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Posts posted by MegaMan52

  1. On 4/14/2023 at 8:11 AM, drxandy said:



    Robocop popped up at the local gamestore, another one off the list 🙂

    Got that same Robocop game on GameCube.


    2 hours ago, drxandy said:


    Lil old gremlin(mogwai)

    I saw a Gizmo plush on display at a game store I visited earlier this month.


    2 hours ago, drxandy said:

    That's all for this week, enjoy this giant Thomas someone made 🙂


    Now if only a TV could be put in there, it would be perfect for this Plug and Play game: 


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  2. On 4/18/2023 at 9:45 AM, Ankos said:

    I've never found a Castlevania DX, and I've been looking pretty hard for a long time. It and Zook Hero 3 are the two Sintax games I've been searching for the hardest, but they're just plain hard to find.

    You're talking about Rockman & Crystal for Game Boy Advance, right? I've been looking for that game for about a decade now. I've also been looking for an English copy of Zook Hero Z.

    BTW, Zook's backstory is like Robocop's.



  3. image.jpeg.22c1fabd4e91908c2ad6e691c04a513f.jpeg

    I will continue to support the Mega Man franchise, even if it means buying compilations/re-releases of older games. Hopefully Capcom will release a Mega Man 12 and/or Mega Man X9 someday. I'd even be willing to buy a Mega Man Legends collection, in the hopes that Capcom brings back Mega Man Legends 3.


    Capcom was wise to include both volumes of Battle Network Legacy Collection in the physical release, instead of just including the first one and a download code for the second.



    I like that MegaMan.EXE is voiced by his actor from MegaMan NT Warrior. I also like that he poses when you take screenshots. I did the same pose while using a Photo Booth at a Chuck E. Cheese a few months ago.


    Got the 4K release of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, which includes a Blu-ray disc containing over an hour of deleted and extended scenes.

    I also got Season 4 of Cobra Kai on DVD, which I had a hard time finding locally. The first three seasons were easy to find at my local Walmart. However, I looked in Walmart and Best Buy recently (and have looked in Walmart multiple times this year) and couldn't find Season 4. I also checked on eBay and while there are several copies, I noticed there were very few from sellers in Canada. It made me wonder if Season 4 was even released on DVD in Canada. I knew it had to be, since the first three were. I decided to look in Sunrise Records. I don't know why I didn't think of going there a few months ago. But anyway, they had it. If a movie or show can't be found at Walmart or Best Buy, it can probably be found at Sunrise Records.


    This poster for the new Super Mario Bros. movie is also something I couldn't find at Walmart, but was able to find at Sunrise Records (they had a few different ones).

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  4. In the Wild 


    Difficult decision. I'll say this Coleco Telstar Pong console is one of the better items I've found in the wild. I didn't expect to find it in the wild with its box. Other top finds in the wild would be my Japanese copy of Mega Man 4, Ms. Pac-Man Plug and Play, and a Super Mario Bros. 3 poster.

    On eBay 


    Again, a really tough decision as I've bought numerous items on eBay over the years. But I'll go with my Super Mario Bros. 3 McDonald's toy display. My Mega Man CES 1990 hat, sealed GameCube Component cable, and Mega Man X Controller are also contenders.

    For Free 



    I didn't buy anything on NintendoAge, so I'll mention my top free pickup instead.

    A friend gave me his Sega Master System collection for free. Well actually, I traded him disc 1 of Tales of Symphonia (he had disc 2) and a Wavebird Controller w/Receiver. So if that doesn't count, then I guess my top free pickup would be a Super Mario Bros. 3 bootleg cartridge which the same friend decided to just give to me.

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  5. The Super Mario Bros. 3 sprites were most likely completed first. Remember SMB3 was released in Japan in 1988, the same year as the American Super Mario Bros. 2. Mario and Peach's sprites in the American SMB2 appear to be newer, touched-up versions of the SMB3 sprites.

    Super Mario Bros. 3 Influenced the Design of Super Mario Bros. 2 — Thrilling Tales of Old Video Games

    Here's an interesting article about it.

    • Like 2
  6. I mentioned a couple months ago that I've been taking a break from collecting physical games since I've almost run out of space in my game room. I've been thinking about turning another room in my house into a game room. Not sure when I'll get around to doing that.

    But I did some travelling and visited a huge game store that has just about everything video game collectors would want. Retro and modern games, consoles and handhelds, new and used, Arcade games, store displays, Kiosks, merch, Japanese imports, posters, Wata graded games, and an area where customers can play games. It's all there.









    I already have plans to go back. Thankfully I already have 200+ games for my GameCube(s), including the majority of what I saw at this store.





    After looking around for almost an hour, I decided to buy Crash Bandicoot 2. It's nice to have this game again. I originally got the game in 1997, and still have the shirt that came with it. This copy appears to be in pretty good shape. Sure it's a Greatest Hits copy and not one of the earlier copies with the holgraphic cover. But the game is one of my favorite PS1 games, this copy is in excellent shape, and cost $30 Canadian, so I can't really complain. Since I didn't have to pay shipping, I think I saved $20 or $30.


    I bought a physical copy of Pac-Man Museum+ last summer. I read that there were some "bonus figures" that people could get if they bought the game within the first month of its release. I thought it was only available to those who downloaded it, but read that some who bought physical copies received codes. I bought the game less than a month after it was released and didn't receive any codes, so for a little while there I couldn't get these Figures. They've since been made available as paid DLC (kind of figured they would do that eventually), so I paid. Now I have a complete set.


    Downloaded the newest update for Sonic Frontiers.



    I also decided to go back to Chuck E. Cheese (it had been a few months). I got some of their Spring/Rainbow Cotton Candy. In addition to a stuffed crust pizza, I also ate some of their Rainbow Dippin' Dots Ice Cream. And I got a collector's cup (I was asked if I wanted to upgrade to one of these cups).

    • Like 9
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  7. Critics giving a video game-related movie low or mixed scores? What a surprise. I don't take their ratings and reviews of these kind of movies too seriously.

    While the movie obviously won't be a "masterpiece" and probably won't be "great", I doubt anyone really expected it to be. Who cares what the critics have said about it? It's not really aimed at them. It's for kids and us long-time Mario fans. The fact that the movie is full of easter eggs and references, as the trailers and posters show, proves that.

    I already mentioned this in a previous post, but I'll be watching the movie in Theaters and buying it on Blu-ray when it's released on that. I enjoyed watching the Sonic the Hedgehog movies in Theaters and again on Blu-ray. I suspect the new Mario movie will be reasonably good as well.

    I got a Mario McDonald's Happy Meal in January, and am going to see if I can buy a poster for the new Mario movie (I have a Sonic 2 movie poster). Looking forward to seeing the new movie on the big screen this month.


  8. -99/10 - What is this piece of crap and how did it get such good ratings in the past?! Avoid it at all costs and play an actual masterpiece like Hotel Mario.

    Edit: Now that it's April 2nd, it's time for the real answer.

    10/10 - Super Mario Bros. 3 is my favorite Mario game, and it is the actual best Mario game ever made.

  9. (Possible Spoilers for those who don't want to keep watching trailer or easter egg videos)

    Luigi's ringtone is the GameCube's start-up sound. Guess they realize that the GameCube doesn't deserve to be left out.

  10. image.jpeg.4ce048fe4bcbd1e2f5dce8ab4d708023.jpeg

    Ufouria for the NES. Probably the best NES game I've ever imported. Awesome soundtrack, too. I uploaded a video on YouTube in 2009 that contains the entire soundtrack (except for one unused music track, which I included in a separate video).


    image.jpeg.0b7593cfb8ae0b0b8fdec146c451c72b.jpeg image.jpeg.b75a284c88e3b125244cad8777455030.jpeg

    Adventure Island for GameCube. It's difficult (like a lot of other games in the series), but even so it is still a fun little side-scrolling platformer. I like the extra content that can be unlocked, including the Hudson Shooting Watch, commercials for the first three Adventure Island games (including the American commercial for Adventure Island 2), and an option to change the soundtrack to that of the NES version of Adventure Island. Honestly, though, the whole Hudson Selection series is good and qualify as hidden gems.

    • Like 3
  11. I knew even in the early 2000's that the whole "GameCube is a kiddie system" thing was total crap. That was the first era Nintendo themselves released two M rated games (Eternal Darkness and Geist) and also collaborated with Konami and Silicon Knights on Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I mentioned in my GameCube blog that it was the only console to receive fully uncensored versions of the original Resident Evil 3 and BMX XXX. Ubisoft also gave the GameCube version of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory a collector's edition Steelbook case, like they did with the other versions.




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  12. Like Spacepup said, it depends on how you define "success." To me, the N64 and GameCube were moderately successful. It's true that they weren't as successful as the NES and SNES and didn't sell nearly as much as the PS1 and PS2. But they weren't disasters either, still managing to sell at a profit, having several successful games (Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Melee, Double Dash!!, etc.), and staying on the market for a good six years or so.

    The Virtual Boy was discontinued after only about a year, while the Wii U officially became Nintendo's worst-selling console, was discontinued after four years (a little before the Switch was released), and most of its better games were re-released for Switch with added content. There's also the fact that, in 2014, Iwata took a 50% pay cut and Miyamoto took a 30% pay cut thanks to Wii U. The Virtual Boy and Wii U were the real flops.


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