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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Posts posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. UFOs =/= Aliens

    Not that there is any good explanation otherwise for what all these people have seen or what we apparently recorded, but Occam's Razor and all that.

    I'm with @RHmostly, though I don't think it is probably another government; there would be more of a paper trail and/or more people out there that have slipped up something.

    I'd put my money one some private company and/or individuals developed something crazy and just haven't been found out yet. They say on 60 minutes that it's been "daily for a few years now"? Which would suggest to me it's not all that old necessarily. That's where my mind is at currently.

    I hope maybe we'll find out more in a month when that big D.O.D. report is being released to the public.

  2. Everyone else already pointed out anything worth it with this console; A couple decent ports, 2 other decent games, most everything else was garbage. Played this at that friends that seemed to at some point have every console for w/e reason.


  3. 9/10

    This movie is great. Idk why so many other comic & super hero (and even video game) movies were bad for so long after this movie essentially made a blue print everything else could've just copied. I'd be down to watch this right now lol

    I also enjoyed TMNT 2 a lot though it is a very different movie in a lot of ways. I might like it even more. If that gets a thread it'll probably also be a 9/10 at the least.

  4. On 4/27/2021 at 8:39 PM, VegHead said:

    Again, this really shows you don't know what you're talking about here. There is no "doling out" happening. The game is so huge it comes with a second blu-ray containing game assets that have to be installed on the PS4 to allow the game to run. Even XV doesn't have that, and it's a massive game, too. 

    I'm not trying to be a dick or a fanboy. I think SE is milking shit with this Intergrade re-release all of a year later, and they deserve flak for it. It's totally bogus, and even with the "free" upgrade to PS5 for people that bought the launch release, the restrictions on it piss me off, and even people that actually buy a physical copy don't get the digital premiums or the new dlc on disc.  Talk about treating your early-adopting fans poorly.

    That said, all of that crap is probably management level decisions, and the actual developers deserve a lot of credit for what the game is. It's a complete game, whether you like it or not, and it isn't just semantics. They are telling a new story here using the trappings of the original game. That's why it isn't a retcon, either.  The story has a very clear narrative arc that is fully resolved, while still touching on the broader conflict developing with Sephiroth/JENOVA. The game even takes the time to explain what's changing and why.  

    I know internet arguments never change people's minds, but if you liked VII and the Compilation material, you're doing yourself a disservice by skipping this game.  It really is worth your time, the shitty management and marketing notwithstanding. 

    Again, they're taking what was previously a fully fleshed out entire singular game and dividing it up into multiple parts (and as you so helpfully pointed out with re-releases of the episodes no less). So yes they are doling it out bit by bit. So I don't know if you know what you're talking about lol

    Also just because they "explained" the plot changes doesn't stop it from being an excuse to a retcon of it.

    This is all to say that I don't think the game is garbage by any means, the graphics are gorgeous and the gameplay looks quite fun but to try and argue that this isn't anything but a giant cash grab by SE is I think is trying to be a bit intentionally naive in ignoring what are the trash exploiting of their fan base.

    At some point I'll likely check out the game but probably either when it's all released in a proper compilation or when the price is greatly reduced. Also if it ever comes to PC since I don't personally own a PS4 or PS5 atm.

  5. Actually, 7/10

    This movie really had naught to do with the games but I still love it. This also came at a time when I was all in for Mario, and still playing SMB3 religiously. It's weird as hell but charming. A shame that it's production was apparently the stuff of nightmares

    Also just want to bring up may have to change this thread name to "Super Mario Bros. 1993" lol


  6. 6/10

    The epitomy of "oh hey this movie is on cable, may as well watch it!"

    That said I did/do enjoy it. Loved it was a "video game movie" without being tied to a specific video game besides it being a glorified advertisement for SMB3, which I'm perfectly fine with lol

  7. On 3/15/2021 at 12:51 PM, guitarzombie said:

    I don't have any here but I've seen a few wrestlers playing games.  Theres one of the British Bulldog playing MTPO.

    Nowadays, a lot of wrestlers livestream or have youtube channels. Hell Xavier Woods/Austin Creed has his Up Up Down Down channel with loads of other WWE stars featured

    On 3/15/2021 at 11:57 AM, Hammerfestus said:


    is this cheating?

    Clueless Gamer was a pretty good series, the FFXV "playthrough" with Elijah Wood was one of the best things ever lol


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