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Posts posted by Kguillemette

  1. 16 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    That's not Revolver, it's the Grammy nods.

    I love Ghost, but if a frickin' cover wins when they didn't win for Rats or Square Hammer or something off Impera, it's gonna be major lol

    Not that it matters, I'm sure Metallica is a lock off name recognition.

    That's the Grammys for you. 


    • Haha 2
  2. #19 The Gathering- Strange Machines

    There was a doom and gloom metal scene for a bit in the early to mid 90s. Lots of bands shunned the aggressive riffage in favor of a very mellow sound. The Gathering was just another mediocre band in that scene... till they had the sense to hire an extremely talented female vocalist to lead the way. And their sound was found! While The Gathering has drifted away from metal over the years and abandoning it entirely towards the end, "Strange Machines" remains a classic and solidly in my top 20.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

    I like this movie for the occasional watch and think it's worth revisiting just for the Arnie quotes. It's a really strange movie to me though... it's like an action, rom-com, kids movie but the end is pretty violent and seems out of place - never really figured out who was the target audience for this one. It was the 80s into the 90s, so probably overthinking it.

    The target audience for this movie was litterally everyone I'm thinking. And it was campy and well written enough to pull it off.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Code Monkey said:

    Chrono Trigger

    I started it on an emulator around 2005 and then started again on the PSP (also emulator) around 2010. Both times got about halfway through and never finished. Then I bought a complete copy on eBay for $109 (remember those days?) with the intentions of getting to it eventually but then sold it recently for $800 before I even played it.

    I'm hoping it comes out on Switch so I can actually play it all the way through.

    If you don't want to wait and are looking for a non illegal rom...


    It's how I first played it.

  5. #20 Aghora- Atmas Heave

    These are starting to be the songs absolutely closest to my heart now. Many of us reading this are familiar with Cynic. They entered the Florida death metal scene and really transformed what metal could be by adding jazz fusion and progressive notes to it with lyrics that explored spirituality instead of the usual piling up of corpses. They made one amazing album that is now considered a classic and disbanded shortly after. Well, shortly after they disbanded, the Seans hooked up with another jazz fusion guitar player, Santiago Dobles, and a new band with a new but similar sound was born. I love these guys almost as much as I do Cynic and the album Formless in patucular. After this album, the Sean's left, probably because that much songwriting talent and technical skill can't just stay bottled up in an otherwise niche band forever. Also, here is appearance of another one of my top 5 metal drummers of all time, Sean Reinert.

  6. #21 Evergrey- The Great Deceiver

    From the moment I first heard this song it became one of my favorites. It lead into the album perfectly and is prog and power metal near perfection. 

    I have a fun little story somewhat related to this song. When this came out back in 03 it was basically on repeat for several weeks I was enjoying the album so much. My go to hobby at the time was Magic: The Gathering and the current set at the time was Champions of Kamigawa which featured little creatures called "Deceivers". Now there wasn't anyone nearly as metal as myself in my playgroup, so nobody understood the reference every time I played a deceiver. Because I had to SING deceiver everything I played one. One by one, despite nobody ever having heard an Evergrey song in their life, they began to sing when casting their deceiver until half the playgroup began doing it too! If anyone here has ever played MTG, you understand that there are some players that took the game way too seriously. I drove them mad when my goofiness became infectious!

    "It's a Cruel Deceiver!!!"71K7YHKoQBL._AC_UF8941000_QL80_.jpg.8bceba0cc9ab936c4c2c1c4f882d3fdd.jpg

  7. On 11/7/2023 at 6:41 PM, ZeldaFreak said:

    We'll see. Personally I think so, and I'm alright with that because, let's be real here, a silent protagonist simply does not work nearly as well in any other medium besides a video game, it just doesn't. It's definitely not impossible, and they could still go in the silent direction (I'd be impressed if they pulled it off honestly) but more than likely he will have dialogue, and honestly for a movie or show adaptation of this franchise, I really don't think there's anything wrong with that. When gameplay is no longer present, dialogue becomes much much much more important.

    No matter what I'm gonna go in to it open-minded, personally I absolutely do not mind whatsoever if they make big changes (such as Link speaking) so long as it's in service of the film being better than if they didn't make that change.

    Link speaking absolutely could work. I've been reading the Twilight Princess manga lately and it's very good. Part of that is seeing Link's character develop through dialogue. I think it could very well work in a movie. 

    Now I wonder if it's going to be an adaptation or original story. 

    • Agree 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    I own these last two albums (well, three actually) and do like  them, and I do like side projects, but they often seem so... unmemorable to me.  Like the songwriting doesn't quite stick with me as much.

    Case in point, I consider that the best Sinergy album and have listened to it like 20 times.  But compared to Follow the Reaper?  That's like 200 times.

    Biggest offender is this guy.  Soilwork + Blind Guardian should be amazing.  Instead it's the most boring thing Strid has ever doneimage.png.fdcbf07da109e44ed1eaf4bc54048133.png

    I've never actually heard of Coldseed. I'm sure there's a reason for that. My personal pick for worst side project I've ever listened to is easily...


    So incredibly yawn inducing. And I fucking love Dream Theater! I have no idea why I though James Labrie would ever make a good solo album though.

    This is a bit of a coincidence on my end. I honestly never noticed having this many side projects next to each other in the low 20s until I started writing them up.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Brickman said:

    Modern gaming has never been more affordable though.

    You can get games for free from EPIC and Amazon Prime. GOG and Steam have sales with games ranging from $1-10 that are great games and Xbox game pass is probably one of the best gaming services around vs the price you pay. Personally I think the Switch service is meh but if you break it down you are barely paying anything for all the games you can play.

    Also games haven’t kept up with inflation and are going on sale constantly vs retro games which have gone up in price. 

    I'd argue the switch service is retro gaming, which ironically the primary way I play switch these days. And outside of a small handful of games for each system's library, most sell for way under $70, which is what new games seem to cost these days. I should note that when I refer to retro gaming, I personally am digging my heels into wii, wii u, and PS3 at the moment. I bought Yoshi's Wooly World last week for $15 at a local game store and having a blast with it!

    And the price of entry on ps5 is beyond me, especially for the console alone.

    I do agree that modern gaming is cheaper these days than it used to be when adjusting for inflation. Of course I couldn't afford these retro consoles when they were considered "modern" back then, either!

    • Agree 1
  10. #22 Diabolical Masquerade- The Eerie Obzidian Circuz

    I have a lot of side projects of big name bands near the top of my list, don't I? Anders Nystrom of Katatonia had an itchy black metal finger and inner kvultist that had him put together this little solo side project. He made a couple very good albums and then absolutely caught lightning in a bottle with the album, Nightwork. It is an has remained my favorite black metal album of all time and "Eerie Obzidian Circuz" remains my favorite black metal song. Just the little intro bellow "OUT OF MY WAY WRETCHED HUMANS" sets the tone. First time I heard it as the album was winding down, I was pulled right back in knowing I was in for a good time. 

    And that's right. This is as good as black metal gets right here. This little side project, and especially this song and album is superior to every other black metal band and album. And in my opinion, it is superior to his main band, Katatonia. This is a must listen to anyone curious of the genre.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sumez said:

    Well if American Psycho is horror, the bar must be pretty wide 😛

    And I'm Thinking of Ending Things is definitely one of the most unsettling movies I have ever seen

    I will agree with you that it is pretty unsettling. I take it you enjoyed it? I want to have liked it, I'm just thinking it wasn't my cup of tea. It was certainly a ride though!

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