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Everything posted by imanerd0011

  1. For the serious sealed collectors, what was a sealed SM64 selling for 10 years ago?
  2. I just saw this on Nintendolife and couldn't freaking believe it! How many sealed first edition SM64 copies are out there? Easily hundreds, if not over a thousand! I would have guessed that SM64 sealed in good condition (not graded) would be worth less than a grand.
  3. I just saw this on Nintendolife and thought it was fake. A box variant of the most common NES game other than SMB??? What in hell! How many sealed Left Bros are there? I know this one has a high rating, but jesus H! Sealed collecting has become completley out of control!
  4. I'm looking to get a gaming chair for my old man for christmas. I've never shopped for one before and don't own one myself, so I figured you guys might be able to help. I'm looking to spend $200 at the most. Are there any features I should look for? All of the ones on Amazon look very similar. I noticed some of them have a foot rest, while others don't. That seems like a useful feature that he might use from time to time. Thanks in advance for any replies I get!
  5. Some awesome items in this thread!
  6. To think, I can remember when DreamTR bought one years ago for $6,000, and everyone thought he was mentally insane! Before that sale they were selling in the 2-3k range, and the grey NWC were selling for around $800. If only I had money back then! lol
  7. DUDE! The shoes from the Track and Field NP cover might be the most insane thing I have EVER seen in someones collection, and I have seen them all. The fact that these shoes still even exist after 30+ years and you were able to track them down is unreal! Awesome collection! I love the SF2 art too!
  8. I don't have my signs displayed anymore, as my basement is only big enough for me to display my arcades and kiosks. Here's a link to my current basement. I've added 2 more arcades since that video. https://youtu.be/VqX2m0n-5Ac Here is a video of my collection in my old apartment, when it could all be displayed. I've added a few signs since this video as well as a 4ft Super Mario statue.
  9. Well shit, I wasn't totally forgotten! lol My avatar was my Nintendo Service Center neon sign, which was that image. Thanks man.
  10. Just heard about this site from Signcollectorguy, so I had to make an account and check it out. Not sure if many of you guys remember me, cause I've been out of the loop for a few years now, but I've been a sign/kiosk/memorabilia collector for nearly 20 years. Bought most of my collection between 2000-2008 when prices were more reasonable. Now that sign prices had skyrocketed, I moved from that to collecting arcade cabinets. I currently have 12 arcades, and have pretty much maxed out my basement lol!
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