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Everything posted by PuppyWaffles

  1. My first car was a 1997 Chevy Tracker (made by Geo). It was Dark Green and ugly as sin. I called it the Green Goblin. Had a deer headbutt me off the road into a steel mailbox and totaled it. Replace with a 92 White Eagle Summit that I drove with no doors like a Jeep!
  2. Hey @Benihana it is you! You are a dentist or did I make that up?
  3. No I meant in his buy/sell threads he would never liat prices. Oh yeah he always bragged about the money. Who was the really cool dentist guy? Benihana or something? Man it's been a while...
  4. Wasn't Bronty the guy that collected artwork and refused to name prices on anything he bought or sold?
  5. I tried to get my wife to buy a bigger car. She has had a GTI since 2015. We went out like 6 days looking at cars. She came home with a 21 GTI. I hate it.
  6. I saw the your mom and was expecting this to be from @MuNKeY
  7. I mean the FRS does have Decepticon badges on it...I'd say that's close.
  8. Just ran outside in the rain for you . Another reason I gotta sell it quick is my neighbor started calling me "Axis" since we now have a German, an Italian, and a Japanese car in our driveway...
  9. After driving 120k miles I just want a different view, so I bought the Alfa as a daily. I'm thinking of replacing it with a 4C or a Lotus (going full track) or something weird like a Nissan Pao. That being said the FRS is solid and has never once let me down, even in a snowstorm it skipped across the top with ease!
  10. Depending on when it was, it may be very relevant to everything...not the fire, the campout
  11. Secretly I can confirm RHD is better for driving in the US since we can legally pass on the right...
  12. Even pre COVID the only car I've ever taken a loss on will be my FRS, but I bought it new and have put 120k miles on it. Speaking of which, anybody wanna buy an FRS?
  13. @Megamanfanwhat year was the Amazon fire at the campout? Was that 2018?
  14. I understand that, and there are plenty of cars I wouldn't dare feel comfortable driving even if I had the money. Like a Lamborghini Miura, I would feel horrible if I even got it dirty (even if it was mine). But for the most part my cars are my own, but that doesn't make them special, just special to me. I accepted a long time ago that cars will have flaws if you drive them. When I bought my FRS I tried so hard to keep the paint nice, now I know that isn't possible when you drive it everyday. Just had to change my mindset. Now my game collection on the other hand...
  15. I'm with you on that! Crazy Toyota didn't put that engine in the Supra but Lotus is using it. The blue color has my interest, but that green is a close second. You have to share pics when you get it! I'm also thinking about upgrading to a 4C, but don't know if 2 Alfas would be a smart choice.
  16. Another Boxster! Heck yeah! And hell yeah on the Lotus! You going 4 or 6 cylinder? What color? I'm thinking about upgrading my FRS to the Emira...
  17. Had that one, currently have a 928 I'm restoring to sell. The Porsche in the picture was $11k in total with all the mods I did to it. Just have to look for the right car and learn to fix it using YouTube
  18. I used to have a 2000 Boxster with an engine swap (the 3.4 from the 911). Amazing sleeper! Lost it in a flood
  19. If you look at their website they say turnaround is 150 business days, if they go belly up people aren't getting jack back.
  20. Some of both. But the shelf pic is all homebrew except Smash...if you don't consider the N64 games I'll take the 25 Homebrews
  21. They are all from ClarkyGames. I have his entire set except 3 games. He may still do made to order on Facebook. There are a ton others I have put away until I can get my shelving set up ( I used old pictures)
  22. That should be 100 imports (most are in storage for the moment): I would also like to apply for the 50 Homebrew games award:
  23. Unless you want to pay for a custom case, at least that's what I've heard...
  24. Why wouldn't you? When Wata's motto was "We Grade Everything" I knew it was a cash grab, especially when they started grading the Mario Amiibo Cereal boxes...
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