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Posts posted by austin532

  1. Update on my GC situation. After calling the buyers bluff they remained quiet for a few weeks and a few days ago requested to send it back. I get it back today and it works fine.....

    They never sent me pictures of it not working like I asked and the fact that they remained silent makes me wonder if they just played this for awhile, got bored, and sent it back. Either that or their discs that are supposedly in good condition are scratched to hell.

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  2. Ok, I sold a Gamecube but this seems really suspicious:

    "Has a pop-up that says it has a glitch and to refer to the manual. Didn't come with a manual. Doesn't work. Please send a full refund. Thank you.

    Please email a return label, system won't let me print one unless I submit a picture, which I don't have."

    The glitch the person is referring to is usually caused by bad caps. I tested the system for an hour and from a cold boot up and it worked fine. So either this person swapped systems or I guess the caps did go bad from the very short amount of time it left my hands. What's your opinion?

  3. 7 minutes ago, CasualCart said:

    That's actually not so bad. But concerning your YouTube guide to NES styrofoam blocks ... you need some help.

    And concerning the amount of times I've watched that video ... I need some help, too.


    Concerning the amount of times you've watched it, I thank you.🥰

  4. On 10/7/2022 at 9:23 AM, CasualCart said:

    Sometimes I think that game collectors aren't that crazy, then threads like this remind me that we're completely insane after all (myself included).


    Well, I for one am not insane. Opening sealed games and documenting all the variations of inserts is perfectly normal.....right?..........right?

  5. Sales that recently ended or are older than 90 days are hidden. What region you are in effects what you see as well.

    Like many websites now, I'm pretty sure ebay uses an algorithm based system as well. If you are a power seller, your items get seen by more people. If you pay extra to "promote" your listings, they get seen by more people. For searches, ebay choices what it thinks you want to see and doesn't always show you every result. You have to scroll past the recommended searches and dig a little deeper. At least that's from my experience.

  6. On 9/29/2022 at 11:42 AM, Trifecta said:

    I purchased this really beat up H seam sealed Zanac. The seal seemed legit to me, but when I opened it it only came with cart, sleeve, and manual. I would have thought it would at least come with a Nintendo subscription advert of some kind. Does anyone know anything about this game and its contents?

    NP inserts didn't start appearing until a year later. This was their first game on the system along with Lunar Pool so that's probably why there isn't any poster or registration card.

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  7. On 9/5/2022 at 7:24 PM, fcgamer said:

    In the end it just hurts the collectors, is what I'm saying, I know I was being extreme 😄

    I guess I now have a reason to collect sealed...it's not about the mintness, rather it's about the cases not being swapped 


    No joke, this is the main reason why I open sealed games. I want everything to be mint and original from the factory. I've gotten burned too many times in the past.

    Also, to the original topic. The Japanese PS2 cases feel higher quality. The plastic feels thicker and smoother. I think the European PS2 cases are the same as NA but are blue.

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