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Hopefully this info helps someone in the future because I couldn’t find this info readily available. 

TLDR: The N64 Rumble Pak is REQUIRED  to get all of the functions out of the Fishing Rod controller (Line tugging action)

So this will be a little long winded but eh Im bored so here we go. Ive had a N64 fishing rod controller in my collection probably close to 10yrs now and this past weekend finally decided to really put it to use. Bassmasters 2000 is still needed for the “Beat every N64 game” thread…can use some help on that goal too wink wink…so I decided it was finally time to put the my rod to good use.

First time booting up the game the button on the rod worked but they were in awkward positions such as A reeled in the line and the crank made the menu come up. So first thing is first had to go into the settings to fix that. So another bit of fairly obscure info:

In order to use the fishing rod controller with Bassmasters 2000, set the controls to preset-K. This is the setting specifically for this controller. The crank on the rod is set to the L button for more reference.

After playing for a while I finally got a bite on my line. But to my dismay nothing was happening with the controller effects-wise, the line didn’t retract as it should. Then I realized (and really should have known this) the controller needs batteries foe that function. So no problem I slide the cover off the handle and insert a couple AAA’s. I got out in my speed boat and try again. I hook another fish annnnnd nothing.

At this point my disappointment was building. I thought maybe my controller was broken. So I started the diagnosis. I thought there was possibly a setting in the game to be turned on, this game was programmed with the controller in mind so its not out of the question. But theres no such setting. Then I fiddled with the batteries thinking maybe they weren’t in properly or not secure, so I taped them down. Nothing was working. One thing I though i knew, and I dont know where I got this info from, was that the line retraction was triggered by the rumble signal from the console. So I thought maybe its the console not sending out the signal.

So I ordered a rumble pak, because despite having a complete cart collection and nearly all the weird and wacky accessories and controllers for the system for 10yrs, Ive never had a rumble pak. Since Im well aware how rumble feels in games, it just didn’t seem necessary. 

But I finally acquired one and popped it into a standard controller and it worked. So okay the signal is reaching the controller. So I turn off the console and plug in the rod, and turn the console back on, when I noticed that upon start up the line retracted quickly! It probably does this to calibrate is my guess, but I hadn’t noticed it the other time i had turned on the console. So then finally my big brain moment. I plugged the rumble into the rod and headed back out onto the lake. Lo and behold a fish bites and the rod rumbles to life! The lines pulling in and out and its rumbling, good times. 

I had known that the rumble pak was compatible with this controller but I thought it was in ADDITION to the other functions. When in fact the rumble pak is required to get the full functionality of the rod.

While Im here I might as well talk about the controller itself. It works pretty well and as expected. The line retract effect is neat and when combined with the rumble does definitely give the feeling of fishing action. The only downsides are some button placements. The R button is a second trigger above the Z button and is awkward to reach and the crank is on the right side, which is another awkward thing because most (maybe all?) real fishing rods Ive seen and used have the crank on the left side. The left side has the D pad which can only be reached by twisting the rod to reach it with your right hand. 

But Overall I m liking it so far

Anyway thanks for reading if you made it through all of that. Hopefully this helps that one dude looking to use this very niche controller one day in the future 


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Hell of a story, and a write up.  I had no idea either, but I never really tried to follow or 'get' fishing games.  They do look kind of fun, almost bit for Bass Fishing on DC in the day but never did.

You really think it feels that right to an original given the shakers capability compared to what's on screen?

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18 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

Hell of a story, and a write up.  I had no idea either, but I never really tried to follow or 'get' fishing games.  They do look kind of fun, almost bit for Bass Fishing on DC in the day but never did.

You really think it feels that right to an original given the shakers capability compared to what's on screen?

Well i cant say its one to one accurate. It activates the retraction when the fish pulls away and pushes the “line strain” gauge (Drag) and doesn’t pull the line if the fish is swimming towards you. Which is fairly accurate to real life. But no it doesn’t react to every twitch of the fish

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