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Magfest 2024 (Jan 18-21)


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Pinball: Theatre of Magic (unfortunately it was down a lot), Pinball Magic, Venom, Attack from Mars

Indie arcade: Line Wobbler, Scraperboard (like a low-fi cross between Tony Hawk Ride and Parappa the Rapper), Haber dasher (tilted a giant hat to make a man walk around)


Wacca: cool rhythm game with a 360 degree touch pad around a circular screen.

Killer Queen: great fun with a group.

Music: excellent shows by Lacey Johnson and Bit Brigade.


Tron Legacy pinball has really annoyingly positioned upper flipper that is frequently in the way of the shot you're trying to make with the lower left flipper.
Discs of Tron: the spinner was so jittery the game was unplayable. bummer because I love that game and rarely get a chance to play it.
Wish they would have Ice Cold Beer available for free play more.

A bunch of the panels I did check out were kind of duds that I bailed on after about 5 or 10 minutes.

Too crowded! They sold out at the start of the first day. There was usually at least 1 or 2 people in line fore every single game I wanted to play. Couldn't get into a couple of the panels that I was interested in, and had to wait in some ridiculous long lines to get into the concerts... Bit Brigade was jam packed and smelly. Saturday was the worst... every lot was closed except to pre-paid parkers.. I was lucky to find a spot at the hotel lot, but horrified that it cost $39.

Only 1 session of JS Joust, early on Thursday! (So I missed it)

The arcade museum was pretty weak... I honestly don't know what the point of it was when it didn't really have anything of interest that you couldn't find in the main arcade room.. and a generally bad selection / curation.

Computer/ console museum had about 50% less stuff than usual. None of the old computers they usually had.. no Vectrex.... bit of a let down

Dealer Hall: 90% of it was pins and keychains... not very interesting.

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