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Everything posted by Davey

  1. Has anyone picked up the capcom preloaded handhelds? I've been kinda on the fence, but those units seem generally well received and with the ability to play the evercade carts, a solid entry point if they're not terrible. Anyone have some real life takes on them? I get a fancy gameboy vibe. Also, cant not mention the king. The Duke Nukem remakes have me ready to take the dive more than ever, as well. I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta kicks and chew.
  2. I feel this. I have two daughters, and while they are into it now, I dunno about later. With that being said, they have a good enough understanding that there is money to be had. Not gonna get a bunch, but when it comes time someone's getting a happy meal. I won't be around, so they can fight over it. at 15 and 17, I am pretty fortunate it's not like explaining it to an 8 year old. But, they understand generally where to go and what to do to sell them. There's also a how to and log in for whatever I have related like price charting/email/ebay blah blah blah hidden where only the doctors will find it and for proctologist to decipher it. And a short blurb in my will directing them on the what to and how to. The fast way being finding a good shop and places/cities where collecting is strong. The medium way is to sell it as a collection on ebay/auction and other venues like consignment. The hard way, breaking it up, and taking that time. Profits to scale. Simplified explanation of course as everyone is going to have different ways/economies/circles. But it ensures it doesn't end up at a pawn shop, yard sale, or car boot. And of course how to take care of the collection if by some freaky reason they or one wants to keep it going. This is the ultra rare i think. I love my kids, but liking money never goes out of style and they might not want to deal with it. It's hard to say what they'll be into, and if it will include gaming at all. But make sure they understand what they have (before or after, i dunno if you want to surprise them. I am debating a glitter bomb to make sure my point gets across and post living still fucking lawyers offices up) and make sure they appreciate the reality of it. Be it's cash/sentiment/nostalgic/might fuck up the cremation so you should keep it, reasons, they'll know and smile when they go and do with it what they may. And prepare to accept the future of your REAL children. Little breath of fire. Cousin Castlevainia X. Aunt Hentai vs. Evil. Because having left the mortal coil, the kids I have chosen will be left at the will of my genetic kids. I didn't collect them.
  3. I just got my hands on Phantasy Star 0 (DS) and starting up a second playthrough of Star Ocean Second R (ps5) Between the pair and a returning and further developing addiction to Cyberpunk I fear the backlog may not move at all for yet another season of gaming. What an awesome problem to have.
  4. Hi there! I guess I will start off with my name. It's Davey. I was pretty surprised, too. not very clever, but hey, it does the job and is readily available as a handle almost everywhere. Land locked in the middle of Central Canada, I have my gig as Davey's Gaming selling video games, pokemon and comic books at local farmers markets. The closest gamestop to my house is an hour(ish) drive, legitimately two towns over, and I have a membership with the agricultural society to sell/trade/table said collectables. Needless to say, business is terrible, but my collections have suddenly started looking really nice since starting the vending gig. Sound a little weird? I mean, the kid who got his members card ahead of me was there for breeding cattle and openly laughed with his dad when they found out I'm a game vendor, who needs a "cattlemans license" to sell nintendos and pohkeemans. I am sure this is how every game vendor gets started. or ranchers. Around here at least? But that aside, 44 year old. Been collecting games for over a decade, but have not stopped gaming itself since the mid 80's. I love everything about gaming and the many different aspects and cultures that go with it. And almost anything nerdy. New to pokemon and working on figuring that scene out. Got back into comics reigniting a childhood passion and now spend the better part of my time scouring the internet for the awesome, sought after, and needing a home in my collections. I have two daughters who not only really like having a gamestop (my living rooom) at their disposal but help keep me in the loop in what's good. They both eyball and mentally pick apart what's on display for solid mental notes on what to get on top of should the worst happen to me or if I just get lost in a Y'all Mart to never return. Makes me hopeful that maybe they will wanna take up the hobby, or join in on the current collection. Gaming is something the three of us kinda all bond over, which is amazingballs. My parents got games to get rid of us, not to play with us. So being the best kid I can be, if I'm not online or with my kids, you'll find me our at the skatepark or pretending that I am still a musician, but really just a drummer with health problems. If being a drummer wasn't enough to keep me from being a real musician, then the narcolepsy sure did that in. And contributed to being a world class napper. I am happy to have found this place, excited to see so many like minded humans, and to have finally made it to the end of my babbling and too long hello. I type like I talk and am bad for the babble, so my apologies ahead of time if my posts look like crap at first. I assure you, it's either sarcasm, or really poor communication skills. Working on it. I look forward to seeing the pics, stories and posts! Cheers!
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