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Guess that Game!

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Twinkle Tale is great. It checks all the boxes, level design, style, difficulty, good boss fights, it's fun. The split routes are a great feature too because each route only takes you slghtly off the main path and there is always a risk/reward. You can risk getting beat up to go for some goodies, but you might end up worse off if you aren't prepared. I'm on level 5 or 6  on the normal difficulty and I think it is easier than Pocky and Rocky, but I am pretty sure there is a hard setting. 

Edited by Californication
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4 hours ago, BortLicensePlate said:

No idea. I’m guessing it’s in the arcade?

A good rule of thumb, if a vertically oriented game has a huge useless UI block on the side to fill out the screen in a horizontal format, it's probably a home console port of an arcade game. 😄 

It's not a Saturn game btw.

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Welp since peole don't know their shmups here :P, it is Master of Weapon. 

Having second thoughts about it though. It basically kind of has the graphic style of a Vapor Trail/Raiden with the shooting/bomb mechanic from Xevious. 

I picked up this one and Dangerous Seed at the same time and I would say Dangerous Seed on hard is a much better arcade style game overall. (And the first boss was funny the first couple times, but having a penis wag at you in an overly long first boss encounter gets annoying)

Edited by Californication
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