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MemCard PRO for PlayStation 1

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Not much activity here lately, so how about some new PS1 news?  It's a little pricy, and I'm not a fan of the color choices, but one of these with even a 256MB card is essentially unlimited save space for your PS1 with lots of other features as well.  I'm undecided if I will pick one up since I have more original PS1 memory cards than I know what to do with, but I still like the fact that groups are working on stuff like this.  


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Cool idea. I especially like the thought of being able to manage saves via web app.  But I wouldn’t pay that much for it.  Cut that price in half and then we’re talking.  I’m like you ans have a billion memory cards lying around and it has always been annoying trying to find the card with the save you want.  Mad Catz made those cards with like 300 some slots but if I remember correctly they didn’t work that well.  

I've always avoided third party memory cards in the past, but this is clearly designed differently, so the third party nature doesn't bother me.  I just don't know that I would use it enough to justify the money.  

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