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Everything posted by TheManaTree

  1. N64 labels are nearly impossible to clean without ruining them. Gotta love the glossy protective layer *most* NES and SNES games have.
  2. One time a box protector did save me from damaging something in my collection. My boxed Arkanoid for NES fell off the top of my shelf and hit the ground. The box protector cracked into multiple pieces, but the game and box were perfectly fine. So I guess the protector actually did it's job!
  3. This isn't exactly what you're asking, but it's close: I was one of the kids that actually kept all of my NES & SNES game boxes (and kept them in good condition too). I proudly displayed them on a shelf in my bedroom. Some quite valuable boxes today (Dracula X, All the Mega Man X games, all the Final Fantasy games, Secret of Mana and a lot more). When I went off to college I didn't have room to take them with me so I boxed all of them up, along with a complete set of Nintendo Power magazines up to that point (around 1997). I asked my parents to store them while I was away. My dad without really thinking about it decided to store them in the garage (which was very damp). When I asked about them later he told me, "oh sorry, those got covered in mold, so I threw them away). He didn't mean an harm, but damn does it still hurt knowing how much that stuff is worth now. Luckily I at least had the carts kept separately, so they survived.
  4. I've always wondered about this. Couldn't the flaps/tabs on the bottom of the box be pulled open? They might get a bit bent in the process though if not done carefully. I was worried someone out there might fake sticker seals to up the value of a game. Seems easier to fake than H-Seam shrink wrap, and considering the money people have been dropping on sticker sealed games lately, it just seems risky.
  5. I just signed up for it since they have that 3 months for a buck deal right now. Seems pretty good! There's a lot of stuff on here I wanted to play, so I'll most likely keep the service after the 3 months are up.
  6. Sorry, that must have been someone else (with good taste in video games ). Thanks for the welcomes everyone!
  7. Hello from another former Nintendoage user! Although I rarely actually posted on NA myself, it was a useful source of information whenever I needed to look up a really specific detail about some collecting aspect. While I feel that I have a decent level of retro game collecting knowledge, I know there's always people who know far more than myself and I appreciate having a place to go to when I need an expert opinion. My hope is this place can be that, and more!
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