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Everything posted by nerdynebraskan

  1. I actually died a handful of times, but it's a pretty short game. It really only has 3-4 Mega Man-length stages and it's padded out with 6-7 short (bonus level/boss fight only) mini-stages. I did beat the game last year for the first time, so it came back pretty quickly tonight.
  2. Sorry, fiend. I guess great minds were thinking alike today. But no, I've not seen anything about requiring default settings for most games. For instance, games like Tecmo Super Bowl and Tecmo NBA are still fair game if you skip the entire regular season. And in Tecmo NBA, you can even reduce the number of playoff games you have to play. There's still a certain risk to shortening the number of periods in Pro Sport Hockey or the number of games in Tecmo NBA; the margins for error are obviously greatly reduced for you as well. But I had confidence in my defense and I pitched 7 straight shutouts in Pro Sport today. Can't lose if they can't score, right?
  3. Pro Sport Hockey is done. Looking through the options, I not only discovered two minute periods but an option to play one-period games. That made playing all 7 games of the super tournament pretty quick. Also, I continue to be the first and only player of the points era to score at least 400 in every year. So, that's neat.
  4. I really liked Dragon Warrior II when I played it for this thread a few years ago. I got hit really hard in the nostalgia when I reached the continent from the first game and it started playing a sadder-tuned remix of the first game's music.
  5. Skate or Die 2 is done, and I finally have my first pain point!
  6. I just started Kickle Cubicle. I should have it finished in a little bit. I just wanted to post here before I forgot that I just had a very strange experience with this game. I primarily game anymore on an Everdrive N8 (Famicom edition) plugged into my AV Famicom. I had a Bandai Hypershot light gun plugged into the expansion port. This light gun, if you're unaware, has a speaker built into it designed to pipe in the audio of your game into the light gun as you're playing with it. As far as I knew, this functionality was only present in Space Shadow, the Famicom light gun game that was packed in with the Hypershot light gun. But when I just started Kickle Cubicle (US version, mind you) just now, the audio came through my Hypershot and startled the crap out of me. I just thought I'd share, because a couple of y'all may find that interesting.
  7. Arkista's Ring is done. @Bearcat-Doug 2015 was wild. We had a furious competition between Bea Iank and DoctorNick for the championship. I beat more than 100 games and scored well over 400 points and still finished a distant third. But with those two fighting to the very last game (Nick in fact snatched the title by beating Mutant Virus last), we burned through the catalog really fast that year.
  8. I don't know how it lasted into the second half of this challenge, but Sesame Street: Countdown is done.
  9. Real American Hero is one of my all-time favorite run & guns; I rented the crap out of it growing up. But yeah, after finally beating it for the first time in last year's challenge, I could see where the bomb-planting in the last couple of stages got excessively tedious. Speaking of run & guns, Joe & Mac is done.
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