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Posts posted by B.A.

  1. On 10/29/2019 at 10:53 AM, MrMark0673 said:

    Haha!  I only play once my wife and daughter are in bed, but when my life settles down I can usually squeeze in like an hour a night.

    I have a TON of stuff on my plate that will be over soon and then I plan to binge it hard.

    I'm in the same boat, I have been plugging away at DQ11 after the kids go to bed for like an hour a night.  It's fun though! 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Bubbapauls said:

    Is there any kind of time line or estimate on how long it could be?

    Honestly, I have no clue how long something like that would take to be built and am curious.

    To get started or finished? We could probably start it pretty soon. It will probably never be truly finished.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Nes Freak said:

    yes! 😛 that was my favorite part of NA  it gave me goals to complete my collections.  but please make the icon higher res than 16x16   like 32x32 or 50x50.  some of the 16x16 badges were unrecognizable lol.  so much that i opted to improve some of the badges last year and sent it to Dain  which he used to update.


    wile on the subject since we arnt in NA anymore what the heck was the its a boat and turkey jives badge for anyways? surly its not a secret here lol.

    Woo hoo! I can tell the secrets now. The boat you had to specifically ask for. Not, what is the boat? How do you get the boat? It was "I want the boat" Jive Turkey was a saying this dude skulldeath said all the time, so we made one to give to him. No real secret to that one, often you would get it for making fun of the awards.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, RH said:

    There might be a fellowship but some *one* still has to carry the ring.  So, in this context, who's paying the bills?  I had assumed it was Gloves.

    Regardless, I'm glad to hear you're keeping this as community driven as possible.

    Those don't necessarily go hand in hand. No one is paying the bill out of pocket, the costs are funded by donations. Any number of people could hit the "send payment" button.

  5. No, there is not an "evil overlord" here.  That is a system that we DID NOT want to emulate from NA.   

    Gloves is skilled in web design so he did a lot of the initial heavy lifting in getting the site launched, however major site decisions are made via committee.   

    We are handling former banned users from NA on a case by case basis.  If they are a known scammer, we would be foolish to welcome them back.  If they were a little annoying, then we would be more inclined to give them another shot.  We aren't out recruiting those guys though! 😉  

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  6. 50 minutes ago, MeganJoanne said:

    Hailing from NA as Miss Clawful. Actually I ran away from there, and everywhere for some years so I just logged back in there today, but can't seem to get back on, some error code and this site here was suggested so I checked it out. And a lot of you I recognize from there, so there is that. Maybe I'll be here instead, have to see. I lurked for a little bit, but instead of continuing to lurk for what could have been forever I decided, why not, I'll sign up and if I don't like, I can sign back out. Well, unless someone captures and ties me up forcing me to stay until some mutant turtle or something comes along to free me. The name I'm using now is my own, nothing fancy or cool sounding, just me. I'm not sure if I'm getting into this too late, as is I've been so out of touch for a long time with people and even the games I used to know so well. Sorta spent a few years addicted to Skyrim and State of Decay where that was pretty much all I did. Also the classic game forums seem to be really slow from the handful I checked out, and signed back into Gamefaqs some days ago and some areas are like barely active, maybe this place will be different. Don't know if that would matter, it would all come down to me because I left the scene when things were still good and very active, so...

    Glad to see you made it over!  This place has been hoppin' so far, though we are a week in.  I think you will find the vibe to be similar in a lot of ways to the old NA, and in lots of ways better. Hopefully you stick around. 

    Your cross-stitching was pretty amazing, are you still doing that?

  7. I don't love the influx of people buying up games purely as part of their investment portfolio, trying to get ahead of the 'next big thing'.  I don't begrudge anyone who wants to collect something because they enjoy it.  WATA grading games is providing a service, so I don't blame them.  Though they are part of the hype machine to an extent.  

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  8. 3 hours ago, Gloves said:

    I believe there are talks going on behind my back about some "MGC" thing in April. I can't personally promise anything since it's a world away from me physically and nobody tells me anything but that could be a thing.

    Mr. Agoraphobia here wouldn't show up unless it was held in his backyard!

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