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Posts posted by RetroX85

  1. 9 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    That's the only reason I can think of. He wants to create more NES games.

    I agree that he wants to continue Star Keeper on the NES. The idea of spin-off games on other consoles will promote the Mainline games (also as a source of income while the IP is expanding).  I'm not sure if there is any developers who will take on this NFT opportunity.  

    I would no doubt pitch in for crowdfunding a mainline sequel of Star Keeper on the NES regardless. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, matthughson said:

    Did that change, or has it always been like that?


    I'm positive the license always stated that about the spin-off branch games for other systems. Atleast when I first read it awhile ago.  I'm not specifically sure why he chose this route when writing up the license.  But the Mainline games would be his creations and they would be on the NES platform I assume...

    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    Anyone with a pc can play like every 2D game ever made at any time - whether it's ROMs or Steam or DOSBox or whatever; the only thing that is special about Star Keeper is that it works on a physical OG NES - take that away and his game has nothing to distinguish it from the other 150,000 2D video games that have been made since the early '70's.  But I wish him the best, I guess... 🤷‍♂️

    True, but still nice to see that he would at least try to give other gamers a chance to play the game on PC even though it is just  another 2D platformer.  

  4. 13 minutes ago, krzysiobal said:

    Hello. I come here to find out more info about this game and instead, I found this topic. I am a little shocked about it. I don't know what is NFT and probably don't event want to know.

    This is just a damn simple game and you are trying protect it against copying just like it would be a top secret spacecraft engine. There has always been people who were trying to download and play something for free and there were always people who wanted to buy everything, no no matter of the price or quality. Your goal should be to find a balance and target the people in the middle, who just want to pay fair price and play.

    Anyway, I am not going to express my personal thoughts about it anymore. I come here with a propositon for you.
    I am electronic engineer and  programmer, I have been doing and selling carts for a long of time, all manually produced, all by myself. I can offer you my help - I can start making and selling cartridges with your game. You don't need to invest anything, no weird agreements. My proposition is simple - I can do and sell each cartridge for 100$ (with shipping included). Half of that (50$) goes to me to cover my timea and materials needed to built it. Of course you are creator of this game, so you should get your provision from each sold unit. No idea what's are your expectations, but to make it simple and fair, I recommend the same amount - 50$ goes for you. So I will sell every cartridge  (72pin NES or 60pin FAMICOM version) for 100$ - half of it goes to me, half to you. Simple gentlemen agreement. I would prefer just ordinary game, with box, no manuals as it is extra effort. I can start doing it in a week or so.

    Now some talk about the cartridge itself - I analyzed the PCBs, it looks like there is dual port ram and STM32 microcontroller and of course regular EPROM. Because I don't have physical access to the cartridge, I don't know exactly what is going on. Either

    a) the full logic of game is executed by the STM32 and the dual port ram is just a bridge between it and NES so that the console can display whatever video frame the STM32 is generating. EPROM consists only of code that read backs joypad and output sound samples

    or b) STM32 is just used for supplying pattern and name tables and the game code is stored in EPROM

    For me, this idea of using extra microcontroller+dual port ram just to make it hard to reverse enginner is crazy, complicates the design and makes it harder and more expensive to manufacture. If you could abandon your crazy idea and make the game available in simple NES format, my above proposition is still open. If not, I will need to recalculate the costs.

    I have reverse engineered hundreds of cartridges - you can check my page:


    My rev-en schematic of your cartridge:





    I believe @zxdplay is currently trying to port Star Keeper to PC, Which is awesome.  More people will finally get a chance to play this game if he is successful with it.

  5. @portabello

    According to a post you made in the 'general collectors' discussion of star keeper ' thread you mentioned you received a regular copy directly from 87Arts. Stating he sent it personally to you.  Do you care weigh in on some information regarding any shipping/ contact information you had when you received your copy from the developer?

    This may clear up the concern of us dealing with the developer.  Any input may help alleviate some suspicions.  


  6. @zxdplay  is there any way you could prove to us that you are the legit developer of 'Star Keeper? 

    Perhaps provide us with some pictures of your work on Star Keeper that has never been seen Or even share something that would legitimately tie you to the development of Star Keeper.

    I know this seems a bit harsh but we have a difficult time going along with the whole 'NFT license' thing as is. 

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