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Everything posted by AverageOliver98

  1. 7 Grand Dad - *shrug* CDi Freak - Decent(?) Rapper (Language Warning) Smol Fox - Grand Dad Mania Revisited AO98imon - Anyone here watch this show? Gunner,Siiva - YouTube Channel in Question Sans-mezy - Very Little Bubble Bobble Related Stuff RobbieMaster14 - The First Minute and That's All You Need John Piidden - Thanks Fox Maybe this should have been Internet Humor Day instead of Siivagunner Day, then something like THIS would have been usable (Instrumental version here).
  2. I'm fairly certain that one of you knows what track THIS SONG inspired. If not, I think I might be disappointed in you. I'll reveal the answer tomorrow if no one gets it. THE ANSWER: Speaking of disappointment, if you were hoping for a 4th 31-Day VGMC for this summer, I'm sorry to say that the earliest that would probably happen would be in October or November of this year... unless you don't mind leaving the banners behind (then July would be no problem). Also feel free to start tossing out new day ideas.
  3. It seems like our trip to Software Creations proved quite fruitful.
  4. Happy First Day of Spring (or Fall for anyone in the Southern Hemisphere)! And seeing as its Day 20, time for the promised reminder for those falling behind (4 days or more, just a reminder. If you can't update, then you can't update): @Sumez, @Aguy(also your Day 13 link isn't linked properly), @ZeldaFreak, @0xDEAFC0DE, @PII, and @koifish.
  5. NESMaster, did the person who tell you about this guy also tell you about a shortcut in that pit over there?
  6. ... banner says it all. Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  7. So you might be wondering how we got tickets for EvilCon... well so am I, its like $660 plus $6 tax a ticket... wait, that might be DevilCon.
  8. I think I still have high enough scores on Thunder Force IV on Switch that my replays for the Normal and Styx modes are still available to view.
  9. To my knowledge, no. If it is, its just coincidence.
  10. Sometimes, a nice hot spring soak is the best way to relax and forget all about your worries. And Day 13.
  11. Never show NESMaster... This is a prime example of... Editing pictures is hard.
  12. The original version was made for the Sharp X68000 (the Simon without the red hair).
  13. At some point when we were heading East, we ended up going Weast... anyone know what game we're in?
  14. It must be ZeldaFreak's lucky day: he won a free boat ride for 5 and a free airship ride for 1 in his cereal this morning!
  15. Coincidence, not intentional (so far ). As for the money, I think it all got spent putting you back together PII (or I forgot about it) so you're welcome.
  16. What luck! Finding games with underrated soundtracks in place like this! This beats any flea market/ yard sale. Also, heads up PII. Side note: On the second post is a list of who's participating and which page they're located on (in case you were too lazy to search through the thread). I'd also like to, at this time, @ some people who have been falling behind (if you can't update, that's fine, it's just a reminder): @tigerwolf This will also be done on Day 20 as well as Day 29 and 30.
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