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Pokemon TCG -- argh, help (1/15 new questions)


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Wow lotsa posts.  About her tactics, she's afraid and likes to be consistent, probably the OCD she has developer around her internal form of ADHD (she's not externally hyper.)  She always wants the most powerful HP pokemon, always wants the biggest hits.  She then backs herself repeatedly into corners where she can not have the energy to strike and I don't skip my attack as i don't even think that's an option, so she gets wasted usually taking out no better than 2 maybe once 3 of my pokemon in a match.  She takes forever due to the focus problem so we don't play much as a game can take over 60-90min.  I've noticed she loves to revolve around Raikou and getting that Elecvire which often backfires, rarely bothers going for the zebra which seems the logical choice, though she seems to like the electrodes 60 damage swift as it's cheap and easy to fire off, that and that Pikachu because enough lucky heads can kill anything.  Your tip about Raikou she does it after like the 2nd match when she took more time to read the card and think about it.

I tend to try and use my charmander as bait if it doesn't look like I can safely evolve it, same with the eevee because flareon has a crappy heavy hit and the other is weak, so I tend to lean on khangaskhan, moltres, and also my chimchar to evolve.  There is that lickitung but the setup on it sucks.



Chancey the meat shield, love it, same thing in Go too, especially updated to Blissey.  That right there is enough to infuriate some people trying to take a gym with those HP into the 300+ range.

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Once you get comfortable enough to start building your own decks, there is a common archetype known as "Big Basics" where you take the strongest Basics you can find (usually Pokemon EX/GX/V) and keep them alive while duking it out. She might like that strategy. Its also a very simple one to grasp, so it makes for a good first deck.

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12 hours ago, Tanooki said:

...I don't skip my attack as i don't even think that's an option.

You can end your turn without attacking whenever you want. It's not against the rules. Sometimes it's advantageous, like when someone has that Bursting Balloon card attached to their Pokemon.

12 hours ago, Tanooki said:

I tend to try and use my charmander as bait if it doesn't look like I can safely evolve it, same with the eevee because flareon has a crappy heavy hit and the other is weak, so I tend to lean on khangaskhan, moltres, and also my chimchar to evolve.  There is that lickitung but the setup on it sucks.

Yep. Sounds like you've already identified some cards that could easily be replaced in your deck, and for the right reasons, too. The bigger hits can be worth it if you can knock out an EX or GX for two prizes or a Tag Team for three. However, discarding energy usually is, but isn't always, a downside.

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