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About this blog


I'm kuriatsu and this is my immensely creative blog of phenomenal cosmic power, with itty bitty living space.

About 5 months ago, I found a playstation 3 on ebay that said "it only plays spiderman demo" so I picked it up because There are no spiderman PS3 demos. Let alone in the ps3 slim DECH-2500 production cycle.

So I received in the mail after a housemate plopped it in my lap and said "package for you" 

so I figured it'd be the PS3, I booted it up and I found that it works just fine and did not have spiderman on it.

Instead it had something mythical, that I knew existed at one time, but had so little information about that it was barely worth knowing about.

That is....Title Fight. The Playstation All Stars development Title.

At first, I figured, "oh its probably the last one before the playstation title fight name was changed, to playstation all stars, and won't have many changes, if any, so its the same as a preview disc. I backed up the entirety of the drive, and then I powered on the ps3 yet again.

I booted up Title Fight, and to quote beta64, its...beautiful, and it has a Mountain of changes. but at first, I figured, it'd be 20 minutes of a video, like I did with ape escape. Then, after a bit of exploring of the debug menu, I was like "oh...........................................ca.....rap............" so I found that it'd be 20 minutes on the debug menu alone, because it has 350+ Debug options. So, I continued exploring and realized "....oh.....ok...this is going to be an hour long........."

So then I explored more and started writing a script for an hour, and then it expanded into 1 segment that was 2 hours long and....I kept adding to it, adjusting dialogue and so on and eventually that 2 hour video turned into 8 segments. So I said "ok, I'm satisfied with 8 segments." Little did I know that was just the start.

I managed to get in touch with some developers from superbot and gave me information that I never would have found out otherwise, like that there was no lair stage planned, ever, then I got in touch with beta64, who wanted to make his own segment and boosted my video series as a result.

After the 8 segments were written, and I started recording, I had an idea "wouldn't it be cool to document the music too?"(segment 9) and "its probably just a few minutes anyway" so I got into the music sections, and I found...............oooooh kay, this is another hour of content, this makes it at 3 hours. 

Eventually it went to 2 hours and 45 minutes because I worked some things out to make things smaller, and eventually, it sat at the end point of 5 hours and 6 minutes or so.

I published segments 1 and 2 just a while ago, I'd guess maybe 2 weeks ago, and I found that it was very well liked, and I and thankful for everyone who watches it.

I worked really really really really really really REALLY hard on the Title Fight Investigations series, and I tried to give the game justice. If anyone has any questions, please let me know 🙂

I've included a link to the playlist containing all the segments that are available and links to ones that are in premiere.

I hope they are enjoyed 🙂


title fight 1.PNG

Entries in this blog

Jeanne D Arc Investigations.

I donno just yet on when, but I definitely have an active interest in investigating Jeanne D Arc on PSP to display not only the debug functions in the retail version but the debug in the prototype version as well that I have, as well as numerous other differences. Considering that I've never played Jeanne D Arc, and I've been wanting to for years(since 2007) this sounds like a fun project.



next project?

Having (mostly) finished my title fight series, I'm interested in covering other games that I either A: previously have covered or B: that I have never covered before. I'm pretty sure my next project is going to be the demikids games, but considering that I'm getting prototypes of ape escape ape quest, 2 different builds of ape escape saru saru big mission, and of ape escape racers, I'm torn.(not from jak 2) neither saru saru big missions have debug...so I'm told, but I'm holding out h



Title Fight Investigations

Hello,  I'm kuriatsu and this is my immensely creative blog of phenomenal cosmic power, with itty bitty living space. About 5 months ago, I found a playstation 3 on ebay that said "it only plays spiderman demo" so I picked it up because There are no spiderman PS3 demos. Let alone in the ps3 slim DECH-2500 production cycle. So I received in the mail after a housemate plopped it in my lap and said "package for you"  so I figured it'd be the PS3, I booted it up and I found that



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