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Everything posted by Franmotard

  1. Just seen my grades have been updated at Wata website and in my pokemon red and yellow got a grader note added saying: *Factory sealed, Box opened at factory prior to sealing They both are defined as a first party seam and sealed with seal rating A and A+, but got that extra note added. None of my other Pokémon games have it. have you seen that note before?
  2. For the september order, payed the deepbadge on November 3th, and for the November order payed the deep badge upgrade on December 10th. What are your bets for shipping? Speedrun service, they are all game boy-game boy color games! Also, I was wondering, does the order of the certifications shown mean anything? Like i dont understand the orther they are shown in the list, or maybe there is no reason? Cant wait for them to be shipped to kow the grades they got !!!
  3. How did you pay 9 dollars for a PSA card grade'??? Id like to grade a few cards there but the cheapest option i see is 150$ usd for a card...
  4. how long did it take you? i got some GBC GAMES on "post grade" for a month already, bout the speed run service and the 45 days would run out on december 1st
  5. What seal condition would be this game in the wata scale? Seal is 100% perfect and new except for this part on the back
  6. Obviously what would it be otherwise?? lmao i dont bother thinking about usernames anymore hahaha
  7. So, Im kind of new to the grading scene and got some questions. First of all let me introduce myself. Im 29, and in the past few years after I started working and making money ive been collecting some of my favourite games from my childhood. I would like to have them all put on my shelves at home and just look at them and tell my kids in the future "those were actual fun games to play" Fun fact, I am currently replaying Pokemon gold in my childhood gbc with my childhood pokemon gold cartridge (picture attached) After investing a decent amount of money I manage to get the first and second pokemon games sealed (thank got much cheaper of what they currently go for). I got them grading at WATA and Im currently waiting for them to be shipped (stuck at post grading, bought the speedrun service and just 5 more days remaining for the 45 day so hopefully they will be shipped soon ).(Also, I read about all the wata things and why people are hating on it but i just sent them there because IMO their case and tag is BY FAR the best looking and most complete one, VGA is just so poor compared to that) The thing is, I cant affor paying / cant find the rest of the games I would like sealed, so I got pokemon fire red, leaf green, Ruby and Emerald in a condition people seem to call CIB. I got the original insert, manual, game ofc and all the nintendo vip and commercial papers included). My question is, is it worthit to send them grading and capsualing them? I am not doing it for the "sell them for $$$" reason, just dont want them to get older, loose their colour, get humidity... I just want them in a beautiful case to show it off. Are they well "recognised" as CIB or nothing compared to Sealed games? I got extra cartridges of them oll for playing apart from the collecting ones so that wouldnt be an issue. Thanks for your help and opinions
  8. Yes i bought them a while ago... Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold,Crystal, Silver, Saphyre and pokemon green made by VGDB
  9. Oh okay, so the grade will show on the website when they ship the games right? Well.... now jus gotta wait i guess haha thank you, at least i know they all got a 9+ due to the deep badge, would im curious about the exact grade and the seal grade
  10. Hi I got an order of 8 pkemon game boy games that last week went into the post grading process. They emailed me to make the depp badge paypent which I already made the same day. Currently on the website i can see a "grade report" with pictures of the games before capsulating, but dont show the grade yet. How long you guys think i have to wait? what is the next step, will they upgrade the grade they receive and pictures of it or next step is shippment? thak you
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