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Super Mario Sunshine is Awesome

Introduction With a new Mario movie being released in Theaters soon and the weather warming up, I thought I'd talk about another Mario game. The game I'd like to talk about is yet another underrated game (nowadays, at least) for an underrated console: Super Mario Sunshine for GameCube. Unlike Kirby Air Ride, Super Mario Sunshine actually received positive reception from critics when it was released in the Summer of 2002. Nintendo Power gave it a 5 out of 5, though that isn't too s

Why Mega Man II On Game Boy is Actually a Pretty Good Game

Introduction Following up my Mega Man 5 NES blog is another blog about an underrated Mega Man game: Mega Man II for the original Game Boy. This game is considered by many to be the worst Game Boy Mega Man game and one of the worst games in the franchise, usually only ranking above the worst of the worst (like the Mega Man DOS games). Many still like the game, but some have said several negative things about it and the game's ratings are low for a Mega Man game. Common criticisms i

Remembering Super Mario Bros. 35

Introduction On October 1, 2020, Nintendo released a version of Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Switch to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the original game for the NES. It was a battle royale game similar to Tetris 99, and allowed groups of up to 35 players from all over the world to compete. As the game was intended to be a limited release celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the original game, Super Mario Bros. 35 was playable until March 31, 2021, and its online features we

Why Mega Man 5 is one of my favorite Mega Man Games

Introduction Anyone who's seen my pictures (whether it's here on VGS or on Instagram) or just looked at my name knows I like the Mega Man series. But which game in the series is my favorite? Often, when there are polls asking this question or someone makes a top 10, Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 are the favorites among many fans. Like many, Mega Man 2 was my introduction to the series and not the original game. But as much as I liked it, it wasn't and still isn't my favorite. I n

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

Introduction Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is the Nintendo 3DS's enhanced port of "Kirby's Epic Yarn", originally released for the Wii in 2010. It was the last game Nintendo released for the 3DS in 2019, and has become somewhat of an uncommon, hidden gem. When the game was announced for the Wii in 2010, I didn't think much of it. I read some previews, watched some videos, and looked at some screenshots. I liked the game's visual style and that it was a side-scrolling platforming

Kirby Air Ride is a Good Game

Introduction For my next blog in the "talking about a specific game" category, I'd like to talk about the only Kirby game released for the GameCube: Kirby Air Ride. Much like the GameCube itself, Kirby Air Ride is pretty good but unfortunately is also underrated and has been subject to lots of criticism. The main reason for it being criticized is because it is different: it is mostly a racing game (though there is one mode in the game that has more than that), not a traditional si
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