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Posts posted by B.A.

  1. I had a buddy who's divorced parents liked to compete for his affections by buying him stuff, so he had an awesome NES collection.  The one game in particular that stands out is he actually owned Donkey Kong Jr Math.  The cool thing was he kept all the boxes and manuals and around the year 2000 or so he gave them all to me because he wasn't interested anymore.  

    So the funny part is the only game that wasn't CIB was DK Jr Math.  That is because him, another buddy and I put the box up on a dart board when we were kids one day because the game sucked so much!    😫

    • Like 2
    • Haha 5
  2. 11 hours ago, Tdub21 said:

    I thought that my understanding was that guy who brought it in to "sell" was one of the 3 investors who brought the 100K one earlier in the year, and one of them is a founder or owner of Heritage Auctions? And Heritage Auctions works with Wata games?

    correct me if i'm wrong

    but seems like a ploy to try pump up their investment, with the notion to bring more exposure to Hertiage and Wata?

    That's my take on it. 

    • Like 3
  3. 14 hours ago, Foochie776 said:

    Brian dude that’s awesome! How did you get that? Did you buy it knowing or what is it a surprise?

    I got to know Thor years ago, around the time The Ecstasy Of Order movie was being made.  He auctioned off something from that movie (something I will probably show in here later).  I ended up flying down to Texas to pick it up.  He was great, I hung out at his place for the weekend.  At some point he mentioned that we was planning on selling some stuff including Nintendo Powers, so I jumped at the chance to get this specific issue from him.   

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  4. I thought it would be fun to talk about items in our collections that are truly one of a kind.  Not necessarily OMG worth super moniez discussion, but stuff that if you let it go you couldn't get another one.  

    Some examples might be:

    • An item used at an event or during a significant time in video game history
    • Something that can be traced back to a famous person, or even something specific you had growing up
    • Just anything you know there isn't another copy that is the same out there

    This stuff could be valuable, but I'm talking beyond just dollars and cents.  Lets talk about unique items with a story behind them.  

    So I have a couple in mind, but first here is one of my favorites. 

    Nintendo Power issue 18 - Dr. Mario


    This was the issue that profiled finalists for the upcoming NWC 1990 competition.  


    So that's cool and all, but what's the big deal?  

    As seen, the first profile is Thor Aackerlund, and as we know he was the one who went on to win the whole thing.  Well this was his subscription copy sent to him while he was preparing for the finals.  The champs personal copy! 


    I've always thought this was a pretty damn cool piece of unique memorabilia.  

    Post em if you got em! 

    • Like 16
    • Wow! 3
  5. He was also part of the reason they were down 20 at halftime. That 1st half was putrid. He has played a lot better over the last 6 games, but the Dallas win was the only one really out of the ordinary for him. The other team with a winning record they played in that span was a loss to the Chiefs. The rest of the wins were against bad teams. Vintage Cousins.

  6. 23 hours ago, terzdesign said:

    So who created this site after NA dropped off the map, and when? Just out of curiousity. Or was it created a long time ago and we are just now discovering it?

    I spoke to the timeline a bit in this thread

    Gloves and I had the original conversation on deciding to move forward with a new site. Then a lot of NA alums were brought in for the planning.

    • Like 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, jonebone said:

    DA Origins is my favorite modern RPG too.  Fallout 4 is pretty close behind but DAO was amazing.  DA2 was such a let down though.

    On the oddball pick, this game almost made my list too:

    Image result for tiger electronics baseball game"

    I know I had 2 or 3 but this one got the most use in my driveway amongst us friends.  Everyone wanted a turn with the Baseball Tiger game. 

    Hell yeah, I had this one.  Played it so much that I memorized exactly what base you could get to 100% of the time by the 1st dot the ball got to after hitting it with the bat.  

    Image result for handheld baseball game

  8. Limiting it to 10 is though, but I think I have it pretty well narrowed down to real milestone games.  Here it goes

    1. Space Invaders - 2600

    The first console I have at home was a used Atari 2600, I remember playing a lot of Space Invaders with my dad. 

    Image result for space invaders 2600


    2. Mike Tyson's Punchout - NES

    Tough to pick out a single NES game, but I will go with Iron Mike.  I remember talking to friends at school each day about how far we got the night before.  Getting up and running around my basement when Doc was training Little Mac after winning a belt.  The first time I finally got Bald Bull.  Good times! 

    Image result for bald bull nes

    3. Zelda: Link to the Past - SNES

    I rented a Super Nintendo one weekend with Zelda and I was hooked.  This was when the game counselor line was up and I probably spent a months worth of allowance calling those guys like 20 times over that weekend.  

    Image result for link to the past

    4. Final Fantasy 2 - SNES

    Yeah I called it 2, because that's what it was to me!  Another weekend rental (though I had my one SNES by then).  This is still the game I have probably replayed the most in my lifetime. 

    Image result for final fantasy 2 snes

    5. Quest for Glory - DOS

    This would have been around the time we got our first computer at home.  This game was really fun. 

    Image result for quest for glory dos

    6. Snake on the TI-85

    Yep, here is one out of left field.  I was in high school at this time and got a TI-85 graphing calculator.  It could play rudimentary games which I thought was the coolest because I could get away with it in class.  

    Image result for ti 85 games

    7. Mario Kart 64 - N64

    This game was college.  Playing 4 player in the dorm was the best.  We played so much of this with the speakers blaring.  Toad was my go-to. 

    Image result for mario kart 64

    8. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Gamecube

    My first Fire Emblem game.  Fire Emblem has become my favorite franchise. 

    Image result for fire emblem path of radiance

    9. Dragon Age Origins - Xbox 360

    This game holds a spot as being the first game I really gave a chance on a non Nintendo system since the sega master system.  I am a huge Nintendo fanboy.  I really liked this game though.  

    Image result for dragon age origins

    10. Dragon Quest Builders - Switch

    Love this game.  I can pick it up and play it and get sucked in over and over again making new cities.  Definitely the switch game I have sunk the most hours into.  

    Image result for dragon quest builders

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