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Posts posted by OptOut

  1. 7 minutes ago, CIB_Wholesale said:

    how is a judge denying their motion to throw out the case and accepting the RICO part to proceed 'very little new'?

    No, I mean very little new in terms of the details of the case.

    I had very little doubt this case would hold up, given everything we've already seen and heard.

  2. 1 hour ago, CIB_Wholesale said:


    I must say, as someone who has been following this whole debacle since day one, it feels very vindicating to have basically everything we've been saying all these years finally come out into the open.

    There is very little new in here for those that have been paying attention, but it is immensely gratifying to see it all spilled out in the open court of law. Can't wait to see how deep the rabbit hole goes once all the discovery documents are revealed.

    Also, pretty hilarious that they are actually getting called out for the racist WATA name, lol! I don't actually care about the racism angle, but it is a cherry on top nonetheless! 🤣

    • Wow! 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    I remember him saying that essentailly he bet the farm on the AVS being a hit so I am going to guess that he wants to keep it in stock and available for as long as possible. However, with the current shift away from legacy chip manufacturing towards premium chips, I don't know if that was part of the equation when the AVS was being deveoped in 2017 or w.e

    Yeah, well I've put my order in anyway, I think it's a decent purchase long-term, just to keep my NES/FC needs fulfilled for the foreseeable future.

    Certainly, at the very least, I know if they sold out and said yeah we're done, then I'd be kicking myself for NOT buying one. And, as I said, in this day and age 209 bucks plus shipping is practically a steal for a quality aftermarket solution for NES gaming, so I'm happy to lay out for it. 🙂


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  4. Okay, so I have weighed up the options and decided that the AVS is worth trying out, even if it isn't fully compatible with all the PAL NES games. From the reports I have seen it won't play all the PAL games flawlessly, but as long as it works well enough with the bulk of the games I own, it should suit my needs.

    It's cheap enough to take the risk on it, IMO, and if I wait too long it may disappear again, so I might as well take the plunge. Besides, if it ends up not being able to play EVERYTHING I want, then I will probably simply invest in a flash-cart to play the rest.

  5. There was a recent leak from Microsoft about the next revision of the XBOX Series going completely digital in both the X and S versions.

    Apparently it was an old source, and they quickly denied that was going to be the case, but it's definitely coming sooner or later...

    It's very possible the next generation of XBOX and the PS6 launch with no disc options at all.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    If I was to hazard a guess, I'm thinking Analogue wants to cater to an age progressing market. I think they may feel that they got all they could out of the NES market, hence moving on to SNES/Genesis (which I think they're dropping, too) and now to N64. And whatever market the Pocket picks up.

    I know it sounds nuts, but I think that's their business model now. Go for whatever gaming generation is aging into disposable income and milk that. Generation that had the N64 as their first console is now late 20s, have stable jobs, etc, and a hankering to fire up Ocarina on their HDTV.

    True enough, there's also the technical aspect to consider, as these FPGA systems are very complex and so it must have taken many years to develop each of these cores in turn.

    Obviously, as the systems they emulate get more powerful and complex, they also get more difficult to develop, and thus take longer to produce.

    However, as someone who chose not to buy an NT mini due to the expense, I would definitely be in the market for a cheaper, slimmed down offering of the same system. Make it out of plastic and take out the DAC, and shave a hundred or so bucks off the price, I am sure they would find a hungry new market for that product.

  7. 1 minute ago, Code Monkey said:

    I thought youd be more concerned that it plays Famicom cartridges and is compatible with the disk system.

    An interesting assertion. I do have a fair few Famicom games, indeed, although I don't own a disk system. However, the website for the AVS claims full compatibility with famicom carts, and only partial compatibility with PAL games.

    The reason I am concerned about PAL games is because ALL my NES cartridges are PAL, I don't own any US carts. So, if I would have problems playing my games I would rather not purchase this system.

  8. 1 minute ago, RH said:

    No, we're cool.  In life and in general, I'm unoffendable.  I can call out bad behavior and such, but I'm mostly unoffendable.  I was playfully responding.

    You like to trash talk... so that was, as I stated, my "olive branch".  I trash talked a system you love!

    Well, that's all well and good, but I'm afraid I AM offended by what you said, and if you want to remain friends I demand a full apology and some cash compensation for emotional distress caused. 😭

  9. 1 minute ago, RH said:

    Ok, cool.  Well I can extend an olive branch in the sense and maybe I should start "hating" the OG XBox.  I'm kind of in the same camp as you, as you're stating in the last post.

    I mean, I do have an XBox 360 I got for $10 at a yard sale (and works, with a controller) and I've kept it for one game series-- Halo.  Literally.  That is the only XBox exclusive I care about. 

    I mean Forza is almost cool, and I'd add it to the list, but why would I play that trash when I have the far superior GT series games?  It's like eating a Lay's Stax potato chip--every time I do, I think "This  is good.... but I'd rather be eating Pringles".  That's my experience with Forza.  I just want to go back to Gran Turismo, and that's really the only game I've ever cared to try and get into.  Otherwise the whole ecosystem is a waste.

    (Did... did I do that right?  Is that proper, passive-aggressive shade?) 

    Lol, did I actually offend you with my little puke emoji?! If so I apologise! 😅

    I have a hard time getting genuinely worked up over other people's opinions on videogames, so sometimes I'm not sure if I've crossed the line with any of my hyperbolic shit-talking! 💩

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  10. 8 minutes ago, RH said:

    You single-company camp people…

    I’ll fight alongside you Opty with my love for the N64, but I got fight along any supporter of the Saturn too.

    You can complain about the internals of the device all you want, and Sega’s bonehead decisions that lead them to eventually stop making hardware, but the Saturn had excellent games that are fun to play.

    I’m not starting a fight for the Saturn, I just have never understood the us-versus-them battles that people get into, and I’ve felt that way since I was a kid when the Genesis came out and commercials pitted it against Nintendo.

    SEGA, Nintendo and Sony can make great games.  I’m not going to poopoo an old system just cause I didn’t own one and that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it today.

    I mean, you do your thing and that’s fine.  Hate the Saturn if that’s what keeps you sane and all, but fundamentally I just don’t understand and it’s not just you Opty.  So many gamers started that way when they were kids and now we’re all 30-40 year old adults carrying our school yard grudges… about systems that died 25 years ago.


    I mean, I'm mostly taking the piss, but there are systems I just don't care for at all, mainly all the Playstations and Saturn. I have no ill-will towards the people who do enjoy them, and on a rational level I realise there are great games and experiences on these systems. But, there is no room for them in my collection, my life, or my heart, and I'm cool with that.

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