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Posts posted by NZCollector

  1. When I was younger, Sonic Dash 2 was a real fun, quick and easy mobile game to play to pass time on the bus to school. Leveled every character up to the maximum except for Sticks (Amy is broken with her special move, you get so many rings from activating it). It was really good up until an update about 18 months ago that made the final upgrades near impossible to get without paying. 

    For the final character upgrade, you used to only need 60 red rings, which you found either within the level or through daily login rewards. You could get up to ten a day, so not too hard to get. Since this update the final upgrade is 400 red rings. From there I stopped playing it and ever caring to again. Not going to pay for a free game. Shame really, I would've 100% finished it, as after the last upgrade I had the wisp upgrades and that was it. 

  2. Completed LA Noire finally. Been meaning to for months. I can safely say it's one of my favourite games I've ever played. The story was extremely captivating, and the ending was quite sad. Took me longer than most people, 45 hours, but I did go out of my way to get all the street missions done and landmarks checked. Definitely moving on to Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn now (have no more distractions) and on the side tossed up between Crash N-Sane Trilogy or Toki Tori 2+ (other half of Toki Tori Collection). 

  3. If I was able to (i.e. no financial or spatial limits) I'd do either PS2 or GBA. PS2 because it's my favourite system of all time and I grew up with it, and GBA because it was something I always wanted but I was very very young when it came out so kinda missed it. By the time I started playing games the DS was out so it made sense to get that. More than made up for the lack of GBA in my childhood these past seven years, and play it just as much if not more than DS. Either of those two. 

    Or if we're being realistic WiiU. I really enjoy it and got games like Devils Third a while ago just in case, but with everything I'd like either already being ported onto Switch or sure to be eventually ported over I never bothered. 

  4. This might sound really weird, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine- golf games, particularly on the PS1. I'm beyond terrible at real golf and haven't tried for years, but golf games let me actually enjoy the sport and vicariously experience it. Since I live in PAL territories, a big goal of mine for the past two years has been to get every golf game released for the PS1, of which there were 17. It may seem like an easy set to assemble, but specific games rarely show up in NZ for sale, so even though it's all online it's tricky to find specifics. I have however been able to get 16 of the 17 released, and hope I can get the last one soon. Without trying I'm only missing one for PS3 so I suppose that's on the list too. Other than that very little left in the way of collecting, need to save money for more important things now. 

    I've also had a desire to get every game I ever rented and traded when I was younger. As far as traded away I only have four left. As far as games I rented go, there are three left. So overall not very many left. None of these seven are good games by any means, but they're things I would like to get to relive those experiences. 

    • Like 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, Teh_Lurv said:

    It's growing increasingly likely E3 will be cancelled this year. With big devs gradually moving away from E3, this might be the death knell for the expo:



    It sucks for sure, but I personally stopped caring about E3 as an expo after they released the private information of hundreds of media attendants last year. Accident or not, it's baffling that such a flaw in their security was possible. 

  6. Finished Ford Racing 3 today. Budget PS2 game, good for its price and I wouldn't have been overly disappointed had I got it back in the day. However it gets rather tedious towards the end of the main mode. I'd recommend it, but only for short bursts over a long time period. 

    Thinking of either Crash N-Sane Trilogy, LA Noire or Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn for the next game to play. Leaning towards Crash the most, because it's probably the easiest to play for a few minutes when I have the time. 

  7. On 2/17/2020 at 9:17 PM, KokiriChild said:

    Sorry for the flagrant self-promotion, but I have a YouTube channel all about media history, and made a video on this very subject! Thought you guys might like it 🙂


    (If anyone is confused as to why I refer to myself as Silence, it is because that is my gamertag on Discord and social media! 😉)

    Far from flagrant, I enjoyed every minute of your video! 

    I hope you do more on lost media. Really entertaining stuff. 

    • Like 1
  8. Honestly, I'm fascinated by films from ~100 years ago. Conservative estimate about 90% of films from the late late 19th Century and early 20th Century are lost forever. The films that remain from that time period today are beyond interesting to me, if you look at them knowing what the technology was like at the time some pieces made were quite innovative for the time and are the reason films are where they are now. 

    Just horror films alone have countless lost media from that time. Whether that's the films themselves, production images or promotional material, most of it is gone and that's really unfortunate. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Estil said:

    I don't suppose you got to be there in 2000 did you?  I mean to be among the first to see the start of the new millennium must've been so awesome.

    Ha wish I could've experienced it! 

    I was born September 2000, so missed it by quite a bit. From looking at the Y2K hysteria, it would've been an interesting time for sure. 

  10. I did this every year on NintendoAge, and I shall continue the tradition on here too. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

    It's 12:37 am on January 1st, 2020 here in New Zealand as of typing this, hello from the future. First country to see the turn of the decade. Hope you all had a fantastic 2019 and have an incredible 2020. It'll be very interesting to see where we are in ten years time, notably in technology. Personally I think there'll be a near complete shift to digital entertainment and likely a widespread introduction to augmented reality. 

    Personally 2019 was the worst year of my life, breaking my ankle in the worst way possible and losing a family member both within a week, and general shortcomings that followed. Hopefully you all felt differently. It was good in that I completed my first year of university and have found my true passions to pursue after I graduate, which made the lowpoints not as bad. 

    And then having VGS start up so well! So glad there's this community of us to share our hobby and enjoyment to retro games, thanks all for making that happen! Hopefully you all set some nice, realistic resolutions and can see them through to completion. Whether that be collecting or otherwise, hopefully you can achieve your goals! 

    • Like 7
  11. When I first joined NA I used to quite often have a habit of looking at when people were banned and reading their posts to try piece together what led to their ban. As stated in this thread most are repeat offenders or rightful bans, a good page or two were from Dutch (for one of his alts the personal name he gave was 'Joe Poethe' and 'Carlos Amigo.' Clearly not all there guy.)

    Literally nobody will have answers for these, but the first three accounts banned had less than 10 posts. One in particular was adurso or fdurso or something along those lines. He made two accounts and they both got banned in days, and I can't seem to see why.  

    There was another one, the first account banned, called ganonbanned I believe. The account had one post in 2006, a WTB thread. I -assume- it was made as a way to test the banning feature, it was always interesting for examples like those. 

    • Like 1
  12. Love the show. Listened to the recent episode about the Sonic Movie and Pawn Stars yesterday. Entertaining as always. 

    Said it on NA, I've spread the word about the show to everyone I know who has interest in retro games. Particularly convenient with it being on Spotify, since I can listen to an episode on my way to university or work, it's great. 

    The games that can be posted on holidays is for sure my favourite episode,  if for nothing else than the two mentions of Night Trap and GTA with no disk pickup. Cheers for the consistent entertainment guys, been an active listener for nearly three years. 

    • Like 2
  13. 36 minutes ago, Estil said:

    Oh boy did you miss out!  And BTW, Ice was not a "one hit wonder", he was a TWO hit wonder!  His moment of fame might not have lasted very long but he sure made sure he'd be forever immortalized just the same!


    And of course who could forget MC Hammer?  Check out all the neat athlete cameos in his Too Legit to Quit...though Canseco and Clemens and McGwire weren't quite as legit as we thought...


    From very briefly looking at the Vanilla Ice movie and MC Hammer animated series, it isn't hard to see why they're seen as predominantly bad. 

  14. 23 hours ago, twiztor said:

    you can't leave us with that tease.....now you gotta tell us!

    Haha okay. Kanye West, Playboi Carti, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B (sorry to disappoint, Tyler) Travis Scott and Drake are some of my favourites. Don't say I didn't warn ya, I'm one of the youngest people on this site. 😆

    There's a new-ish rapper I -think- started out as an ironic joke-type person, Yung Gravy, that is fantastic too. 

  15. If I said the rappers that I'd consider my favourites of all time I'd be ostracized to hell and back. 😄 Though as far as current rappers that are keeping the original vision alive, Kendrick Lamar never disappoints. Tyler, The Creator's a really good introductory person as well for any of you wanting to listen to rap but are deterred from the provocative figures. 

  16. Have to say my favourite is Dream Team. 

    The idea is so incredibly unique, I loved playing through it. If I'm able to get through my backlog I might play through it again. 

    Only complaint with it is that it can get rather grindy if you're trying to 100% it, the beans are a tad tedious to locate. 

  17. Florida Man tends to yield funny results. 

    Type in Florida Man then your birthday. Fun little game to try with people. 

    "Florida man rides manatee, dares police to arrest him, gets arrested." 


    EDIT- I just went straight down to the submit box without reading the rest of the thread. I have been beaten to referencing a manatee. 😆 

  18. Finished Rayman Legends Definitive Edition like I thought I would. Completed Sonic Triple Trouble today, best Game Gear Sonic game without a doubt. Still playing Toki Tori, about a third of the way through it. I'll probably play Kirby's Dream Land 2 after I finish Toki Tori. Not collecting the past few months aside from a few things here and there has really helped me keep on top of my backlog for modern systems. (Most retro stuff I play is on Virtual Consoles (too expensive for original hardware here so GB and GG titles on 3DS.)) 

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