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Posts posted by WalterWhiteJr.

  1. 23 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

    Yeah, I get it. It's too much of a hassle to continue a conversation that you injected yourself into. Perhaps next time your initial comment could contain actual information to prove your point so you wouldn't have to keep spinning your wheels explaining the "obvious". 


  2. 8 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

    Shame you had the time and energy to call out the massive effect WATA/HA has had on retro game prices but can't muster up enough to provide some examples. (and Stadium Events/NWC are not good examples at all - they're rare as shit and have been steadily on the rise for easily 10+ years)

    I'm glad you mentioned games like SM64 and Contra as that's mostly been my point - from what I can tell, WATA/HA has not had an impact on items that a vast majority of people who bitch about them tend to collect. 

    Believe it or not, I too am someone who has actively bought games before and after WATA's time and I can easily say my experience is my example. (and I've been collecting for ~15 years so maybe my opinion is that of an "OG collector"?)

    I'll share a few examples of the YT effect from a single MJR PS2 Hidden Gems video from May 2018 in hopes that you find the time and effort to share some similar examples directly from WATA/HA:


    • The Red Star - $15 to $35 from April 2018 to August 2018
    • Shox - $5 to $17 from April 2018 to June 2018
    • Spy Fiction - $12 to $40 from April 2018 to July 2018
    • Lifeline - $12 to $25 from April 2018 to June 2018

    Just pulled those from VGPC as an example, and not only have these never fallen back down to their April 2018 price, they've become even more expensive since. 

    That's just a few games from one single video. When I think about all the similar videos from larger channels, I tend to make claims like my earlier one about being able to link YT videos to price hikes and YT having a larger overall impact on retro prices than WATA/HA, even if that's not necessarily their intent by making the videos. 

    Again, never said WATA/HA hasn't had any impact at all, but their impact has primarily been on a small subset of retro collecting - sealed games, and maybe some mint CIB. Many, many other factors have impacted prices for used retro games but those normally get swept under the rug in favor of complaining about WATA/HA because it's been the thing to do recently.



  3. 3 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

    Then let's look at some examples of direct correlation (bonus points for examples of "rare" carts).

    Should be tons of them if they've had such a massive effect. 

    I mean as someone who actively has bought games (sealed, CIB and loose) pre and post WATA, my personal experience is my example. The amount of money required to purchase certain items. I’m working and don’t have the time nor energy to break down stats for you. Nor do I care enough frankly. And by rare carts, I’m referring to your stadium events, NWCs, etc. of the world. I don’t think WATA has had much of an effect on a super Mario 64 or contra cart

    I really don’t know how you can argue the other way. Just do some elementary research or talk to a few OG collectors. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

    Even if WATA/HA caused people to speculate - it's on sealed games. 

    You’re out to lunch if you don’t think WATA/HA had a massive effect on retro prices. Not just sealed. CIB as well and certain rare carts. The YouTuber effect is minuscule compared to the WATA/HA effect. To argue otherwise is sort of a moot point TBH. 

    And collectors of sealed or high end games - and I use the word “collector” intentionally, and not investor/speculator- largely don’t give a shit about the value of their games increasing. They enjoy the games. The history. The art. The stories behind acquiring them. They don’t care about selling them. It’s not all about money. This obsession with money is toxic. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, OptOut said:

    No, it's a video making fun of people losing a fuckton of money on terribly informed purchases! 🤣

    I'm rock hard over here, personally, although I'm not sure if it's the investor FAILS or the hunky Canadian in the tank top that's doing it for me... 😳

    pale hunky Canadian/minnesotan in a tank top with muscles talking about sealed investors losing their shirts? IM IN 🥰🥰🥰

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  6. My 14 month old loves baby shark and all of its iterations. The song is annoying, but that doesn’t stop me from singing it at least once per day. If for no other reason then to distract him while we change his diaper. DADDY SHARK DOO DOO DOO DOO

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  7. Just now, MrWunderful said:

    I dont have to quote or “@“ anyone, because you come when I snap my fingers. Which is exactly what I like in an apprentice! So great start to learning my correct way of video game collecting. We will get you on the level soon. Have those cart only pop reports on my desk by monday though, or you will get a demerit 😉


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