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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. Found a use for my accidental double post: I've included a link at the top of the OP that lists what is on each volume of Action 53. Get excited for Volume 4!

  2. This year I gave up being angry for Lent.

    Lately I've found myself getting really really pissed off when someone/something annoys me such as when I'm getting lunch and I can't get somewhere because the food court near my office is full of tourists walking 3 abreast, slowly, staring at their phones, or I'm crossing the street and a car nearly runs me down to beat the light, my girlfriend tells me about everyone who harassed her today, etc. I'm not great with my emotions and I tend to bottle them up, which means I seem really happy-go-lucky to most people I know, while I'm raging on the inside.

    I hate that I do this; I know that so much is stuff outside my control as well as me failing to consider the perspective of others. So when I feel myself getting angry over something trivial, I force myself to stop and think "do I do this sometimes?" or "is it possible there is a good reason that happened?" It's been hard so far, but I've found myself feeling generally happier about life day-to-day.

    • Like 3
  3. 8 minutes ago, KokiriChild said:


    @Scrobins are you interested in playing? I think you should 😆

    Also, if I'm not mistaken, if Splain, Mega Tank, and Scrobins all play we should be at 17? Whether they choose to play or not at least one or two more players would be ideal. 

    C'mon folks, it'll be a grand old time!

    Count me in 🙂

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Welcome @TurtleRescueNES! Glad to have you here. I managed to get a copy of your game through Zi in Syracuse and I’ve enjoyed playing it. You raise a good point I’ve been putting off: whether and how to catalog variants.

    My thinking so far has been to note variants where there is something different in the game itself but not include variants that are the same game with different cartridge designs. For example with regard to Commie Killer, I included the Wittenhagen variant because the head and vocal sound effect for beating a level is different but I don’t include variants such as the KHan variant because it appears to be the same game as the original but with a little picture of Kevin in the corner of the label.

    Is the gameplay different across the 3 versions of Turtle Rescue you listed? If so I’ll definitely make that update to my list.

    And as always was I’d love to hear how others feel about treating variants on this thread.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

    This happened to me multiple times while in university, on a night out people would come up to me and start chatting with me, swearing that I was in XYZ class with them a year or two back. Besides not having a clue who they were, the problem always was that I hadn't taken any courses with the professors they claimed to share in common with me. 

    You should have used them to get the university to give you another degree in whatever program that was! “Im telling you, Dean, I wrote a dissertation on that subject, just ask those people that saw me in class!”

    • Haha 1
  6. I was walking back to my apartment last night and bumped into a woman in my building who smiled and said “Well hey, I’d know that walk anywhere!”

    I actually get this a lot but what’s weird is sometimes people follow up with what it is they claim to recognize and it’s never the same! Some people notice a slight limp from an old knee injury, others say I walk with the self-assuredness of an actor or posture of someone who’s ex-military (I’m not), and others say I have some kind of happy-go-lucky gait and I’ll probably jump and click my heels at any time.

    Has anyone told you that you have some distinctive recognizable feature that you never really thought about?

  7. On 3/1/2020 at 8:17 PM, mail_bag said:

    Transaction #5

    Buyer: Scrobins

    Item: Kevin Powers: In Too Many Games (CIB)

    Transaction: Complete

    Fast delivery, game plays great, everything in great condition, just overall great to work with, and thank you!

    • Thanks 1
  8. And for you Genesis fans out there, Arkagis Revolution is up for pre-order through Broke Studio! See revised link in OP. For those who haven't heard of it, it's a mode 7-like shooter that Sik has been teasing on Sega-16 for awhile. Check out that thread here.

  9. Looks fun! It's kinda frustrating that their page lists 3 stores, but the links are to their homepages rather than a dedicated page for the game (and I can't even find the game on two of them).

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