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Posts posted by Startyde

  1. It's the perfect storm of swirling ignorance.

    CGC and Wata are locked at the hip, so it has pulled all the comic people in who have vested interested in both succeeding. They hype up the rarity of games to one another while being somewhat disingenuous or ignorant of the amounts or variants. For example, I've seen certain comic personalities hype up the rarity and value of certain Atari games that sold high on HA, only to find out they themselves submitted them from cases they have, knowing full well these are not rare. It's that kinda shady stuff that really ticks me off, and necessitates the need for a census.

    Besides that, it's just innocent ignorance. People are buying by name only and not knowing the specifics. PS2 games they dont know should have a holostrip, buying greatest hits SNES games not knowing they are less rare, etc etc. A lot of money will be lost, but many of these folks have the cushion to be fine.

    It's the small time buyer blinded by nostalgia and setting themselves up for a burn I worry about.

    TLDR: Buy whatever you want if you want it, but don't depend on it as an investment. 


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  2. 20 hours ago, avatar! said:

    I was just thinking, the PS5 is around the corner, LRG will certainly be reprinting games and releasing them on the PS5. Hopefully they'll reprint some expensive and difficult to find games such as Blasphemous. I wonder if they'll be any extras... hmmm? 

    Im hoping they go one further and make a new Blasphemous SKU with the Stir of Dawn DLC included. It's legit one of my fav games ever, they did such a good job.

  3. 1 hour ago, Aguy said:


    I know the Vita is region free but I didn't realize the Asian release had English. Now I may have to pick up a copy. I already have Muramasa on the Wii, and I'm not a big fan MK.

    Don't mean to harp on the point but Muramasa for Wii is rediculously inferior to Rebirth on Vita.

    1. Obvious difference is Wii in SD and Rebirth is HD. With these graphics and assets, it really makes a difference.

    2. They redid the entire control scheme. Pressing up to jump in Wii was always very weird and ruined the flow. It plays like a dream on Vita.

    3. The game was retranslated correctly. Wii has a notoriously bad translation, to the point where the plot makes little sense and weapons are straight up mislabelled. I guess Vanillaware was upset by this and personally oversaw to the far more accurate translation in Rebirth.

    4. Most significant, Rebirth has 4 DLC Episodes, each with their own new character, skill tree, moves, bosses stories and soundtracks. I found some to be even more more interesting than the main campaign and they each feature multiple endings depending on actions taken.

    In short, the Wii and Vita version might as well be different games.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Aguy said:

    They released Soul Sacrifice Delta (the expanded edition) but only Japan got it physical. It's dumb but I'm not a big fan of download only games outside of PC, and I didn't like the idea of having a game the wasn't the complete experience available, so I just never picked it up.

    Soul Sacrifice Delta has an english physical cart that was released in Asian territories if you want physical english. They were easy to get from play-asia for a long time.

    As for games, Muramasa Rebirth + DLC is one of the best hack n slash games released on any system, and is the only one to play in glorious HD. 

    Vita also has the definitive version of Mortal Kombat 9 with toooooooons of kontent packed into it.

    Finally, I recommend Street Fighter X Tekken as the later updates make it a very competent fighter and the Vita version is another definitive port chalked full of characters and extras not found in any other version. 


  5. Saw you had the People's champ edition for WWE 12, but missing the Austin 3:16 Edition of WWE 13. Was a THQ store exclusive, the last I believe before they folded. 

    There's also some hybrid game packages like MK VS DC Kollector's Edition and Soul Calibur IV Special Edition (slip case over box) and Soul Calibir V and Guilty Gear Xrd Collector's Edition (slipcase over book) that straddle the line. 


  6. Bust a Groove 1 & 2. Rhythm fighting games before the dance off was even popular. Extremely fun and catchy.

    Raystorm. One of Working Designs non RPG ports and it's a fantastic vertical shooter with awesome presentation and extras over the arcade port.

    Chrono Cross. Many have written it off as "not Chrono Trigger 2" but if you stick with it to the end, it touches on some profound themes and has legitimate top 5 soundtrack in all of gaming.

    Capcom Vs SNK Pro. While ppl fawned over Mahvel, the CVS series was kicking ass across arcades and consoles. While paired down in many areas, like all Capcom PS1 fighter ports, the PS1 was the only way to play the Pro version of CVS in the US, and is worth the admission price.


  7. On 6/20/2020 at 1:50 PM, galacticlint said:

    Once upon a time back when sealed Genesis games were only modestly above CIB copies in price, I bought a sealed Gunstar Heroes.

    Having previous success with VGA I sent it in to be graded and expected a 85 grade or so.

    It came back ungraded and they said it was a reseal.

    Trusting VGA that it was a reseal I opened the Gunstar to confirm CIB contents. I found it was indeed brand spankin' new, fruit roll up and insert poster and everything. Pin connectors on the cart immaculate and perfect under magnification.

    I was so mad that I pretty much sold my whole collection.

    In retrospect I should have just been happy I had a 100% CIB minty copy, but I got all bent out of shape for some reason.

    Moral of the story is that VGA is staffed by actual human beings who sometimes make errors. They are not God almighty.

    Genesis games come with a variety of different seal styles, depending on the company and print run.

    Gunstar Heroes VGA.jpg

    Genny can be tough depending on wrap. I literally fell for this recently on a copy of eternal champions. 

    The wrap was immaculate, seam on back and all. But I saw dust and small debris under the wrap, so started second guessing if it was a reseal. Cracked the wrap and of course, everything is gem mint inside, the connectors holding the cart never moved. The debris must have fallen through the small hole on the top over time and collected underneath with age. 

    All in all, as others have said, a grading company is less likely to declare something a reseal but rather, that they cannot authenticate the wrap. 

  8. 5 hours ago, neodolphino said:

    It's not that they are choosing to have those graded, that's their busniess... it's that WATA is grading them at all (especially in a "sealed" grading scale).  They are repros... of hacks... sealed by a "company" or person that is, for all intents, a hobbyist - likely taking someone else's work without approval and/or compensation and making something unregulated and unauthorized - how does WATA even determine if/how these things were sealed to determine if they are truly sealed and not resealed...??  Even if they are 100% as they came from the seller, these in no way should be legitimized...

    Well Wata is a new company with a lot of details to iron out, esp in regard to grading. "Nice guys from NA" was never a convincing endorsement for aptitude, and is particularly ironic given NA doesn't even exist anymore as it was sold out by also "Nice guys from NA."

    CGA had been grading toys for half a decade before going into games, and 15 years later still isn't perfect (no grading company is). There's just a lot of moving parts and noob peddlers lately and I feel they turn to Wata as an authority somewhat blindly. For example, there are two Ways GoW 1 for PS2 right now on eBay claiming to be first prints when they are not (first prints have holofoils and those don't). The sellers got the idea because Wata listed on the game that they have first party seals. I have no idea what that means, but these are second or third printings and people have no idea what they're grading or selling. Not necessarily Wata's fault but they aren't helping the switch listing a second print game as "first party seal."

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  9. 11 minutes ago, neodolphino said:

    I don't judge what people grade, as one man's trash is another's treasure, so I have no problem. The turnaround times are a different matter entirely.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Astor Reinhardt said:

    Has anyone been kinda...meh? On the releases lately? I'm not really buying anything from them...maybe I got burnt out but all the RPGs are feeling/looking the same or have a super boring plot line.

    It's actually kind of nice not having to wake up/stay up till 7 am and get anxiety trying to beat others to get a copy of a game...and of course my bank account is super happy. I'm actually not going broke at the end of the month anymore...feels great!

    Depends on your taste I guess. Their Blasphemous and SoR4 CEs have been amazing. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Redmond said:

    The first round of the SOR4 Limited Editions went pretty quick, within 5 minutes, and the PS4 version went quicker than the Switch ( granted they're making 1500 for the Switch versus 1000 for PS4, but demand's usually greater for Switch stuff ).  I haven't been buying LRG stuff too long, but that's one of the faster sales I've seen, the other being Metal Slug ( I think it was 3 ).

    PS4 was sold out in 2 mins, sans the Vinyl set. It's a nice set and the game has been a blast.

  12. 2 minutes ago, jonebone said:

    I beat it too... kinda meh, maybe 8/10 for me.  I never played the first and I only play remakes when I missed out the first go around.  It holds it's own even if you aren't familiar with the story, but not some mega RPG that it is hyped up to be.  My thoughts:

    Combat. Very fluid and easy to follow. 
    Character development. They push the stories of mid / minor characters and make the story more appealing.
    Music.  Definitely engrossing and catchy.

    Quests are average at best.  Downright brutal fetch quest at one point.  The kill the random monster quests are the best ones, everything else is forgettable.
    Weapons / upgrades.  I didn't get a real sense of excitement or accomplishment in finding weapons.  They look a little different or add a unique skill but you could beat the whole game just using the standard weapons.
    Summons.  They're powerful and cool, but only a few to choose from and only in certain battles.  Neat but I'd like more of a variety or more frequent using.  

    All in all, I'd say worth a play but not some epic game as I expected.  I'll play through the next version whenever it comes out (I think), but this one is shelved permanently for me now. 

    Trust me, it's worse if you've played the original. For example, FF7 has 17 summons, remake didn't scratch surface. The game is an interesting interpretation but the changes are going to get pretty annoying for the sake of condensing the game. Like FFXV before it, I have little faith in modern SE being able to fully realize big projects and these games will come down to being released every 3 years or having massive scale back on every level which makes the effort pretty moot.

    TLDR: No need to race out and get this until it's massively discounted.

  13. 1. Black Label First print with floating i in masterpiece.

    2. Corrected black label fixing floating i

    On 10/28/2019 at 7:38 PM, Bubbapauls said:

    I’m just wondering if anyone has a list of the variants with this game or knows of one I am missing. I know of four at the moment but I’ve heard there could be as much as 6 or 7.  

    1. Black Label First print with floating i in masterpiece.

    2. Corrected black label fixing floating i

    I'm pretty sure this is a common misconception. The very first printings of FF7 did not have the misprint i. A later batch did, and \it was then corrected later. 

  14. There's a lot of slimy tactics in the game market now that comic collectors and speculators are muddying the water with their brand of false, car salesman ignorance on what they're even selling or how rare it could possibly be. Wata is just their getaway driver.

    In summary, do your research before you drop money on anything. If you're not 100 percent sure what something is, or how many there are, just pass. 

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  15. 50 minutes ago, MiamiSlice said:

    FYI everyone, I seen people paying $60 or more on eBay for Blasphemous. Well, it's still in stock at VGNY for $44.99 and they are shipping: https://videogamesnewyork.com/

    They also have Death Road to Canada which is no longer available from Play Asia. 

    They also also have a bunch more Limited Run and Play Exclusive games, though some are a little more expensive than what you may be able to find on eBay. Blasphemous is definitely cheaper than eBay prices, won't cost more than $50 shipped. Also, all the LRG games at VGNY are Limited Run original variants, not Best Buy. 

    Blasphemous is one of the best games of 2019 (aka the Before Time), and genuinely cant wait for the LE to finally come out.

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