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Jack and the beanstalk (part 7)



I've been having internet connection issues lately, to the point where I had to get a new modem. I'm hoping this will fix it, because I plugged in a phone in the phone jack I'm using internet for and got a dial tone. Between verious spurts of it working, I have worked on trying to fix bugs in the game. When the internet would come back on, I'd upload the game and my playtester would test it and report any bugs he'd seen back. Well, yesterday, he reported not seeing any bugs! So this means I need a couple more playtesters to test the game for me before I will decide to call it finished.

I have no idea what happened to the old modem and why it decided to only work sporadically when it used to work 24/7. We shall see what happens with the new modem. It has been very aggravating and I discovered I am "addicted" to the internet. Well, I feel the need to share my various video game projects I code because without anyone to see them, I'd just be programming them for my own amusement and that wouldn't be very fun.

I have been working on a new Atari Jaguar game that I just started work on. While my internet was down, I played a few Jaguar games and discovered most of them were either very hard or not very good. But I am having a sort of writer's block on what to do next with it.


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