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  1. One thing I remember learning as a kid, was that there's a sucker born every minute. The old adage is true...


    Believers of 5G conspiracy theories have apparently been buying a $350 anti-5G USB key that—not surprisingly—appears to just be a regular USB stick with only 128MB of storage..."The 5GBioShield makes it possible, thanks to a uniquely applied process of quantum nano-layer technology, to balance the imbalanced electric oscillations arising from all electric fog induced by all devices such as: laptops, cordless phones, wlan, tablets, etc.," the company says, adding that the USB stick "brings balance into the field at the atomic and cellular level restoring balanced effects to all harmful (ionized and non-ionized) radiation."

    Wow... that company sure threw a bunch of nonsense together that if you don't think about it or know science, sure sounds like science... but it's utter bullshit. 

    One person who does take 5GBioShield claims seriously is Toby Hall, one of the members of the Glastonbury Town Council's 5G Advisory Committee. Hall told the BBC that he "felt a 'calmer' feel to the home" when using 5GBioShield. Hall said "he had no regrets about buying it and since plugging it in had felt beneficial effects, including being able to sleep through the night and having more dreams," the BBC wrote.

    Okeydokey fruitcake...

    Screenshot from 2020-05-29 20-03-45.png

  2. Anyone play this? Know if the game is any fun, anything remarkable? Apparently it's ultra-violent, which is not a surprise it's a Devolver Digital game, and it looks like SRG is addicted to them! Quite honestly ultra-violence doesn't do anything to me. Not sure if all that gore is supposed to impressive or shock me or whatnot, but it doesn't. 


  3. 1 minute ago, ThePhleo said:

    If anything, this technology now gives plausible deniability and with improvements will make video evidence obsolete.

    And that is of course a real problem. The news will show actual videos and people will just say it's a fake...

  4. 5 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

    Could be real problems down the road, but for now it gives us some amusing memes.


    It does. It's quite amazing what one person can do today. A few decades ago such "special effects" would have been possible only by a huge group of talented individuals. That said, I was surprised (perhaps I shouldn't have been) to find out that this is popular in the porn industry. Overall, it's fairly benign today, but just imagine what a country, such as Russia, could do to influence elections by employing deepfakes. 

  5. Hey, do you any of you know any of these people?


    Screenshot from 2020-05-28 13-18-08.png

    You don't. None of these people exist in real life. They were created using deepfake AI.

    Very frightening stuff. Here's an excellent read and summary of the technology thus far


    It does not require much imagination to grasp the harm that could be done if entire populations can be shown fabricated videos that they believe are real. Imagine deepfake footage of a politician engaging in bribery or sexual assault right before an election; or of U.S. soldiers committing atrocities against civilians overseas; or of President Trump declaring the launch of nuclear weapons against North Korea. In a world where even some uncertainty exists as to whether such clips are authentic, the consequences could be catastrophic.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Tabonga said:

    For what it is worth during the Siege of Paris (1870-71) during the Franco-Prussian War the French trapped in Paris would launch manned  balloons to communicate with the rest of France and the balloons would also carry out homing pigeons so communications could be returned.  The Prussians in turn deployed hawks to try to catch the returning pigeons - the French thought this was very barbaric.    

    It's true pigeons and other animals have long been used by militaries. However, I always find it hilarious when it sounds like they blame the pigeon...

  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52820119

    The man, who lives just 4km (2.5 miles) from the border, said he flew his pigeons to celebrate Eid festival. Police said the pigeon had a ring on one of its legs, inscribed with a code that they were trying to decipher. The Pakistani villager, who claims the arrested pigeon is his, says the code is actually his mobile phone number.

    Hopefully the pigeon can afford a good lawyer 😛

    Screenshot from 2020-05-28 06-27-04.png

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