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Posts posted by Aguy

  1. Well, I just finished it today and it was a bit of a struggle. It started out exciting and interesting but definitely lost me towards the middle. I took a week off and I think the distance kind of made me excited to continue it as it only took me a couple days for the last 150 pages. That being said, I still couldn't tell you half of what was going on; like, I'm still not sure what the whole point of "the job" was. What did it accomplish? Playing Cyberpunk 2077 definitely helped give me a frame of reference for some of the things going on and lots of parallels can be made, but this seems like an intermediate or advance level entry in the cyberpunk genre.



    2021/22 VGS Book Club
       All You Need Is Kill (4/5)
       The Colour of Magic (3/5)
       Neuromancer (2/5)


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  2. 21 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

    Wow that little at Target for a Switch and in clearance?  That doesn't even compute given how some places can't seem to stock the things.  I'd pick one up considering the structural damage mine has from heat and stuff.

    It had a "repackaged" sticker on it, so not technically clearance, but still. They also had a Oculus Quest 2 256gb for $275. If I wasn't looking to buy a house right now, I'd have gotten both. 

    • Like 1
  3. I'm still rocking my V1 launch system and wasn't planning on upgrading until some form of a "pro" system was released, but last night at target, I found a V2 in the clearance case. Cost me $215 out the door. Now if anyone is looking for a CIB hackable V1 with screen protector since day 1, hit me up.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Shmup said:

    Some sad news, after almost 16hours I’m calling it quits on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That probably sounds like a lot of time to put in before deciding to quit but it did have a decent start but just started to get boring for me. The combat also felt way more complicated then the first one. 
    I am however making great progress on ToCS 1 and absolutely loving the game. 

    16 hours? That's barely the prologue for an RPG

    I played ToCS on Vita a couple years ago and it was awesome. What are you playing it on?

  5. 1 hour ago, MiamiSlice said:

    This arrived a week ago but I’ve been too busy to post about it.


    Found this NP bundle on Mercari, paid about $36 with shipping. Been a long while since I last saw a decent bundle on there. A few of these made for nice upgrades to issues I already had. 

    Also I found this tucked inside one issue:


    $0.29? Is this from 30+ years ago? Is this some incredible artifact??? And why was it in here!?!?

    Probably. 29¢ could have been a promotion price from when they first released. What issue was it in?

  6. We have been hunting for the past month. My wife and I are getting priced out of the area we grew up in so we'll be moving inland from the California coast. The market we've been looking at has been increasing $10k a month for the past year, way faster than we can save. We've seen 15 houses, seeing 5 more tomorrow and have only made one offer. It's hard to justify spending half a million dollars on some of the piles we've seen. 

    • Sad 2
  7. 1 hour ago, avatar! said:

    By $10, do you mean they pay you ten bucks to take it off their hands, I might consider that 🤔

    Kind of like how they are paying me $5 to unwrap Gears Tactics for them.

  8. 2 hours ago, G-type said:

    I'm up to chapter 11. I really liked the scene where:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Wintermute was trying to contact Case, by making each payphone ring once has he walked past a row of them...

    speaking of payphones... that just one of the many anachronistic references in this book which makes it feel dated, even though it's supposed to be futuristic. Same goes for the very 80s sounding arcades. And the visual representation of cyberspace is positively quaint.

    So far I'm enjoying the book, but I do find it very challenging to follow the plot. There is too much jumping around to new locations. And it really throws me when he starts a new chapter in a totally new place with very little lead up. I've had a to go flip back just to make sure I didn't skip a couple pages. Nope. Just a very abrupt transition.

    I've had to do this a couple times when turning a single page.

  9. 11 minutes ago, avatar! said:

    My personal opinion, DQ IX is a bit underwhelming. It's a good game, and there is a lot to do, but to me, it feels a bit like a mish-mash of all the other DQ games that came before it.

    I agree. I played it after coming off DQ Joker, and I loved both DWM on Gameboy, but Joker was not great. It didn't translate well to 3d and I didn't appreciate the "updated" mechanics. And is saw a lot of the same things I didn't like about Joker in IX. I never finished it but I'd like to go back and give it another shot now that some time has passed.

  10. 19 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    Dragon Quest seems cool, especially the later entries, but I've yet to play it. Anyone have a good suggested starting point? I can find a way to play any version of any of the games.

    If you want to go all the way back, I still think the first game is a great place to start. It's short, simple, and available everywhere. If you want to start in the more modern 3D era, than start with VIII or XI.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, SailorScoutMandy said:

    Why do male writers write terrible sex scenes. Seriously 

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    Let's have sex right after having surgery and are currently recovering with someone I literally just met

    Don't get me wrong, women writers can also do terrible jobs too, but the most cringe worthy ones are generally men. 

    Thank you for mentioning this. I just read through the second chapter, hit that and said "skip". I think it's to portray the sexual freedom of the future, where primal urges are one of the last human experiences. And I understand it's Molly's job to keep him contained/entertained, so I understand it's purpose. But there are certainly more tactful ways of "say it without saying it". Someone should have told him to stick to techno babble.

    • Like 2
  12. 21 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

    I don't remember really anymore, I think I got to some desert town, I remember something with races, I think I may have done those, but didn't proceed through some valley from there.  I know it wasn't super far, but DQ games are super long, slow too, so it got waylaid. 😕

    Sad thing is I have a LOT of games like that barely/untouched on Switch, mainly as I like JRPGs and keep buying them but hardly can make the time.  DQ11S, Grandia HD(untouched), Xenoblade (untouched but did on 3DS), FF9 (maybe 40% done), sold off Tales of Vesperia due to it, Pokemon Shield is like 1/2, Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu is maybe that far too.  And that's just that system, I throw in my GB stash...ugh.

    I think we can all understand. That desert section is right after the end of the demo, so I'm guessing you're about 10% into the main story, not including post games (another 10-15 hours). You could easily pick up from where you left off without missing much since it's so early, plus the game has a recap feature wherever you load a save to gets you back up to speed. But at this point, there's no rush.

  13. The DQ XII reveal makes me think that we aren't getting it till fall '23.

    4 hours ago, Tanooki said:

     11S I was digging quite a bit but got pulled off it and never went back so now I don't know if I should or not as starting over isn't ideal.

    How far did you get? I'm getting the itch to play it again, this time on Xbox.

    The DQ XII reveal makes me think that we aren't getting it till fall '23.

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