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Everything posted by nerdynebraskan

  1. Nice to see you back in action, Strikezone1. That puts you over 100 points for the year. I don't know if you even care about such things, but I'm a sucker for it.
  2. I finished my season of Tecmo Super Bowl III tonight. The Cleveland Browns went undefeated and beat the Saints in the Super Bowl. Their starting quarterback MIGHT have been me, courtesy of the create-a-player option.
  3. I'll put this up to the judges. I beat Beavis and Butthead last night, as it's one of my favorite Genesis games. I will confess that I did use a turbo controller, but only during the couch fishing sections. It's a stupid button-mashing thing, but I can't hit the button fast or consistently enough so I used a turbo function only for those spots. It's a great game, with a few minor design flaws... such as the insane button-mashing expected for the couch fishing. I've also started a season of Tecmo Super Bowl III. It'll be done soon. And I think I'll do Paperboy 2 soon. Those are three of my favorites on the Genesis.
  4. This has been a pretty cool excuse for me to keep not only exploring but also committing to seeing the ends of the many strange and wonderful things in the NES library. It's a big part of what keeps me coming back.
  5. @8bitsupremacy Welcome to the forum! It seems you've had a good year. You'd be in the Top 10 of our standings had you started on New Year's Day and gotten credit for most of these. As it is, you're still the first this year to claim Blues Brothers, Bo Jackson Baseball, and Top Gun so you'll definitely get credit for those. There are still more than 100 games to be claimed for this year at the top of this thread, which was up-to-date until your last post. I hope you'll stay on and compete for the rest of the year and into 2020.
  6. @Gaia Gensouki Welcome to the Top 10! And congratulations on clinching your first publisher's crown, as beating Air Fortress means you are the 2019 HAL champ! It hasn't been beaten in the last two years, but I suppose getting 20 points for it is reward enough. I'd be interested in seeing how much noise you make next year, with the benefit of actually starting on January 1st. Also, I'll thank you for handing me my 11th publisher crown, since your taking of the Krion Conquest has by default made me Vic Tokai champion once again. @Hoskat I'm glad to see you've tackled Bases Loaded, and I hope you can keep the faith. From what I understand, you're about 1/3 of the way through the game. Even if you can complete only one game per day, I think there's enough time left in the year to get it done and get your credit. Though I've never won a single game of Bases Loaded, I seem to remember someone beating it for a previous "Beat All the NES Games" challenge saying that there was an exploit where it was pretty easy to pick off a baserunner between pitches with the pitcher.
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