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Ricky Winterborn

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Posts posted by Ricky Winterborn

  1. 1 hour ago, bowser said:

    I like the GameCube but can it really be earlier than the plastic prototypes? I'm asking because it looks pretty much like the final product. There should be some major (or at least minor) differences from the final design if it was an early mockup.

    Or perhaps "prototype" is the wrong word here? Maybe it's more of a reveal of the final product internally?

    Hey @bowser, correct, it was more of a reveal to the entire company.  Up to that point, the number of the people in the company who would have had hands on the GameCube were very few and very important.  A lot of companies in the technology sector operate on a need to know basis.  It's very common for people working at these companies to see/hear about these products for the first time at E3, conferences, in store, etc.  So my point about it being earlier than plastic prototypes is still correct in a way.  Though the plastic prototypes obviously did exist prior to this one, this was revealed to employees before they saw the plastic protos if that makes sense.  Also, if I'm remembering correctly, Nintendo might have hosted this paper craft on it's website for people to try and make it in their own home.  This one just happened to be made by Nintendo.

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  2. No, it's actually cut from a cardboard type material.  The entire object is a big origami.  This was used as kind of a way to show people in the company the scale and dimensions of both the upcoming console and the media it would use to store the games.  In a way it's even earlier than the plastic prototypes that were to follow.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, RH said:

    I've never wanted an "n" (or any letter in the alphabet, for that matter) so much in my life!

    It sure is incredible. I think it’s the star of my collection.  I was touring the campus when workers were taking it down. Being the little shit I was, I asked if I could have a letter. The guy sensed I was freaking out and told me he’d hide it behind a bush when he was done.  One of my best examples of right time right place.  The racetrack logo currently on the side of the building is what replaced the original letters.

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  4. Conker's Bad Fur Day RGB Set of Condoms and Bag of Nuts (E3 2000)




    The Nintendo Difference Cigar Kit (E3 2001)



    Hand Signed Business Card of Toru Iwatani, w/ Pac-Man doodle (2005)



    Hand Signed Copy of Super Mario 64 signed by Shigeru Miyamoto, March 15, 1999)

    (To: Redacted)




    Twilight Princess Preview Trailer for Nintendo DS

    E3 Giveaway 1/500 (2005)





    Nintendo Technology Development GAMECUBE Cardboard Mockup Signed By NTD Team (2000)






    Nintendo Power Award (2000)

    [special thanks goes to @Jeevan@Art of Nintendo Powerfor helping me identify the piece]





    Screen Used Paper Mario TV Spot Falling Mario Prop (2000)


    Screen Used Paper Mario TV Spot Peach Prop (2000)



    Mario and Peach Props can be seen here.



    Lower case “n” from Nintendo of America’s headquarters, Building Exterior, Redmond WA (1998)



    The letters can be seen here.


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  5. Much appreciated @Jeevan!  I’m normally a really private person, so this post was a big deal for me.  I have some really neat stuff in my collection. A lot of 1 of 1 items. Didn’t plan on that, just kind of worked out that way.  Reading these forums got me realizing I don’t “Collect” as much as I “Archive”. Archiving really doesn’t provide joy. It’s a satisfaction emotion I think. Around here everyone seems to have their stuff out in the open where it can make you happy. Archival items sit in airtight boxes hidden in a dark closet that looks like the ending to Raiders. The stuff’s there but you soon forget what you have. That’s kinda how I came to the conclusion I should start selling some of these items for Collectors to be happy. 

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  6. The controller is technically "loose" I guess.  However, it is affixed to the hand by velcro.  The hole in the center of the stand is where the plug is supposed to fit.  The sticker thing you mentioned is starting to peel a bit from age.  I vaguely recall seeing either a drawing or a picture of it in Nintendo Power back in the day.  I just can't seem to find any info on it on the web.

  7. Hello.  New person here. 

    I have an item in my collection that I would like some help identifying.  It looks to be an actual Nintendo Power Award.  The item consists of of metal frame in the shape of an arm and hand.  In the hand sits an actual N64 Millennium 2000 controller.

    I'm looking to start downsizing my collection, so any help identifying/valuating would be appreciated.





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