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Posts posted by Boosted52405

  1. 9 minutes ago, cartman said:

    No i don't feel that's the same thing. With a phone it's pretty much set what a generation is and when a new starts, sure you may get 1-3 versions to choose from but they're all there from the start. When Samsung releases it's 11/20 version that will be IT it won't be no fucking 11.1, 11.2 and all this other shit. 

    How is it not the same thing?  They are selling you high dollar phones - which cost MORE than a high-end gaming system, and yet come out with a new model every 6-12 months.  It is literally the same thing, but worse IMO 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. This thread is straight up hilarious.

    OP - have you ever bought a new phone, or heaven forbid a new car?  Same shit all day.

    Retail goods never stay the same, they are in the business to make $$$$$$ and yes screw you, if you're willing to bend over.

    They do this for several reasons, first is to try and maximize sales - people tend to buy the latest/greatest, but they also want those suckers who "have to" upgrade to do so.  Lastly, they have to do this to keep up with the competition or they will fall behind.  Look at Sony and especially Microsoft, heck even Nintendo in the handheld division for most of their history followed this trend.

    Yeah it's crappy, but it's business, and the consumer makes the decision to spend the $$$.  The cell phone market is exponentially worse.  I've held onto my Note 8 for 2 1/2 years now, she's been great, but I think I'm finally going to get the Samsung 11 (G20?) when it comes out on Feb 11th.  It will be outdated within 6-12 months I expect!


  3. I'm jacked up for Royal Rumble...clearly they will let Brock decimate the first 4-5 guys but then thinking the tides turn, he's eliminated within the first 45mins, bringing a whole new game from there.  Not a lot of purpose of him actually winning...just a ratings pull with all the Brock talk IMO.

    2 side notes from last night's Raw...

    1 - dayyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm Liv Morgan, between her, Alexa, and Mandy - straight goddess-level beauty everywhere in WWE (among many others).

    2 - dayyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm that Andrade/Mysterio match was crazy.  Hope RM is okay he took a couple huge blows out there.

  4. Damn was really hoping for a closer game with GB/SF, but SF is clearly the stronger team.  That defense is nasty.  Our two horrible turnovers might have made a difference, but the better team surely won.  Excellent first year under brand new coach/system, I'll take it.

    For the Super Bowl, wowzers what is it the dual-red Blood Bowl?  Going to be an offensive showcase for sure, while the Niners have a considerably stronger defense, I question if they can limit/slow down KC's offense.  SF's run game is almighty, but if the situation arises, can Jimmy bring them back from a deficit on the big stage?


  5. 1 hour ago, Wasg13 said:

    One of my friends mom calls me for every little thing she needs done, recently put up and probably eventually take down her fake christmas tree, last couple have been oh my daughter and son in law are coming up can you move stuff for me to clear out sleeping space, i want to spend more time with them and dont want them to have to do it. Then next week oh my son, my friend, is coming the mattress you put on his bed can you move it back into other room so he has a place to sleep and doesn't have to move a mattress when he comes in. Of course i messed with my friend a little with that one, in our friends group text was like oh my god are you ok did you break an arm or something and everyone was like whats up so i explained that. But my best one from her is most years i help her set up her inflatable pool in her back yard, its not hard just pull the thing out lay it down and roll out and she inflates and installs filters and fills it. One year i go over to do it and start and she is like oh the new fake astro turf has to go down first. So I'm like ok when are you having that get done. She goes oh you have to go get it i ordered it at home depot. So i go over there, mind you i have a maybe 7 foot bed on my pick up, she ordered 3 15 foot long rolls of the stuff, so i'm like ok so you're renting a truck from here, shes like no it can fit in your truck. I'm like its not going to fit, but she goes well you gotta make it happen. Thankfully at this point my friend, her son, showed up and we are both looking at each other like what the fuck is she thinking. Worst part is I'm helping the 20 something year old kid at home depot to get these 100lb rolls into my truck and have them lean on top of the cab and hang over the hood. We get the third one in and 20 year old kid helps tie them down goes above and beyond. I lean to my friend and am like your mom is gonna tip this kid right, he didn't have to do half the stuff he did but went above and beyond to help get this stuff in and secured since i did not know i would be moving stuff. She doesn't tip him at all.

    Get back to the house she hadn't cleared the old stuff out either so we had to take everything out of her backyard pick up the old astro turf before we could even start. Thankfully at this point another friend came over to help move the 3 new 100lb rolls into the back yard. we get the first one in roll it out. Go to pick second one up put it down, roll it half way and take like a 10 minute break to dick around, she comes out and is like chop chop come on boys lets go youre not strong enough to do this, and the 3 of us are thinking im wasting a saturday for this, get the third roll out. We then get the pool out and spotted and I'm like alright im going home im done. Worst part is I was there whole time took about 5 to 6 hours to do, her son was there for like 5 hours and the third friend was there for like 4 hours. She hands me a $20 and is like thanks for the help today. Doesn't give anything to other guy, so i take him out and we split the $20 for lunch.

    Next year she called me to do it and I just didn't pick up my phone and usually when i do see that she calls dont pick up unless i need something.

    This makes me sick...that is beyond ballsy.  Can't believe you were so supportive, but kudos ya beastly Mandalorian.

  6. 22 hours ago, MuNKeY said:

    Meh I couldn't count the times I had been hit up to work on computers once they learn I know how to work on them and I never quite understood why they think people would do this for free now if it was brought up I would just say I used to but no longer with the explanation of how a lot of people liked taking advantage of peoples skills to do a job and get nothing or near nothing back in return and second I was not offering tech support 24/7 because someone doesn't know to avoid ransomware/malware and fucking their shit up after fixing it one time already and that generally that put an end to it. 

    How true is this especially the last sentence.

    I work in IT, specifically in a BA/QA role - which has absolutely 0% to do with anything regarding debugging/cleaning/fixing computers.  Yet, like every single person I meet it feels like "Oh, you work in IT, ya know I got this old laptop...".  People apparently think "IT" means "Gods of Computers, Helpers of All".

    While I do know quite a bit about computers (can build desktops and do general computer cleanup), I have helped a friend or two out.  Worst mistake I could have made, you are 1000% correct in that it then translates the relationship to a on-the-fly 24/7 tech support friend.  Ugh.

  7. On 1/12/2020 at 7:37 PM, BortLicensePlate said:

    Depends on how much I like the game. I'm working on 100%ing the end is nigh, because I enjoyed the game a lot and am not bored of it yet. But if I dont end up liking a game that much I wont bother. 

    Good call, I friggin love that game.  I either 100%'d it, or got insanely close - I think I 100%'d everything except the gauntlet at the end.

  8. As for fortnite, never played it but am vaguely aware of the Battle Royale concept, however I did not know you "build" stuff.  I visited a good buddy recently and his kids were jamming fortnite on their new Switch...I spoke up and said "aren't you supposed to kill the other players instead of building stuff?" and they all emphatically freaked out on me as if I've been cryogenically frozen for 2 decades.

    I do love the f2p concept though.

  9. 1 hour ago, DoctorEncore said:

    With Rocket League to whet my competitive appetite, I don't plan on going back.

    Adjusted/corrected that for you ;).  Haha Rocket League ftw baby, there is no point or purpose, but yet I play almost every day.  Tons of other great games to play but Rocket League apparently steals your soul for eternity.

    • Haha 1
  10. I'd say Austin was more popular over a short period of time and helped WWE reestablish a level of dominance, but Hogan's popularity I am not sure can be matched as it was a revolutionary type of craze back in the day that laid the foundation of what WWE and most of it's competitors are today.  I just think we are desensitized to Hogan as he's hung around and has been used for decades in various capacities diluting the perception of his popularity.

    Just my thoughts...and for most popular group would we go with DX?

  11. 15 hours ago, B.A. said:

    I agree with you. Vince loves bodybuilders. Even Yoko only lasted a few months, his last couple years he wasn't doing anything. Bray Wyatt will probably get blamed for the current fan apathy and be done soon. Fat guys never get anywhere in WWE.

    Umm...what about the GOAT Sexual Chocolate?  Didn't he pull in Hogan ratings...wait a minute maybe not.

  12. 1 hour ago, a3quit4s said:

    I’m happy to get the Packers in the NFC championship game. I know that GB will have learned some things after the last game they played against us and Aaron Rodgers is no joke at QB. Without the threat of a mobile QB they won’t be able to run against us. So it’s up to Rodgers to best us in the air. Our secondary has been sketchy but with Shutdown Sherman on DeVonte Adams it’s gonna be a tough day for GB. Witherspoon has been benched in favor of Moseley which isn’t great but hopefully we don’t give up the deep pass. 

    On the 49ers side, keep up the D, run the ball down their throat with whichever of the three running backs we have that has the hot hand that day. Spread the ball around to the receiving core and if all else fails Kittle has a 10 catch 2TD 150 yard receiving yard day.

    49ers over GB

    KC over TEN

    While I in no way can argue against the Graham 1st down call, it was close and there were some angles that were more generous than the other - it also comes down to the call on the field and the evidence available to overturn (which was minimal).

    As for the 49ers NFCC showdown, of course the 49ers will be favorites but I will note Rodgers looked better yesterday than he has all year IMO - he made some extremely precise 3rd down passes to hold the lead for the win.  GB has also been plagued with the flu, all week their players have been sick so this was a huge victory.

    They are going into a buzzsaw Sunday night, but any given Sunday - GO PACK GO!!!

  13. 18 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

    The best chance for an upset is Seattle over GB and the best chance for a blowout is def Ten vs Bal

    As a huge GB fan, I'm surprised we're favored by 5 points at this point.  Seattle is no joke, we have a long standing playoff history with them.  There is nothing more that I'd enjoy than spanking them at home, but I'm a realist and RW/Metcalf work for the devil.

  14. 18 hours ago, RH said:

    No, my parents did. It was a Christmas gift. But, honestly, I grew up in a family where respect for firearms, and solid training was taught at a young age. I know that sounds wild today but it was the first step in our brother and I taking a deeper level of responsibility and we were trained to use it.  We got them that year, but it wasn’t followed up with my brother and I running out the back door shooting them at each other.

    Yup that's what BB guns are for 😉

  15. 56 minutes ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    My guess is that Lesnar makes it to the final two and gets eliminated by the winner to set up a feud since he's never around enough to build up a storyline. Anytime I try to apply logic to the WWE I usually end up being wrong, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the Rumble and tries to use that as a reason not to defend the title at WrestleMania only to be put in a match against a last second opponent without any real build to make the match interesting.

    Bingo - I'm pulling for Braun but guessing they are on different brands (I never remember to watch Smackdown I think Friday nights are a terrible spot).


  16. On 12/29/2019 at 5:10 PM, MaarioS said:

    Has anyone played WWE 2k20?? Not that I care for new games anyway, however as I could see this looks completely like abysmal and is full of errors, even after 40GB+ update apparently. This is just absurd that anything like this can even see the official light of day in (almost) 2020, just what's going on

    Funny enough, WWE 2K19 was literally the worst game I've every bought for Switch.  It was legit unplayable, no idea why they released such a horrible product, froze constantly and everything was slowed down like it was not tweaked/calibrated/tested for Switch.  Sold it to Loxx for $20 shortly after last year.  Was really tempted to get WWE 2K20 for the PS4, but sounds like a redbox weekend at most...

  17. Yeah I think the 90's/2000's were our gateway into the immersive digital world-at-your-fingertips-and-social-media landscape.  High-speed internet, HDTV's, Streaming etc etc.

    Now that landscape is an established norm and the foundation of our future where the changes around us are more subtle (4K, VR etc).

    Just my take.  Or we're getting older and maturity is desensitizing us to these changes (I'll admit there are some trends with the younger crowds that I currently wouldn't give an ounce of energy to recognize/partake, whereas I might have as a teen/young adult).

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