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Posts posted by CMR

  1. The GBA game was redesigned to play well on a hand held.  That said, it still has plenty of challenge, and if you need more, just don't buy any weapons or armor.  Use the stuff you find along the way.  It's more fun that way, IMO.  The extra dungeons are also  cool, and the secret bosses are brutal.

    The second game is also fun, despite the trashing it gets.

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  2. On 8/18/2021 at 1:19 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

    I sat around in Secret of Mana quite a bit so I could see pixelated boobs that appear inside a "book"

    I was pretty good at Street Fighter II.   The pause button was my Chun Li special move*.

  3. 10/10  I played this game so much it's boring to me now.  I beat the whole thing again a few weeks ago.  The really incredible thing is just how much this game is still hacked and played today over 30 years later.  I guess you could say the same thing about all the old 8bit and 16bit Mario games.

  4. On 3/20/2024 at 2:23 PM, skinnygrinny said:

    @fox what game is “greylancer”? 🤓

    It's awesome.  Go play it.  Also a lot of people call it "gleylancer" for some reason, which is dumb because "gley" isn't a word in any language.  (Actually it is, but I don't care.)  It probably got spelled that way because the Japanese pronounce "L"s and "R"s the same apparently.


    As for the poll, I'm pretty much in line with the popular vote.  The only place I varied was with Shinobi III, but I'll concede that one because Shinobi III is awesome and it was a tough choice for me as well.

  5. I feel like it's comparing apples to oranges in a lot of cases.  A lot of them are too different to make comparisons.  I don't think Operation C is better than Contra or Super C, but it's definitely great.  I have similar feelings about other series offshoots made for the Gameboy.  The Gameboy library is like a smorgasbord of tasty finger foods.

  6. I think this is a nice debate about grading games objectively or subjectively.  Just to be clear about my own point of view, I do think Pitfall is a fun game.  There are plenty of games the world loves, however, that I don't.  I'm not a big fan of Pac-Man for instance.  I probably wouldn't give any traditional Pac-Man game a score above 6. 

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  7. 21 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Can you elaborate?

    I'm not comparing it to anything that came later.  It's a 9/10 of Atari 2600 games.  The mechanics are good, the graphics are excellent, and I think it was ahead of its time in terms of gameplay and goals.  Its one of the few 2600 games you can actually beat.

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