last night. The dungeon crawls can be a bit tedious with such a frequent encounter rate. Fun game overall though.

    Can be a little overwhelming with all of the pilot/zoid combination possibilities in addition to the weapon/accessory customization. The roster and equipment choices get REALLY heavy towards the end. It's kinda similar to Pokemon in that you're trying to collect the different Zoids and assemble a complimentary team. The major differences are in the combat system (all units battle simultaneously) and the way you traverse the over-world (traditional RPG over-world and village set up). 

    The translation could be better, but it's coherent enough that you know what's going on. Story is a little convoluted, but it was cool seeing how they worked in all of the different characters. There's little to zero character building, so it's definitely more fun if you've watched the shows and are familiar with the characters to begin with.


    Anyone else play this one?

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  5. When it was first released I didn't want to like it. On a summer trip that my family went on with some friends, one of the other kids was playing the game obsessively. He got stuck somewhere around Diglett's cave and got frustrated with it, so I took a turn. After that, I didn't want to put it down. Got a copy of Red as soon as I could.

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  6. For those of you with plans on entering into an engineering program, don't be shocked by your 1st year being insanely difficult. It does get better (somewhat), but the curriculum seems to be intentionally grueling for the purpose of weeding out students who don't take it seriously or aren't fully committed. 

    Also, 100% vital that you show up for every single class on day 1 each semester. Professors typically give out a syllabus that outlines how the grade will be comprised. Occasionally they'll give you additional info that isn't on the syllabus that's meant to help those who actually showed up. Take notes.

    Which brings me to my next tip, take organized notes. If you don't know how, look up some YouTube videos. Also, if the professor is one that leads class via PowerPoint, ask them for the PowerPoint file for each class. (Some will oblige, others won't. But always ask)

  7. 3 hours ago, MeganJoanne said:

    I've played 5 Metroid games, The original, the Gameboy sequel, Super Metroid, and the two Gameboy advance games, enjoyed them all, though will say that the 2nd game is the weakest of the lot, and while I like many things about Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion, the first game still remains my favorite, and why is because of the ease to just get in and start playing with total freedom to explore once you aquire a few items and can explore in whatever way you want, no story to break it up, no telling you where to go next, no forcing you along a certain path until you accomplish a certain thing.

    I urge you to give AM2R a try. I played through it using a SNES controller (via usb adapter). It was incredibly well made and a ton of fun.

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