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Posts posted by Bearcat-Doug

  1. 21 hours ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    HA! I dunno how I only just now noticed this, I dunno if it's always been there and I'm blind or if it's new, but they literally just slapped on a .png of the NA logo up in the top right corner, as if to say "Yeah guys, this is still the NA you know and love! Right?"

    Christ almighty, I'm a pretty easygoing guy and I'm not one to say stuff like this at the drop of a hat, but Jesus Christ that really is just pathetic.


    I saw that last night. It's like slapping a bumper sticker on a car that lost a demolition derby and trying to sell it as "slightly used".

    • Haha 2
  2. That episode of NXT Smackdown was great! Figures that the main roster gets stuck in Saudi Arabia and it actually worked out. I don't get how Brock Lesnar can "quit" and go to Raw. Another reason these brand splits make no sense. I thought Raw was going to use the "draft pick to be named later" they got for trading Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross to Smackdown since it wasn't used, but I'm guessing the writers already forgot about it since that would have actually made sense instead of opening the door for wrestlers to have the option of "quitting" their brand to switch to another one. Instead of using the available solution, they create another loophole. I need to check the WWE corporate website and see if they have another opening for the creative team. I knew I should have applied for that last one...

  3. 1 hour ago, Boosted52405 said:

    I won't spoil Crown Jewel either, but there were a few surprises.  The ending was a head scratcher for me, trying to see the end game.

    I thought the show was decent, but the matches I cannot say were all that great...very interesting developments with the wrestlers not being allowed to leave - wow.

    EDIT - woah read about it, apparently it's a 20-hour flight back and several SD wrestlers may not make it to tonight's show in time.  I better tune in lol.

    I have a theory of how they could fix the situation they caused, but I wouldn't give the creative team the credit to think of it becauase I'm guessing it's only a possibility by accident. The somewhat non spoiler version is that Raw still has a left over draft pick they haven't used due the trade they announced on the first FS1 WWE Backstage show.

  4. 3 hours ago, Teh_Lurv said:

    That story is so surreal. "Saudi Arabia holding the WWE hostage" sounds like the setup for an episode of GI Joe. 

    The official WWE statement is that there were mechanical issues with the plane so I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle. They also said tonight's Smackdown will be full of surprises, which likely translates to "we're going to make it up as we go".

  5. Besides Smackdown tonight is going to be a thrown together mess, from what I read, Vince and Brock Lesnar left because they flew in on their own flights and everyone else is still stuck. I bet the morale in the locker room is going to be a mess when everyone gets back.

  6. 16 hours ago, BeaIank said:

    We won't be starting this Sunday.

    I will start the thread about the tournament this Sunday, but gaming will only rumble on the 9th!
    I am still waiting confirmation from a few folks and I will need some time to prepare.
    But come the 9th, you all will be playing and killing each other at the tournament!

    I can't wait for the first VGS tournament! I'll be here cheering all of you guys on!

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

    That doesn't bother me, thats their business.  The issue is that the WWF is in a weird position where they're trying to cater to young fans AND smarks.  When I was a kid it was all Hogan and I loved it.  When I was a teen it was all Austin and I loved it.  Now they're PG for the kids who buy merch, but are trying to also cater to smarks where AEW is all smark.  You really can't have both.  I think the best thing they should do is not to micromanage talent so much and let the ones get over on their own with their promos.  Give more power to the wrestlers like how it used to be.  Thats what I like about NWA.  The wrestlers seem so natural and not overproduced.  

    I agree. I keep reading interviews with WWE people where they get asked about AEW being competition and the typical responses are the standard "competition is good for business" or "they are doing their own thing" when obviously they are worried about losing wrestlers and fans to AEW to the point they are resigning guys that they could stand to let go and overpaying them to barely get used on TV just to keep them from leaving. I'm sure they remember when they were losing the ratings war and signed struggling midcarders that WCW didn't think they needed in Cactus Jack, Jean Paul Levesque and Stunning Steve Austin who the WWE turned into Mankind, Triple H and Stone Steve Austin who all became main eventers and key figures during the Attitude Era that eventually put WCW out of business. If the WWE wouId just focus on using the talent they have to put out entertaining programming instead of forcing pushes on wrestlers that aren't over organically or ignoring the ones that are which is what gets the smarks riled up on the internet which sends them into damage control booking like they did yesterday (I'm sure due to the Hell in a Cell backlash) with no plan going forward so they end up having to make it up as they go and the product suffers for it. I like NWA and they have the right attitude. They know their audience and they are doing their own thing instead of worrying about competing with AEW or WWE.

  8. Just now, guitarzombie said:

    You're totally right.  I was at that WM and the place BLEW UP.  Wrestling fans are the worst and they're the ones killing it and I dunno if they even know it.  I just watch what I watch and enjoy.  I dont put in my two cents and wanna see how things play out.  I dont follow the WWF or any show except the NWA but it just baffling to me how everyone thinks they know what to do and what they wanna see.  I think its a respect thing.  I went to wrestlecon this year and talked to Jerry Lynn for like a half hour (who's such an INCREDIBLY nice guy BTW) and I told him how awkward it was for me to use 'wrestling lingo' to a wrestler, and the only reason why I did it is because he was using it first.  I told him it was just out of respect.  I think thats whats missing, but I dunno.  I really hope good things come out of this whole thing and I think it will EVENTUALLY.  

    I don't know if you saw that WWE Backstage show they have on FS1 now, but they are literally exposing the business on their own talk show using insider terms talking about "storylines" and "promos". I couldn't believe it. They just need to go back (a long way back) to when they had storylines that had a solid build and an actual payoff. I think half of the reasons the smart fans can't make up their minds what they want is because the booking is equally as inconsistent.

  9. I don't want to spoil what happened at Crown Jewel, but I guarantee that was reactionary booking to fan response and now the WWE has booked themselves into a corner IMO that they are going to have to find a way to work around.

  10. 1 minute ago, guitarzombie said:

    I agree.  Me though, I dont know who to 'blame'.  I think the flashy moves are ridiculous and its tiring every time.  But who do I blame?  The wrestlers or the fans?  The fans want it and the wrestlers give it to them.  I love Vince, and once he goes, I think you'll see the WWF back to prominence.  I call it the WWF cuz thats what I grew up with haha.

    I honestly think it's the fans. The same ones that wanted Kofi to win the title started complaining when his run was less than stellar and went back to saying he was a career midcarder, but when he dropped the title, they had a fit. The creative team could do a lot better, but it's tough to please fans that can't decide what they want.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, guitarzombie said:

    With a lot of AEW fans, I get the vibe of 'smarks who wanna be one of the boys' and I think that ruins wrestling.  With that said, I do love the amount of support they give and the AEW main card stuff is excellent.  I really hope both companies do well but I think those kinda smark wrestling fans are ruining it.  They're also the easiest to work and I think the wrestlers that know what they're doing use that to their advantage.  

    They do know how to appeal to the internet fans that are tired of the lackluster WWE product which just booked themselves into a mess trying to do the same thing. I think putting out a solid in ring product with storylines that actually make sense with legit payoffs would keep the fans attention.

  12. 5 hours ago, SuperJimtendo said:

    I'll be at work tonight but I might put it on my phone and peek at It occasionally 

    I won't spoil anything for anyone that wants to watch it later, but stuff actually happened that's worth watching.

  13. 1 minute ago, Br81zad said:

    I think Ol' GoCollect Jimmy used Oct 30th in his announcement. That's probably where that came from

    There has to be some irony in them getting their own shutdown date wrong. I guess it's not surprising.

  14. 9 minutes ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    That may have been the announced date as well.   Or IBM could just be lazy in shutting down that particular server farm.

    I was thinking that was the announced date, but I guess shutting down the servers is just the physical shutdown after last night.

  15. 6 minutes ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    The old server isn't being decommissioned until the 31st, so not sure what exact time they meant.   

    They moved/redirected NA but probably not SA or PSC

    I was wondering if that was the case. I'm not sure why I kept thinking it was getting shut down on the 30th.

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