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Posts posted by Adorabear

  1. I'm planning on doing a marathon of all of the main Final Fantasy games since I haven't played an RPG in a long time and figured this would be a fun way to go back to some old favourites as well as clear out some of my backlog for titles I never got to play before. I have a whole bunch of versions for some of these (I own 4-5 different versions of the first game lol) and am not sure which ones would be the best for me to use in my FF marathon since I know some of them (especially the earlier ones) have versions that can be quite different and have added content or better translations.

    I know there is a few Final Fantasy fans here, so I thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone knows much about the differences between various versions of them and have any recommendations! 🙂

  2. I haven't gotten to play many Mario games (trying to fix that now lol), but out of what I played, my favourite main ones are Super Mario Odyssey (I LOVE 3D platformers and really spent a lot of time exploring every nook and cranny in each kingdom) and Super Mario 64 DS (I like Mario 64 in general, but I'm specifically naming this version of it because I'm happy you can play as Yoshi XD). My favourite spin-off right now would be Mario Kart 8 on Switch (surprisingly my first Mario Kart... I've bought a few older ones recently for more racing fun :P), but I think I would really enjoy some other ones like Super Mario RPG.

  3. The most I've paid is easily my sealed copy of Pokemon Red for $300 CAD. I usually don't have any interest in sealed games since I like to play all of my games,  but I had to make an exception for this since it's the first game I ever owned and the series as a whole has a lot of meaning to me. There was someone selling it at a local comic con we sell stuff at, so I couldn't pass it up. Nothing else even comes close to that for me!

  4. I've been working on the Pokemon Sword DLC (I really like exploring the Isle of Armor; I wish the entirely of Galar could have been like this) and trying to fill up the new Pokedex! I also started Super Mario 64 DS since I never actually beat it as a kid, so now it's time to fix that! 😛

  5. I've gotten through quite a few games more recently from my backlog! On GBA I got through Spyro 2: Season of Flame, Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs, and I even got some really great scores on Pokemon Pinball RS! I beat Pokemon Ranger on DS too, which was very different from the main series, but I really enjoyed it and want to buy the other two games now lol. I got through some old adventure games on my Vita like Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango (so glad they remastered these!) as well as finally got to the Danganronpa spin-off game that I put off for the last 5 years lol I also completed my very first Zelda game with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on the Switch! 😄

  6. Oh wow those are high turnip prices! 😮 I would definitely want to sell there if I hasn't sold mine earlier.

    I'm enjoying the update so far! I had Leif in my town yesterday, and he is just super adorable! Redd came by today to visit and I got a genuine painting from him! Finally getting some of the permits for terraforming the island, so I am going to be working on moving villager houses around a bit to make things more organized.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Skorp said:

    Oh boy...believe me you have seen nothing yet with the size problem with collector editions. xD So many different sizes, so it is so hard to organize it.

    Oh I definitely have seen the size problem already. It's not easily visible by the picture, but there are a ton more CE boxes behind all of those, and you can't even see most of them due to how well I smashed everything in there; organizing that bottom shelf was like playing Tetris. 😛 I've completely ran out of room on that shelf now and have since received some MASSIVE boxes (that Will: A Wonderful World CE is huge lol). I have no idea how I am going to sort all of those CEs now XD

  8. On February 17, 2020 at 12:27 AM, acromite53 said:

    Same here! I played it so much. Those dream levels were great.

    Are there any 3d platformers on modern systems you'd recommend? Super Lucky's Tale looks nice. So does A Hat in Time.

    I haven't played Super Lucky's Tale or A Hat in Time yet, although they are in my massive backlog of stuff to work on! Recent ones that I've played that I can recommend are Yooka-Laylee (I loved Banjo-Kazooie so this was filled with tons of nostalgia) and Poi 🙂 Super Mario Odyssey was really well done too!

  9. My gem would have to be my sealed copy of Pokemon Red. I found it at a local comic show last year and had to buy it. The Pokemon games were the first games I got to own, so being able to have a sealed copy of a game that has so much meaning to me is awesome! I want to get a cool case for it at some point (maybe even one that can light up red?) to display it in.

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  10. Somehow I missed the Switch thread until now! This is the most recent picture I have of my collection!



    I've gotten a few more games since I took this and have some reorganizing to do since my collection has outgrown the shelf now! XD Not sure how I am going to move things around yet 😛

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  11. I'm currently playing through Link's Awakening on Switch! I've actually never played a Legend of Zelda game before, so I thought this would be a good one to start with since I really like the art style! So far I'm having an absolute blast and having a hard time putting the game down lol

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