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Posts posted by doner24

  1. 6 hours ago, acromite53 said:

    10/10 Is this even up for debate? 

    I adore The Beatles. It is incredible how much stellar material they put out in a relatively short amount of time. Like 7 years? Their music evolved so radically from beginning to their end.

    Lennon-McCartney were such a powerhouse of composing songs.  And The Beatles musical catalogue got even stronger once George Harrison was allowed more songs as his writing abilities improved. 

    I love their early rock N roll merseybeat sound  "With the Beatles" 1963, folky inspired "Rubber Soul" 1965, experimental "Revolver" 1966, "White Album" 1968 getting more independent with distinct writing styles from each member. I could go on. I enjoy all of their albums because each one brings Something New. I've listened to all of their songs. And their albums front to back so many times.

    It is alarming how many people dismiss the Beatles just based on their extremely tired and overplayed radio selection. Go below that top surface to experience much better songs. The Beatles aren't just "Come Together" , "Let it Be", and "Hey Jude". You think you know the Beatles just by listening to the radio?

    And then you can get into all of their solo careers. These guys were truly great. And there is so much stories and information about them. You've got the movies which are great. Check out "A Hard Days Night".

    I know a lot of y'all are joking about the Monkees. I'll say that I like them too. They've got some great songs. Yes they used session musicians but you cant deny they have great songs. I applaud them for wanting to break from that cycle and start writing and producing their own music.

    Ha, you literally called out my 3 least favorite songs of theirs. Agree completely with you. 

    • Like 1
  2. It’s a hipster thing to hate on the Beatles now days. They might not have been the best musicians of their era, but their songwriting still holds up against nearly everyone. Their output in such a small amount of years is pretty crazy, especially since it varies so much sonically from the start to the finish. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Tulpa said:

    Bah. Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Reba McIntyre, Conway Twitty.

    I would love to see my buddy Tyler Childers posted to see what people think. He’s country, but the real shit. Not the garbage Nashville stuff on the radio. He’s been blowing up lately and gone from 100 person rooms to selling out Red Rocks within a couple years. 

  4. Just now, guillavoie said:

    Congrats to you too! Do you care to tell us how you did it?

    Me and her alone (Almost alone) on a beach after a great day of exploring Sintra. We were having a beer together and I reached into my bag to “grab another beer” and knelt. Almost instantly this dog walked over to us and peed on her 😂 


    • Haha 3
  5. 38 minutes ago, Br81zad said:

    1. Combat (Atari 2600) - 1991

    My dad had (and still has) a 2600. Once I was old enough to know what I was doing, he started getting me to try different games. One that really stood out to me was Combat. We spent hours trying to shoot each other's tank or airplane. There are other games that I remember playing with him, but it seemed like anytime we had a gaming session, we always came back to this one.

    Related image  Combat Atari 2600 Tank combat with walls and reflective shots Combat Atari 2600 Biplane combat


    2. Tiger Electronic Bowling - 1992

    My very first handheld was Electronic Bowling. My parents have been league bowlers all my life. When we were little, my younger sister and I would tag along on bowling nights. I thought it was so cool that I could bowl while they were bowling.

    Image result for tiger electronic bowling


    3. Super Mario Land (Game Boy) - 1994

    The first Nintendo product I owned was the OG Gameboy, and I loved that thing. I took it with me anywhere I could. I haven't played the game in several years, but I can look at these screenshots and still hear the music and sound effects.

    Image result for game boy mario landSuper Mario Land Screenshot Super Mario Land Screenshot


    4. Top Gun (NES) - 1994

    My uncle had left his NES with my grandparents after he moved out. So naturally all of us grandkids would gather around the basement TV during family events over there and play the few games that they had. One of them being Top Gun. They had an Advantage Stick and we would set an old school desk in front of the TV to be our "cockpit". We had a lot of fun taking turns playing through the first stage. None of us really knew how to land, so we almost always crashed. And mid air refueling? Fuhgetaboutit. lol

    Image result for top gun nes Top Gun NES Taking them from behind. Top Gun NES Landing sequence.


    5. Apple II Educational Games - 1995

    My earliest gaming experiences at school came around 1st grade. The first machine I remember using was the Apple II and I'd be hard pressed to name specific games, so I'm just going to lump them together for my number 5. If you all are interested in seeing what the library looks like, follow the link. (It was a major blast from the past looking through these)



    6. TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (SNES) - 1995

    I got my SNES as a Christmas gift in 1995. Along with the pack in Super Mario All Stars, my parents got me this absolute gem of a game. It is THE best version of this game and for those who want to argue in favor of Hyperstone Heist, or the Arcade game, I'll shoot you down at every turn. My sister and I loved the head to head sparring mode and it was a big deal to get her into playing games with me. She button mashed and kicked my ass in the sparring mode, but she wasn't all that great at the main game. lol

    Image result for turtles in time snes box art Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time SNES Choose your turtle: who's gonna win? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time SNES The Foot Soldiers cause trouble even at B.C. 2 500 000 000


    7. Sid Meier's Civilization (PC) - 1996

    My first taste of turn based strategy came on the form of Sid Meyer's Civilization. I became obsessed with this game. Playing it as soon as I got my homework finished, and trying my best to ignore my mom's repeated request to come eat my dinner, I was determined to rule the world. I'm not even sure how or when we got the game. I think my dad actually got it for himself, but once I discovered it, I was hooked.

    Image result for sid meier's civilization 1 Sid Meier's Civilization Amiga Europe, 1 AD Sid Meier's Civilization Amiga Disturbing some barbarians


    8. Age of Empires (PC)- 1997

    I first discovered this game while staying over at a friend's place and had to have it. I was like Civ on steriods (minus the modern tech advancements). My strategy game experience to this point had been turn based, so the "real-time" aspect was highly intriguing and I saw it made sense to me as the next logical challenge. I loved it. 

    Image result for age of empires 1 box Image result for age of empires 1 screenshot Related image


    9. Diddy Kong Racing (N64) - 1998

    I didn't have a N64, but my cousin did. When my sister and I would stay over at my aunt's house, we would take turns trying to make our way through the story mode, or play several rounds of the airplane/egg mini-game. I'm sure a lot of you know, but for those that don't, the object was to capture dino eggs 1 at a time and bring them back to your next to hatch. Hatch 3 eggs and you win. The catch was, that they didn't hatch right away, and other players could steal them if you didn't protect the nest. It was a to of fun, and we still talk about the game among my cousins. (I'll have to have them over to play again sometime)

    Diddy Kong Racing Nintendo 64 Front Cover Diddy Kong Racing Nintendo 64 Fire Mountain is a capture the flag-type game, the first to hatch three eggs wins Diddy Kong Racing Nintendo 64 This shield will protect you from enemy attacks for a short while


    10. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (PS1) - 1999

    Playststion 1 was my next home console. I got it as a gift after completing 5th grade. My first game for the system was Spyro, which was ok. But I also had a demo disc that had the warehouse stage from THPS on it. I played that demo until I heard Goldfinger's Superman in my sleep. As soon as I could save the money, I bought the actual game. Although the 2nd THPS is my favorite installment, the first game holds this specific place in time.

    Image result for tony hawk pro skater ps1 Image result for tony hawk pro skater ps1 warehouse Image result for tony hawk pro skater ps1 downhill


    11. 007 Agent Under Fire (PS2) - 2003

    Ok, I know most people will call upon GoldenEye as the quintessential Bond multiplayer game. But THIS was it for me and my friends at the time. It was released late 2001 and I'm pretty sure I didn't pick it up until I saw it discounted the following year which may put that around late 2002 or early 2003. I graduated HS in 2006, so this game reminds me of the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. It was our go-to. I'd pack this game, 4 controllers, and a multi-tap anytime I'd stay over at a friend's. Many a late summer night were spent at my house with neighborhood friends coming over to play this game specifically. If my dad was awake and not working, he'd come up to hang out with us and join in on the fun. This game spawned so many inside jokes and too many hilarious memories to count.

    Image result for agent under fire ps2 Image result for agent under fire ps2 screenshot Image result for agent under fire ps2 screenshot 


    12. ATV Offroad Fury 2 (PS2) - 2005

    My dad and I taunt each other to this day about this game. Sure, the races are fun, but the hockey mini-game is the main focus of our trash talk. I'd normally get the better of him, but he would squeak out a win once in awhile. It never deterred him from running his mouth. 🤣   Offroad 3 and 4 had soccer and basketball mini-games added to them, and we tried those, but nothing will top the hockey in ATV Offroad Fury 2. We have spent hours upon hours playing this game and made memories I'll keep with me forever. 

    Image result for atv offroad fury 2  aof2_edited.jpg.70b9076a8d4daceb980b786b4eb2a0f4.jpg aof1_edited.jpg.75786d34cfa1ba221988321a50dd35d1.jpg


    13. Guitar Hero 2 (PS2) - 2007

    This game was a party fad for my first couple years of college. If you had to play on anything lower than Hard mode, you didn't get a turn. Drinking and playing GH2 was the dorm room go to.

    Image result for guitar hero 2 ps2 Guitar Hero II PlayStation 2 You'll need Star Power to get past some sections. Believe me, you will. Guitar Hero II PlayStation 2 Star Power Ready! Know what that means?


    14. Tiger Woods 2012: At the Master's (PS3) - 2013

    The last game I had a legit obsession for was this particular Tiger Woods installment. I played it to an unhealthy level and eventually platinum trophied the damn thing. If you look into the number of hole-in-ones, double eagles, and ridiculous other tedious tasks required to do this, I'm sure you'll think less of me for sinking that much effort into a golf game. 🤣🤣

    Image result for tiger woods masters ps3 Image result for tiger woods masters ps3 screenshot Image result for tiger woods masters ps3 screenshot


    15. Crash Team Racing (PS1) - 2018

    Yeah, I know, it seems odd that this would be on my timeline so late. I assure you, though, it's in the correct spot. I met my girlfriend in winter of 2017 and we got together in 2018. My collection has remained pretty much unchanged for about 5 years now (aside from some homebrew additions). So when I asked her if she wanted to pick a game to play, she had plenty of options. To my surprise, she picked CTR, my favorite cart racer of all time. She surprised me further when we fired it up and proved immediately that she was stiff competition. lol   It's remained a go-to if we're spending a night in and can't agree on a movie.

    Image result for crash team racing ps1 CTR: Crash Team Racing PlayStation A shield is a useful thing, it also is a very soothing shade of green. CTR: Crash Team Racing PlayStation A tribal head explains the rules.


    Honorable Mentions:

    Midnight Rescue (PC) - 1989

    Another game I recall from my elementary school days. Anyone else know about this one?!

    Image result for midnight rescue dos Related image Related image


    Wacky Wheels (PC) - 1994

    My dad had this on his work laptop once upon a time, and I'd always bug him to play it. My guess it, he got it for himself to goof off with. Eventually he broke down and installed it on our home PC. Many hedgehogs were hurled. lol

    Image result for wacky wheels pc game box Image result for wacky wheels game Image result for wacky wheels game

    Oh shit, that’s my favorite Bond multiplayer by far as well! When you had 4 solid players that knew how to use the Q-Claw it was awesome!

    • Like 1
  6. Tale of two halves for the Vikes. Big win though and I hope more than anything the coaches learn they need to be aggressive in their play calling on offense. Also, WTF happened to Xavier Rhodes. In two years he went from a top 3 corner to trash. 

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